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I'm a major showoff. I love being up on stage nude because I get this wonderful feeling of power and control over the audience. I was working as a nude dancer in Mexico and shared an apt with another dancer. Tanya was 4 years older than I was, really beautiful, and was the first person who ever made me cum. Besides that, she also introduced me to coke and escorting. --------------------------------------------------------------- One day Tanya told me that she knew these nice looking guys from Mexico City with lots of money and would I like to go with her and party with them. She said we'd have fun and make more money than we did dancing. We'd just be getting paid to do what we'd be doing for free anyway. So I went along her and partied with them. Tanya was right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We had so much fun escorting together the whole time we lived together in Mexico. After that first time, we only did American guys with lots of money that Tanya knew. Sometimes they paid us just so they could watch Tanya and I together. That's where I discovered how much I liked having people watch me fuck. To this day, no one has ever curled my toes the way Tanya could. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My relationship with Tanya lasted until one day I was out shopping and met this handsome Marine corporal. He was crazy about me and would not leave me alone. Two weeks later we got married in Las Vegas. Tanya was so pissed off at me. She wouldn't even say goodbye and I never saw her again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I moved into a new place just off the base with my new husband. I had fun decorating our new apt and things were OK until the jerk left me to go on a six month deployment. He never told me he would be doing that all the time. Within a week I was bored and horny. So I went back to my old lifestyle of dancing at bachelor parties, snorting coke and escorting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to go visit my hubby so I worked all week and paid $4000 for a ticket to Okinawa. When I got there, my asshole hubby got all pissed off because wives weren't allow there. So he had to hide me. when we got to the base. It was just slutty ol' me and 5000 horny Marines. My lameass hubby kept acting like he owned me so the second he took his eyes off me, I'd go find some big, strong Marine willing to fuck me. LOL. I had so many cocks in me. Naturally, my stupid hubby did not like this one bit and he got into a bunch of fights. Well, soon every Marine heard that some horny slut was on base and his CO got word about me. Before long the shore patrol or whatever they were, caught up with me. My hubby's nasty old CO put me on the first plane out of there. Needless to say, my marrige didn't last too long. I never saw my Marine hubby again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I loved doing what I was doing. I drove this cute little jeep, shared a condo located right on the beach with two other girls and the guy that ran the agency we all worked for. I had all the drugs I wanted and the only guys I saw were older, successful business men and professional people. They included a pro football player and even a deputy DA who wanted me to fuck him in his office. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only shitty part were those assholes in law enforcement. You could tell they were cops the second you saw them. They would try to get you to say things or do things just so they could arrest you. I enjoyed jerking them around. One time, they even had to pay me! because I danced for them, had a valid nude entertainer license and I made sure I followed all the stupid regulations to the letter. They were really pissed off about that because I think the money came out of their own pocket. I mean would you turn in an expense report to your boss with $300 for a nude dancer on it?! ------------------------------------- I was only 18 when I started escorting with Tanya. I continued escorting on and off until I was 22. I don't understand why people think it such a bad thing to do. I could pick who I wanted to fuck and made as much money as the average lawyer. So what the fuck is wrong with that? I probably fucked over a 1500 guys during my short career. Big deal. I love to fuck and I'm a total slut. I just would of fucked alot of them for free anyway. xoxo, Slutty Lisa

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 19 years ago)
  • 47 years old
  • Female
  • Joined 18 years ago

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