i just saw the most stupid thing on tv a woman is sueing the company that makes pet doors because SHE was too stupid to realize that her 2 year old was able to crawl through it and fell in the pool and drowned. I feel bad at the loss of her child, but to blame a company and sue them because she was too stupid to not prevent her child from danger irritates the hell outta me. then for her to get on national tv and state that she would not have bought the door if she knew that her child could go through it just adds to the irritation!!!! HOW STUPID CN YOU BE!!!! its not the manufavturers fault....its your fault...... and the more frustrating part of this is that she will probablu win the f*n lawsuit and you and i (americans at least) will have to pay her for being stupid,,,,or at least pretending to be stupid,,to win money... with increased insurance rates and court costs. she should be charged with child endangerment. enough of my tyrade have a good day folks |