Gift PremiumRevisiting this place after a long absence.
- 37 years old
- Male
- Joined 19 years ago
steviedream's Blog
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Sunday, April 9, 2006, 9:17:35 PM- Computer Troubles | ||
Just writing to say that I'm having computer difficulties at the moment, and my computer won't be fixed for another week at least, so no new photos until then. I'll still be online from time to time, so feel free to send messages my way, but there won't be any photos for a little while. Stevie x | ||
Sunday, March 26, 2006, 9:45:18 PM- Still alive | ||
Firstly, I apologise for the lack of new photos lately, haven't really got around to it. I took a couple the other day, but I didn't like them...the idea was alright, though, so I might try and recreate them and do it better next time. No word on when that will be, though. What's changed? Well...the band is on hiatus, as a couple of the members are moving away to further their career with their main band (we were only ever a side-project, after all), so I'm working on getting a new band sorted out to gig with for a couple of months, and maybe over the Summer as well. That's about it, really. Still in unrequited love, still living in a fairly non-eventful existence. Just thought I'd let you all know I'm alive, really. Stevie x | ||
Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 11:37:19 PM- Love? | ||||||
So...what's new? A fair few new photos lately, all very similar. I thought I'd throw creativity to the wind for a while and just take photos of whatever occured, so to speak. You can expect some more interesting pics in the future, but for now, more of the same. My band's had a couple of gigs, they've gone down really well, so I'm happy about that. We should be recording some time this month, so I'll upload some music when that's done. I'm really happy at the moment, and having difficulty placing my finger on exactly why. I'd been feeling quite down for a few weeks, but the last few days have been incredible. Good friends have returned from excursions elsewhere, which is certainly a factor, and I've ditched the drugs for Lent, which seems to have helped far more than I thought it would. Ultimately, though, I think the one thing I've been avoiding for the past few months has finally happened. Yes, folks, Stevie Dream is very much in love. Sorry about that. | ||||||
Thursday, February 9, 2006, 2:23:19 AM- Blogtacular | ||||||
For starters, no new photos just yet. Although I'm bored, it's late, and I have a camera, so you never know. Maybe you'll get some before I leave tonight. Apologies again for my relative inactivity on NN recently, I've been busy and even when I haven't, I just generally haven't been in the mood for this place. But anyhow, I thought I'd inform the world (or at least the small part of it that posts on NN and reads my blog) of the recent developments in my life. Well...for a start, we'll discuss what I mentioned in the last blog I made that was of any real substance. Claire...I basically didn't see her again until yesterday, so any real ability to comment on that situation is lost. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" isn't entirely true in this case, as although I was more than happy to see her, she wasn't on my mind nearly as much as she once was during the time we didn't see each other. As such, there's really nothing to comment on there. Boy is...well, confusing. I'm not even sure if he's still here, as he has an annoying habit of not telling people when he's arriving or when he's leaving. Some strange love of being enigmatic, I feel. In any event, I've only really had a couple of fleeting conversations with him, and he seemed distant, and just much more shy than he once was. Apparently, though, he's been like that with everyone. Perhaps he just doesn't want to get attached, on account of this only being a fleeting visit? There's a third party, who for continuity's sake we shall call Girl, who's popped up recently. Older than me, but with ridiculous amounts of things in common...the only girl I've met who likes almost exactly the same music as me, and has the same tastes in pretty much everything else. She's been on my mind a lot, but I'm not sure how I feel about her. There's little to report about my band...I was supposed to have a practice tonight, that was cancelled, because our guitarist has injured himself. Also, because of this, our gig next Saturday has been cancelled. No one thought to tell me, though, so I had to find out via a third party. That was nice of them. Erm...what else is there to say? Not a lot. Just thought I'd make an effort to keep you all informed. Stevie x | ||||||
Monday, January 30, 2006, 2:11:06 AM- Got Blog? | ||
Well...first things first, apologies for the last blog, it was a little esoteric, mostly because I copied and pasted it from my Livejournal and couldn't be bothered editing it. I've got some new photos, so I'd appreciate it if you send some lovely comments my way, maybe a message wouldn't go unappreciated. As you can probably tell from said photos, my hair's changed colour. That's a recent development, I hope you like it. And...yeah, that's it. Important developments were covered in the previous esoteric blog. | ||
Sunday, January 29, 2006, 1:04:54 AM- Things | ||
Well, just to get it out of the way, in case any of you are wondering by the end of this, yes, I'm steaming. I'm absolutely wrecked, in fact. What's more, I'm *freezing*. It's mighty cold out there, and the walk from town to First Tower, then back home via town, lasting all in all a good hour and a half, isn't too pleasant. I walked along the seafront for the first time in months, though, which would have been much more enjoyable were it not for this damn cold and the wind. are things in the magical world of me? I missed out on a band practice today, mostly just because I've been feeling dreadful lately, and it wouldn't have helped. Hopefully things went well, in any event. Last night, after I went to the pub with Claire, and had a wonderful evening, apparently she "did something stupid", according to Bex. I didn't enquire as to what, as it seemed she was being intentionally vague. To me, that sort of thing always implies self-harm or attempted suicide or something, which I really hope she didn't, because I love her to bits, and I feel really guilty about it. I saw her today, but I didn't speak to her. I don't really know how to feel or what to say on that matter. The whole "trying not to fall in love" thing has taken an awkward turn. After last night, my feelings were somewhat confused. Love? Perhaps. I don't know, I can't really tell any more. But I felt something. Strongly. Today, I wanted that something to continue. It didn't. We were supposed to be going to the cinema together, as part of a larger group, but she never turned up, so I was left to talk through the entirety of Rumour Has It without her there. As I said, I didn't get to speak to her at all today...maybe I will tomorrow? I don't really know. We'll have to wait and see. But something of a spanner has been thrown in the works, as just as I'm trying to get my head sorted out and work out my feelings for her, Boy put in an appearance. Boy is someone who I once loved with all my heart, but haven't seen for many months, so seeing him today was something of a surprise. He's back on the island, and I got a fleeting conversation out of him, but not much. I'm sure we will have a real heart-to-heart in the days to come. But all that's done is confuse matters. As happy as I should be to see him once again, it annoys me. He chooses inopportune times. That will be all. Stevie x | ||
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 12:09:36 AM- Apologies | ||
Okay, I'm going to have to apologise for my lack of activity on here as of late. I've been busy in the past few weeks, I'm back at college, I'm really busy with my new band, and I just don't have much time for NN lately. Rest assured, though, there'll be new photos coming soon enough, and they'll be damn good. They may well be with a partner, but that's still only a possibility. Really, this entry was just to let you all know I'm still alive. | ||
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 3:58:48 AM- What's new? | ||
What's new? Hairstyle, for a start. ![]() What do you reckon? That was pretty soon after it was done, it doesn't look nearly that good now, because I don't have very good straighteners. But that's how it's *supposed* to look, anyway, and it looks a little bit like that the rest of the time. I'm still contemplating dying it black as well, although I'm not sure yet. I'll probably wait until I've got decent straighteners so I can have it how it *should* look whenever possible. Of course, new hair means, as promised, new nudes. I've got pretty much all day tomorrow free, so I'm going to go on a photo-taking spree, so I'll be updating my photos on here pretty much on a daily basis for a while. Look forward to that! As per nutty's request, I'm going to get a couple more butt shots and a pic of me in a short white towel, as well as a few more full-frontals, a couple of arty shots of me on/in my bed, some shower photos, and probably some more wanking pics. And, as always, if anyone has any requests, send them this way. In other news, there's the possibility that I've found myself a partner for a few NN shoots. Keep you posted on that one, though, early days yet. Stevie x | ||
Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 2:22:00 AM- Drunk? You bet. | ||||||
Haha, welcome to the first Stevie Dream drunken rambling blog of NewbieNudes that I'm aware of! I don't even know what to write, haha. I think my creativity might be coming back. I've found my lyric-writing ability to have improved since Christmas, thanks almost entirely to listening to The Lucksmiths (wonderful band), and I'm getting ideas for my screenplay for the first time in months, so hopefully photo ideas will be next. I may break my promise not to take any full-body shots until I get my haircut, but only if I think of something good enough. And, as always, feel free to send suggestions my way. I suppose I'd better explain why I'm drunk, and give yet another insight into my dull little life. I went out with a few friends earlier, and the club we were going to had a kitchen fire, so we had to stand outside in the rain for half an hour while the fire service sorted it out, but once we got in they were giving out free champagne. Luckily, there was hardly anyone there, and the champagne in question was horrible, so I managed to sneak off with a bottle for myself, and got bought drinks throughout the night on top of that. As a result, I'm quite merrily intoxicated, but slightly annoyed that I couldn't find a companion to bring home with me for the night, so if anyone's interested in helping me out with this perpetual horniness, just send a PM my way ![]() | ||||||
Sunday, January 1, 2006, 11:05:47 PM- New Year, haircut, photos and other such anecdotes | ||
Well...I'm as unreliable as ever, I still haven't got my new haircut, nor have I taken any shower photos. I have no real excuse for the shower photos, I just tend to forget to take them. It's rarely the first thing on my mind when I wake up in the morning, and I tend to remember once I'm already in the shower, and as such can't be bothered getting out to get my camera. Expect some soon, anyway. Someone remind me! So...yeah, shower photos soon. Look forward to that. And if anyone has any requests for any other photos then, within reason, I may well take them. I was intending to get my haircut, as I said, a few days ago, but my usual hairdressers has closed down, I can't afford most others, and I'm not going to risk Toni & Guy after the travesty they did to my hair last time. An acquaintance of mine is a hair and beauty student, though, and is rather good, so I'm going to ask him to do it on the cheap, but I have no idea when that'll be. Sometime this week, hopefully, so that it'll be ready before I go back to college. One can only hope. I love charity shops. Especially when they have a sale where everything is 99p. I didn't get there in time to buy anything too amazing, all the nice leather jackets and waistcoats I wanted were already gone, but I got a tweed jacket, that'll do. Haha, this is the least exciting Newbienudes blog in history so far, isn't it? You come in expecting sordid tales of debauchery, and instead you get dull tweed-based anecdotes. I'm really not an exciting person. maybe I'll comment on the nearest things to sordid debauchery that have happened to me in recent memory. There's not a lot, I assure you, and it's only really sordid in comparison to tweed. As you well know, it is now 2006, yesterday was 2005. Clearly, a party was in order to celebrate such an event. Actually, I couldn't really give a fuck. It's just another day. Nothing changes, other than having to buy a new calendar. But any excuse to drink is good, so drink I did. And lots of it. You see, this was only one of the reasons I had for drinking. Last night was also my "official" return to Live Lounge, a club I once frequented, but was barred from on November 5th after a small incident in which I passed out clutching a bottle of vodka and nearly choked to death on my own vomit, following a heavy day and night of binge-drinking and drug abuse. I'd been let in "unofficially" on Tuesday, as it was half an hour before closing, and my friend's 20th birthday, and again on Friday for similar reasons, but New Year's Eve was my official return, so I decided to celebrate it with a night of binge-drinking and drug abuse. In hindsight, probably not the best plan. Oh well. Anyways, the night was fairly uneventful for the most part, just generally hanging out with friends and acquaintances, until just before midnight, when a fantastic band called The Valentines played, and the countdown began. First kiss of '06? A beautiful, beautiful girl. The downside to that is that's she's my friend's girlfriend, and the sister of a girl I was kind of in love with recently. Oh well, it was nothing overly exciting. Just a slight peck. Second kiss of '06? My friend Neil. Oh well. Third? Another friend's girlfriend. Fourth? Repeat, only replace "friend" with "club's bouncer". Fifth? A fairly cute guy. I didn't do too badly, I guess. And at some point between there and a house party, I got flashed some boobies. Always goes down well. Yeah, there isn't a whole lot else to say. I didn't get to sleep til 3pm today, and woke up not too long ago, so chances are I'll be online until the early hours of the morning, so if anyone wants to send a message my way, feel free. Chances are I'll be in the chat room in an hour or so, too, if things go to plan. Talk to you soon, hope you all had a splendid New Year, Stevie x | ||
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