
Gift Premium

I was going to leave this blank and fill it in later, but apparently I can't save my profile until this is filled, so here goes: I'm a pretty down to earth guy, quite clued up on the world. Currently I require some extra activities as work has taken up most of my time, I've been unable to get out and have started to get a bit bored. There are times when I believe this is what life is like, but I've been told the way to live life is not to "find time" for things, but to "make time". I enjoy the things I've marked above and may update this profile later, but don't hold me on that as it's doubtful if I'll be able to make time for it.

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 16.1 years ago)
  • 41 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 16 years ago

standard_member's Blog