- sammysam_irish
I think sex is there to be enjoyed - as long as safe, fun, and pleasurable - go for it!
- 60 years old
- Male
- Joined 17 years ago
- Active more than a year ago
sammysam_irish's Blog
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Saturday, November 7, 2015, 10:57:57 AM- wife training - first week | ||
It was several evenings later, and we were all in the sitting room. Jim was on the sofa watching TV with my wife naked, stretched face down across his lap, with her bottom arched up for him, and her legs parted to afford him easy access to her slit. He’d been casually teasing her twat for a couple of hours – bringing her to the brink of orgasm time and time again before stopping to spank her buttocks hard. My wife alternatively moaning and squealing. I sat in the armchair next to them reading her journal. Jim had insisted that she kept a full diary – handing it to me to read and sign off on every night. The pages were divided up into columns with headings for the Date and Time, How Fucked (Cunt / Anus / Mouth), Fucked By ? (Masters Name), Where Fucked, Number / Strength of Orgasms achieved etc etc. My wife had been made to complete entries every day in her neat handwriting. I could only imagine what had been going through her mind as my once prim wife had been writing that she “had achieved her seventh orgasm (very strong) yesterday whilst being fucked in the cunt for the third time, whilst bent over the kitchen table”. At the back of the journal was a running total of her orgasms – Jim had promised to reward her with some treat for every 100 orgasms achieved - as long as each of them them were witnessed and signed off. I looked up as my wife cried out. Jim had parted her buttocks and inserted the tip of his finger into her anus. “NO NO” my wife cried… “Please don’t – not that… I cant…” She struggled trying to roll over as Jim easily held her down and worked his finger further inside…” Don’t be silly” he chided.. “mmm you really are tight..”. I realised that no-where in her journal had I seen her detail that she had been fucked up the bum yet. Jim had been good to his word that he would ensure I witnessed each of the key moments in my wife’s training. | ||
Friday, October 9, 2015, 11:38:45 PM- Chapter 2 : Training Begins | ||||||
Chapter 2 : Training Begins. I didn't see my wife for the rest of the night - or the next day either - she stayed locked in the spare room and refused to answer. However when the doorbell rang at 3pm the next day, I was both surprised and relieved to see her appear and slowly walk down the stairs. She had dressed as requested - wearing a white blouse and knee length black skirt with black stockings. Her eyes were red and tearful. "I'm doing this for you" she said as she opened the door to let Jim enter. "Hello Jenny", said Jim walking through the hall into the sitting room carrying a large hold all. He sat down in the armchair. "You may sit on my lap Jenny", Jim told her patting his knee. My wife remained standing for a moment - uncertain what to do.. before resigning herself and sitting gingerly on Jim's knees. He reached up straight away and grasped her right breast. Jenny gasped and instinctively knocked his hand away trying to stand back up. He quickly slapped her face hard and pulled her back down. "Never do that again" he told her.. "you are mine now to play with as I wish". And my wife - stunned and shocked into silence - sat there with her face crimson with shame and embarrassement, as he reached up and started to fondle her breasts again. "Tits out now Jenny" Jim told her after a while. My wife stood and sullenly unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra, exposing her breasts. Jim sat her back down on his lap and recommenced fondling each of them in turn - cupping them and squeezing her nipples as my wife squirmed uncomfortably on his lap. "Now tell me about your self" said Jim. "What?... What do you want to? - I think you know everything you need to" said my wife a touch of defiance in her voice. "Rick" said Jim - pointing at the bag he had brought with him... " Please bring me the first item". Inside his bag were a variety of ropes and various sex toys. I removed the thin cane that was lying on top and placed it within reach of Jim, returning to watch the show from the sofa. "This is how its going to work Jenny" said Jim patiently. "If I ask you something, or to do something, you answer me - or do it straight away. With no hesitation. If we were in a crowded supermarket and I told you to squat, spread your legs, and masturbate - the only conceivable question you could possibly ask would be "How far open do I spread?"... Do you understand ?" My wife stared at Jim horrified with revulsion on her face. Without a second hesitation Jim rolled her off he lap face down onto the floor, and grabbing the cane delivered a savage swipe across her bottom before my wife could even react. She let out a load cry of pain, bursting into tears. Jim sat back down pulling my wife back onto his lap, her breasts bouncing. "Now... where were we... Oh Yes !.. If I ask you something your answer - straight away - without hesitation. Do you understand? "Y.. Y.. Yes" sobbed my wife. "The first time you question me, hesitate to answer or to immediately do what I have asked - you will get one swipe with my cane. The second time - you will get two, The third time you will receive four. After that eight, then sixteen etc... DO YOU UNDERSTAND JENNY?" "Y...YES" cried my wife. "Yes WHAT?" "Yes Master" she whispered. "Very well. How old are you?" "34" Describe your twat for me please." "WHAT?..." The words were no sooner out of her mouth than she was dumped over on the floor again, her skirt thrown up, and Jim delivered two stinging swipes across her panty clad buttocks. My wife howled loudly as Jim sat her back down on his lap. "This could be a long night Rick" he said. "P..P..Please" my wife sobbed, "I dont know what you want...""I want you to describe your twat for me Jenny", said Jim. "Every girls cunt is different. I'm assuming that you know what your looks like - its important that you do - so that you know what men like and what they dont, know how to use it properly. Describe it for me... I will be examining it closely in detail in a short while Jenny - I want you to tell me what I will find.." "Oh my God" whispered my wife, her hands over her face. "Well?" "P..Please.. i dont know.." "Is it hairy Jenny? Do you shave it, trim it, or let it grow wild..." "I..I..trim it.." "when did you last trim it Jenny?" "This morning.." she whispered.. "Good girl" said Jim.. "You were thinking about me looking at it weren't you Jenny".. "Yes" she whispered... "Do you have big labia Jenny? Are they fleshy - do the inner lips hang lower than the outer? How big is your clitoris?" "Oh God".. moaned my wife as Jim opened her knees and slid his hand up her skirt. Nothing much was said over the next while - as Jim busied his hand up my wifes skirt, occasionally bending his head to suckle on her nipples. After about 10 minutes my wife shuddered and a low moan escaped her lips. I noticed with surprise how flushed she looked. Jim stood her up, "I think you're getting ready Jenny" he said. "Skirt off please". My wife slowly removed her skirt - standing in front of us in just her panties and stockings. I saw that she had chosen to wear black lacy panties and was totally shocked to see that the gusset was sodden through - she had obviously been juicing the entire time she had been sitting on Jim's lap. Jim looked at her appreciatively - "You've taken good care of yourself" he said, *Nice tits - I like them a bit bigger - but they will do. Ok - take your panties off now". He held out his hand for them. She didn't even hesitate but removed them quickly and handed them over. Jim held the crotch to his face - smelling them deeply before dropping them on the floor. "Ok" he said, "Lie down and spread for me"... "You mean to love me in front of Rick?" she stuttered.. "No I don't mean to love you Jenny " said Jim... " I may get fond of you - but I wont love you - Rick's your husband - he will love you. I'm just going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you every which way - many times. Im going to fuck your cunt. Im going to fuck you in your mouth and watch you swallow ever last drop of my cum. I'm going to fuck that virgin tight ass of yours. And I'm going to fuck you in front of anyone I choose. Now lie down and spread your twat open for me". My wife lay down on the floor with her knees bent, splayed open. Her sex was red and swollen, her labia spreading apart, showing the entrance to her vaginal opening, her cunt juice clearly in evidence. "Very nice" said Jim, removing his trousers, and exposing a surprisingly large erect cock. "When did you last masturbate Jenny" "She never masturbates.." I answered without thinking... "Last night" she whispered..."... and again this morning" Jim smiled at me. I stared at Jenny in disbelief. In all ten years of our marriage I had never seen or heard her admit to masturbating ever - she'd once told me it was shameful - and here she was telling a virtual stranger that she had masturbated twice in the last 24 hours... "Did you cum hard Jenny?" "Yes" she mumbled... "And you've cum three times since I've arrived If I'm not mistaken? The first time I sucked your nipple, and then twice whilst I was stroking your twat through your panties." "Y...Yes..." she replied. "Good girl" said Jim, kneeling between her legs - and without any further hesitation, drove his massive cock deep into my wifes pussy. She screamed out loud - clearly climaxing again as he fucked her relentlessly for what seemed like an age, with deep powerful strokes. Finally he grunted, emptying his balls deep inside her. He stood up and sat back down on the armchair. My wife lay there for a second - breathless and dazed before clambering to her feet. She looked at me - clearly horrified with embarrassement at everything that had happened - before grabbing her clothes and turning to run towards the door... "Where are you going Jenny?" asked Jim quietly. "For a shower" she replied tearfully, "and then to bed".... "No I don't think so" said Jim... "I may get Rick to wash you before I fuck you - but never afterwards. Its important that the smell and taste of our sex remains with you Jenny to remind you of what you are and how I've last fucked you. You can run along to bed now though - I'll be up in a minute". My wife stood there - a look of horror on her face as she realised that this wasn't just a one off - that she was expected to entertain Jim's demands throughout the night.. Sobbing, she ran upstairs to our bedroom, her bare bottom still showing the cane marks. "Well that went well for a first day" said Jim - reaching for his bag and his cane. And with that he followed her upstairs into our bedroom and closed the door behind him. | ||||||
Sunday, September 27, 2015, 7:16:40 AM- | ||
Chapter One - Introduction I'd met my wife at college and we been married for 10 years now. Like most couple - at first the sex had been fantastic - but then it had gradually got stale and was now perfunctory at best. My wife had never been overly adventurous about sex... Initially she had occasionally tolerated oral sex as long as I didn't cum in her mouth, and if we were having sex after an occasional night out, she had sometimes allowed me to go down on her - but only after she had showered thoroughly. The only time I'd insisted before she had showered - she had been so embarrassed that she cried. Much to my dismay she had never consented to anal sex. But when we did have sex - even if just pretty tame and unadventurous - she seemed to enjoy it - and would climax quickly. But after 10 years we had both really given up trying, and our relationship was falling apart. One evening after another row about nothing in particular we sat down on the couch and started to actually talk. In the early hours of the morning - after a lot of talking and a lot of crying - we agreed that we both wanted to try and save our relationship - and I'd insisted that sex was an important part of that. My wife seemed a little shocked about how forcibly id insisted - but i was adamant - we needed to re-vamp our sex life. "I want to try..." she sobbed, "- but I don't really know how - what you want... I can buy some nice underwear if you like...." "That would be a start" I said "But its a lot more than that - you need to act like you enjoy sex - not just lie there with your legs apart..." My wife sobbed louder.." Im sorry I.... I... do enjoy making love - its just... it just that it ... I feel so embarrassed about letting go... I don't know if i can - I promise to try though..." I closed my ears to her crying - if we were serious about saving our marriage then we needed to get this sorted. "Listen" I said.. "there's a guy I know - Jim - who is a specialist in this kind of thing - he can help us if you let him" "Like a relationship counselor?" my wife asked... "A sex counselor" "Oh God ! I don't know....I mean its private isn't it?" she sobbed.. "I understand that its pretty full on - but that he's helped loads of couples. You decide" I told her. And with that I went to bed - leaving her crying downstairs. After a few days of thinking it over - my wife reluctantly agreed to meet Jim to save our marriage. I deliberately left it a couple of weeks before arranging anything - keeping my wife in the dark. My wife was on tenterhooks - not knowing when or what was going to happen - with me just ignoring her questions apart from saying vaguely that things were in hand.. Finally I arrived home one evening with Jim. My wife met me at the door - looking surprised to see a stranger before realising who he was. "Hi Jenny" said Jim holding out his hand. "I'm Jim - may I come in?" My wife nodded nervously allowing Jim inside. "Why don't we all go to the sitting room and have a chat ?" said Jim. I led the way and sat on one end of the sofa to my wife, with Jim taking the armchair. "I understand that you have been having some relationship problems" said Jim, "If you don't mind me being blunt - sex is always the core of the problem and is also the key to the solution. If a couple are open, trusting, and have a full sex life - they are always happy and fulfilled in their relationship. It really is that simple. I work with couples to remove their inhibitions, and hangups about sex. In doing so - I fully restore their relationships. I have helped hundreds of couples save their marriages when all other avenues have been explored and failed - and all of them - all of them - tell me afterwards that their marriage has never been better. I've never failed yet - unless of course one or other of the couple has really already decided that they don't want to save their relationship. Do you really love Rick, Jenny? Do you really want to save your marriage?" "Yes of course I do..." stuttered my wife ".. more than anything... but how? .. what?"... "Couples fall into the trap of using or withholding sex to control their partner. Often its subconscious - the man or woman think that they don't enjoy sex, or just have a low sex drive - or that they are too shy or embarrassed to let go... but in reality they are just justifying their behavior so as to control their partner. If you really want to save your marriage - you need to be prepared to break down all these barriers." "B b But how..?" "It really is very simple Jenny.. You need to be prepared to allow me to take control of your sexual life for a period - you need to submit to whatever I direct. In doing so - you pass control from your subconscious to me and this removes the mental blocks. I will help you grow and develop - when I pass control back to you at the end of the process - you will feel totally empowered to enjoy your relationship with Jim to its fullest potential".. "B.. B.. But what...?" Jim smiled. "I think what you are trying to ask Jenny is does it actually involve having sex in front of me? With me?. The answer Jenny is that sex is sex. Of course it does". "Oh my God" cried my wife - "I couldn't possibly - I don't know... Rick?". I looked at my wife coldly. "It's up to you Jenny. If you really want to save our marriage then you would do this for me. This is the end of the line for us Jenny - I would try anything to save us - but its up to you..." My wife started to cry - holding her head in her hands. We sat and watched her until eventually she lifted her tear stained face and nodded dumbly. "You do understand .." asked Jim, "that this is totally your choice Jenny? You can say Yes or say No. But once you say Yes - there is no going back... no changing your mind. Jim will be with you every step of the way... He can stop this anytime that he wants - but you need to trust him. That's part of the healing process. Do you trust Jim, Jenny?" My wife nodded - her lip trembling and wringing her hands. "Ok - but I need you to say that you agree. Say it out loud please". "I... I.. agree" whispered my wife. "You agree for me to be you Master until such time as I or Jim says otherwise?" "Yes... I agree". "Very well Jenny", said Jim standing up. "I'm going now but I will be back at 3pm tomorrow to begin your training. Be ready wearing a blouse, skirt, stockings, and some nice panties." "OH MY GOD!" cried my wife, jumping up and running out of the room leaving me to show Jim out the door. | ||
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