well this is my first blog here, i figured i might intorduce myself and talk about things with me for a bit. well yesterday was my first time posting pictures on NN it was kinda a big deal for me because i have always been a little shy about expressing my sexuality ( i'm bisexual

) . i also uploaded a video, the only thing is that my camera isn't working any more. i might buy a cheap digital one for the sake of posting here. i'm very willing to do requests. i was so excited when i saw how many views i got, i expected one or two. let see, i should prolly introduce my self more. i'm 19 and i'm a full time college student. i like to go out and have a good time, i also like to stay in and play video games. in my spare time i also like to read. at the current time i am not seeing any one, but i'm in a difficult situation, i started to go out with this girl while she was on break with her boy friend and we started t really like each other. originally we were just supposed to sleep together a few times. but i guess we both sorta fell in love. but she got back together with her boyfriend , and still wants to be with me. i told her she has to choose though because she wants me to commit to her , but not commit to me. thats the closest to a relationship i'm in now. so i'm single in the physical sense but not emotionally, but then again i've been really horny.
aside from that stuff school is excelent only 8 more years till i get my juris doctorate :|. woo hoo /sarcasm. i'm working part time for awhile bring in a decent amount a month. just opened new checking acct cuz my old bank was dumb. i'm probablly rambling, well i wrap it up for now because i've never really done a real blog before either lol.