Hi Guys & gals,
I thought it was only fair to update this blog. As you know, I had to post here as a result of a rather a silly but drunken bet with my boyfriend. I always honour my bets. As a result, what I just thought was a bit of a pervy site (it is that as well) it is also frequented by, in the main, a lot of nice guys & gals. I'm sorry that some of you never got to see my "cunt." I know some of you guys like to talk dirty! However, although in comparison to a lot of posts, mine were quite tame. Nevertheless, I have never shared intimate pics with anyone other than with my boyfriend before so for me it was quite daring. The boyfriend loved it. Need to get his Dick on here next,lol. See how he likes it! Anyway, I just wanted to thank the majority of you all for the lovely comments. I can now feel better about my boobs now. As for my bum, I still think it's too big, but you seem to like it, so I won't argue, lol. Don't think I'll continue to post, but never say never. Will include a bonus post (lucky you) to, in the main, drawer your attention to this blog. No, it won't be of my "cunt" If there are any sweet guys or gals who would like to email me, I'd be happy to hear from you & see what makes you tick? If you would like to include any sexy pics yourself, that might be fun too.? It's up to you. It's OK boyfriend knows about this blog, he's been grinning like a Cheshire cat. Oh, you will have to send me your addy because I can't receive pics on this site. Naughty, even rude is fine, but no real pervs please. Thanks once again & Ok it was quite fun too.
Sarah X |