Naughty Coffee Table Book project
I am a writer. I am working on a kind of naughty coffee table book. A book with erotic pictures, followed by stories inspired by those pictures.
The basic idea is for me to write stories based on erotic pictures sent to me from a girl - perhaps a guy - miles away that I have no real connection to
The stories could go anywhere and you would be helping create the concept for each story by deciding what picture you're sending, what body part, what lighting, what setting, what outfit, whos in the pic, etc etc.
I will write stories based on all the photos I receive, and if they turn out well enough, the stories will be used in the book, and I would ask your permission to use the picture - and likely share the profits from the book with you, in some manner, according to the publisher.
I don't want anybody to do something they don't wanna do, but I would love it if some people emailed me pictures to
[email protected].
The inspiration for these stories would simply be the pictures and their content; your face and body
and your sweat and outfit and the lighting and the setting, whatever....
I would not want to "request" the photos, because I would want them to come, perhaps, randomly and their content be completely fresh to me. I dont want to have any idea of what the pic is, where it was taken, whether it's a full nude, or fetish shot, or flashing thing or with somebody else, or
just a blurry section of a body part, or a perfectly crisp pic of a backbone or you holding some object or in the kitchen naked or you lying on top of hundreds of photographs of yourself or on top of pics of your favoirte bands and CDs, or licking a CD or using a boombox "impropperly" or whatever....
I just mention this ideas to get your imagination going, and to have an idea of what im hoping for; but I want you to take these ideas and make them even sexier and better and more developed or more abstract and maybe even include less of you and more of the things you own that are sexy or focus only on parts of you.
I'm sure you people would look fantastic in the photos and you could be dolled up like a movie star, or just waking up in the morning;
either picture is gonna be sexy in its own way and have its own story to tell.
I like the idea of pulling a story out of a picture of a beautiful woman/man/couple - your challenge will be to inspire me to make me find greater stories, different stories, in each photo - as soft or hardcore as you want - each setting, each outfit, each look, each pose...
To deliver to me an entire different erotic adventure every time you take a photograph.
If anyone is interested, email me photos at
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Or email and ask me more questions.