steve one's Blog
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 1:01:23 PM- glory hole | ||
it was a hot summers day and me my bf his friend and his grilfriend ahd been to the beach, we were on our way home in all the normal traffic, when steve pulled of the main road to miss the trafic and go down a counrty lane ,w e found a small country pub and had a few drinks hoping the traffic would be gone when we set of again, it was about 7pm when we got caught again in the traffic and took ages just to goa few miles, i told steve i needed the loo and he said he knew where one was , it took about another 45minutes to reach it, it was in a picnic area and had about 10 picnic tables and benches on a green and a brick toilet block, i run over as i was bursting , and when i went in the lights werent working, i walked into a cubicle which wasnt the cleanest thing in the world and pushed the door shut, it didnt have alock on the door so i bent forward and held it with my hand as i peed, there was no toilet paper to wioe myself dry and as i pulled my shorts up a small dmap patch appeared i tried to flush but that also didnt work so i walked back to were the others were now sitting, i told them about the toilet and straight away steve and ian looked down at my shorts to see them damp, afetr about 30 mins claire said she needed to go and asked if i would keep and eye on the door for her which i did ian went in the mens at the same time, when we all got back, ian told us there was a guy wanking his cock in the urinals and he could see it, whats it like claire asked , fairly big ian replied, to yours all are big she laughed, me and steve laughed to, there he is said ian as the man walked out , he had to walk near us to get to his car, i wonder if he cum i asked, he looks old said claire, steve said he now needed to go , and he walked into the toilets as he went in anotehr guy got out of one of the parked cars and walked in to, soon steve come back ok i asked , yes he said he did cum he said there is a load of it on the floor, nice said claire, we laid back chating and laughing, for about 30 mins ian said look at the cars parked here we are being watched , we all sat up and looked around, theer was several cars with guys in, and a few guys sitting on benches near us all seemed to be watching as chatting, steve said we still ahd another bottle of wine in teh car if we wanted it and straight away me and claire agreed we did, i got up and walked to the car and got it, teh guy in the car next to ours had his window open and was reading a dirty magazine i could see a picture of a girl legs wide open, he looked at me as i looked , i turned and walked back and told the rest, was he wanking asked claire i dont know i replied i couldnt see, i bet he was she said, we opened the wine and steve poured to large glasses for me and claire and one for ian steve didnt drinka lot when he was driving, she laid back on his back and i rssted my head on his belly laying on my side, ian and claire were both on there backs, we chatted and had a laugh and we drunk all the wine me and claire were both very tipsy by the time we finished it, a few of the cars had gone and a few new ones arrived, men were going in and out of teh toilets all the time, steve said he needed to go again and i said so do i and we got up and walked over to the toilets a guy sitting near got up and was right behind us as we got to teh block, i went to the ladies but it was so dark inthere i couldnt see a thing, i waited for steve to coem out and asked if anyone was in the mens, he said yes two men peeing, can we wait for them to go i asked of course he said, it took ages for them to come out and when they did i run in steve waiting outsid i run in a cubicle and shut the door thankfully it had a lock on it i quickly pulled down my shorts and sat down, then i noticed a large hole in the side wall, i could clearly see into the next cubicle, i had my pee and got up as i walked out a man was walking in he smiled at me as we passed each other, we got back to the others and i told them about the hole, claire said to ian go and have a look tell us if any more guys are in there and he went off he come back after a few minutes and said as he sat in there a guy went in the one next to him, and got his cock out and started wanking it then put it throught the hole what ddi you do we asked i run out he said, we all laughed, u go in there ian said to claire, she asked if i would go again, ok i said and we both walked over to the toilets we stood outside for a few minutes and no one come out so we asumed they were empty, a guy got out his car and was walking towards us , its now or never i said and w run inthere and into teh cubicle and shut the door, i sat down and claire stood her back to the door, soon someone opened the door to the next cubicle and then shut it we heard the lock , claire motioned me to look we were both trying not to laugh, i moved my head to one side and could just see the mans leg as he dropped his jeans,whats it like she mouthed to me cant see it i whispered back, have a better look she said i leant forward and coud see the man standing facing the wall his hand rubbing his semi hard cock, claire bent down to look wow she mouthed, we both watched as the man rubbed his cock making it bigger it was about 7 or 8 inches long fairly fat , it son was fully erect and the man let his cock go as it bounced up and down, we heard someone else walk in and go inthe other cubicle, then the first man put his cock right up against the wall just on his side, it almost filled the hole , claire asked you getting wet i am yes i replied, i looked up at her and her nipples were sticking right up and could clearly be seen thru her top, lets go she said and we opened the door and run out back to the two guys, what hapened asked steve and we told him, then we see the man walk out teh touilets , thast him i said, you should of wanked him said ian, as i laid my head down on steves belly again i could see he was aroused by it, i sat up , you turned on i asked as the other two looked at him his cock hard and pushing his shorts out, it is a turn on he said, what about you asked claire to ian yes he said, and his cock was jerking up and down in his shorts, just then a man sat next to us on the bench at the side, afetra few minutes claire said shal we go back and i asked steve if he was ok about it yes he said as quick as a flash of course i am, we got up and walked to the loos again this time we walked straight in claire seemed more confident ths time the cubicles were all locked, come on i said lets go, no said claire wait here and we sat by the wash basins, we could here s omeone moaning and we again tried not tomake any noise laughing, then we heard a door open and a guy walked out he looked at us and walked by, we quickly went into the cubicle and shiut the door, claire ddint wste anytime bending down and lookd in the hole a man ws sitting down his cock out and hard, teh man stood up and just pushed his cock thru the hole it wasnt very big but come thru enough , claire pointed tome to touch it u i mouthed and she grabbd my hand and placed it on it it jerked up as i wrapped my hand around it, i started to wank it, and before we knew it he was shooting his cum all over a lot landed on my lap and belly, i let go and soon the man dressed and went claire opened the door and as i stood up i could see all the cum onme i grabbed some paper no leave it she said show the boys , and we run back to the guys, look claire was shouting across the greena s we appraoched fuckinghell said steve , i laid down lots of it said claire looka t it how come you never got any said ian to claire, i stood out the way she laughed . thats not fair ian said, teh guys cocks were fully hard it was now getting dark we had been there so long, you wanta go i said to steve what he said , in the loos you can put your cock thru the hole, ok he said and we walekd off leaving the otehr two on teh grass, we wlked in and both cubicles were emprty but two guys followed us in i shiut my door and knelt down there was cum all over the floor and wall, i paleced a hand on the hole for steve to push his cock through to me, he pushed it through and i grabbed it it was already fully erect and i started licking it and sucking it, son his cum was filling my mouth he pulled out and i looked up at him throught the hole, nice he said,your turn he said and he pushed his hand through teh hole as i stood there he rubbed over my shorts, i puled them down and opened my legs as his fingers prised there way into my wet pussy, i stepped out my shirts so i could lift my leg right up against the wall, he pushed 3 fingers all teh way in and was getting quicker and harder as he finegered me, iw as soon cumming, as he kept going, after cuming i sat dwon that was great i said to him through the hole, yeah i know he said, i am covered in cum he said tome and theres nothing to wipe it on, same here now i said, i picked up my shorts and wipedmy mouth and face of his cum letme use them he said, and i pushed them through the hole, thanks he said, tehn when he finished i said pass them back, in a minute he said , come on i said, be back shortly he saaid and he opened the door and walked out steve i shouted to him but he was gone , whats up i heard somene say u ok, yes i said sitting down, the door shut and i see a face at the hole you ok he said i looked awy trying to make out this wasnt happening , next thing his hard cock was thru the hole,suck it baby he was saying suck it for daddy i couldnt help but lookas he pushed it right through the hole it was bigger and fatter than steves ,i grabbed it and ws rubbing it when i heard claire shout out you ok she was laughing and i could tell steve and ian was with her, yes i said where are my shorts, i shouted out, in the car steve shouted back, teh guiy pulled his cock out not knowing what was going on, and i heard the door open and he left, come on i said give them tome, then i see claire at the hole, shew as lauging at me as i sat there, tehn i heard soemone else come into the tpoilet claire moved out teh cubicle and before i knew it a man come in and shut the door, you suck him off and you can have your shouts, steve shouted, i looked thru the hole and the man was rubbing his cock he pushed it thru the hole and rubed it making it fully hard i licked it and sucked it as i wanked it, and soon he shoot his load in my mouth, i stood up ok i shouted out, open then door claire said and i opend my door, she was there laughing looks like you had fun she said looking at the cum on me, tehman come out of his cubicle and left,your nipples are so hard she said to me look as i looked down i could see them standing out, you should be naked she said its ok i said where are my shorts come on guys she said give me a hand and she grabbed one of my armsa whats going on i shouted as steve and ian both grabbed me they held me tight as claire pulled my top of, i wa naked as they held me there, come on i said give me my clothes , if you can get them you can have them, and they walked out come on shouted steve, i looked out teh door it was dark and only a few cars were now parked at thuis end of the picnic area, the others were back on the gras and i could see the man still sitting on the bench near by, i knew they wasnt coming back so i run to them my hands covering my pussy and boobs,i quickly felld own behind steve, come on i said give them to me, only if your good said steve , what you mean i asked, come on lay down here he said poiting to where i laid before. people can see me, its ok he said, lay down and be good, i looked at claire and ian and they were just staring at me, i rolled over and lay face down no face upo said claire, i truned over and again coveredmyself with myhands and arms, no give me your hands said claire as she sat bymy head, i put my hands up and she v grabbed them. we ahve a suprise for you said steve and he got up and went to teh car i turned my head and see him get out some rope and come back, he knelt down and him and ian tied some tomy ankles, then some around my thighs and then around my wrist, what you doing i kept asking but no one answered me, they just carried on tieng the rope when they finished i was pulled up and led to a picnic table, lay down said claire no i replied and with taht steve and ian grabbed me and laidme down face up on the table claire tied my hands to the bench legs then my legs to it so i was spread eagled, trhey tehn stood bvack looks ok to me said claire and they turned and walked back to where we were sitting they sat tere i could just bednd my head enough to see tghem, then theman sitting near by come over he looked at me and without saying anything just grabbed both my tits he squshed them down then pulled tem up again nad again, then he pinched my nipples and strted to twist and pull them i screamd out and looked at the otehrs and they just sat there looking, the man carried on hurting me more and more, then anotehr man come over and he started on my pussy pushing finger straight in , he pushed more and more it it felt limke abrick being xxxxxx in me then he moved arond and got his cock out and he just pushed it into my mouth, i ws almost sick as he xxxxxx it down not careing if i could breath or not he carried on finger fucking my hard as he could, teh other man bent down and started to bite my nipples i couldnt stadbn the pain it was so bad, i tried to look at the others but tghey were still just watching. then the man shot his load into the back of my throat i was gagging as it trickled down my throat, when he finished he pulled out and just spat in my face before walking off, i screamed out as soon as my mouth was clear and the man bite me harder,wew ent from one nipple to the other, then claire come over and stood next to me, please claire stop him she ws smiling and i noticed she had the wine in her hand she put the top to my mouth and just tipped it up pour the wine into my mouth, drink it up she said, as she poured it in i heard her say to the man she loves it hard, and the man bite harder i thought he was biting it off i was trying to scream again, as claire pushed down harder with the bottle, she poured the last of the wine in me, she walked away and the man carrod on his fingers now forcing there way in my bum liftinf me of the table, he got his cock out and stood between my legs and guided it in my bum he was still pinchingmy nipples which was now red raw and very sore, he fucked me hard before cuming inmy arse, he then just walked away when he did the otehrs come over and untied me i got up crying and held my breast from the pain they were in, get up said steve lets go home and they walked off leaving me sitting there i got up and walked to the car, the two guys sat in the front and claire was in the back, i sat with her, she put her arm aroundme said thatw as great,ass teve drove off i was still naked, when we got home steve fucked mehe was so horny after about an hour he woke me up again and fucked me again, my tits hurt for days after...... | ||
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