Tuesday, January 2, 2007, 3:46:53 PM- 2nd January 2007
Well got over the New Year without any problems. Didn't go out yesterday, Been in town today did a bit of shopping, going out tonight with some friends just for a quite drink and chat to see what everybody did over Xmas and the New Year. TTFN
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Monday, January 1, 2007, 10:42:56 AM- New Years Day
WOW what a night feeling a bit hungover, but no wonder must of drunk for five last night. Anyhow everybody that reads this have a good NEW YEAR Must try and get rid of my hangover before family comes round. TTFN
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Sunday, December 31, 2006, 3:38:29 PM- 31st December
the weather here now is terrible blowin a gale and galeforce winds and the time 15.36 its going dark aswell. Might get blown about a bit tonight i'll have to put some stones in my pockets to weigh me down lol
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Sunday, December 31, 2006, 1:55:52 PM- 31st December
OK went out last night but didn't stop out late having a late night tonight (with a bit of luck). Meeting up with some friends, thats if the weather dosen't get any worse.Trying to rain a bit and the wind is getting up theyv'e called off some firework displays cause of the weather and they say its going to get worse, maybe snow, but youy never know.
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Saturday, December 30, 2006, 3:52:08 PM- 30th December
OK had a great night last night meet up with some friends, then meet up with a girlfiend of sorts and her friends and went back to her place and had a party well orgy (thats what it turned into). There were two girls and three blokes and i won't go into detail, you can guess what happened.(yawn)
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Friday, December 29, 2006, 3:50:59 PM- Friday 29th Dec
Been out to do some shopping really cold in Oldham today, but that won't stop me from going out tonight. Afriend(girl) phoned me this morning to ask if i would like to meet her and her friend at about 9.30pm for a drink and a bit of fun, so i said on my own or bring some friends she said "more the merrier" no idea what she has planned but can't waioy no.Iwill give you an update tomorrow if im still alive.
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Thursday, December 28, 2006, 3:42:54 PM- thursday 28th Dec 06
Well here we are another lazy day been shopping in the local town and yes it was busy with all the sales and people taking things back, that are either broke or unwanted. And like i said earlier i've not been out but can't wait for 2mo rrow nite going out then with some friends. Bye for now
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 9:40:19 AM- Boxing Day
Well here we are Xmas Day over for another year and had a good Xmas Day at mothers with brother there a few drinks. Now i've just put a 12lb capon in for if or when my friends cum round then i can give them a sandwhich or two. As i said b4 im not going out till friday even if my friends pester mne to i'll just ignore them and probably say yes then not turn up, say i fell asleep or the car started playing up. I'll just either watch T.V or go on my puter and chat to friends round the world. bye for now
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Monday, December 25, 2006, 2:15:38 PM- xmas day
well here i am just got back from visiting friends and now going to have a shower and get ready to go to my mothers. Not going out again now till Friday so am going to chill out the rest of the week.
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Monday, December 25, 2006, 9:07:22 AM- Xmas Day
Well just got home and im knackered from last night what a night. Well today im going to spend a quite Xmas at my mothers my brother is going round as well, will stop there all day and go home later. Going a seeing some friends first though. CU ALL HAVE A MERRY XMAS