I have been wanting to start a dream journal, but I haven't quite found the motivation. I think it has a lot to do with my sex dreams, and how upsetting they are. Usually, they end up making me feel sad and alone. But the one last night, well that made me want to wake up and write about it on here.
So the dream starts off in a city I don't know. I am meeting up with an Asian girl I just meet and I am supposed to be going out on a date with her. She takes me back down this alley way, to a shady little wooden door. It is painted white, just like the walls around it, and if it weren't for a box of TAZO tea next to it on a shelf, you probably would never even notice there was something there. She knocks on the door and another Asian girl answers. She lets us in.
When I get in, I see a bar type set up, but there are leather couches along the wall. There is an assortment of people there, but only about 10 people in total. Some are drinking, others are standing at the bar smoking a cigarette. The waitress is in her 40s, wearing a red dress with a ruffled skirt and spaghetti straps. We take a seat on the couch, and the waitress proceeds to fit me with a collar. The collar goes down my back, so I can't turn my head from side to side. She rips my shirt open, and wraps a leather strap around my back, and locks my hands to it. They are stuck in front of my stomach, at waste height. I sit like this for a while. My date barely noticing I am there. The waitress serving her as if we are in a normal bar, and I don't exist. Suddenly a bell rings. My date turns to me, and attaches a chain from my collar to an iron ring on the wall. She said something like "its time for me to go pray now" and left. But it wasn't just her, everyone left the room. Each one of them looking at me as they walk by and I am left alone on this couch.
The waitress comes back, telling me she couldn't wait and wants me to pull my cock out now. Since my hands are strapped directly in front of my zipper, I comply. She yells at me for not being hard, then grabs my chain and pulls my face into her chest. As I harden up, she sits on me and starts riding me for a good 2 minutes. Until another bell goes off. She unmounts me, puts my pants back together, and goes behind the bar as the room fills back up.
Sadly that is where I woke up. But it was a pretty damn hot dream. |