"With my hand tightly closed, I discreetly raised it to my nose. I could smell her excitement clearly, while her expression told me all I needed to know. No words were needed, so I paid the bill as neither of us wanted to finish our meal, we had other things on our mind. Outside the restaurant we hailed a taxi, climbed in and I gave the address of my hotel as she sat back in the seat. Her panties were still clutched tightly in my hand when I sat back, so I opened my palm to show her, then leaned to whisper quietly in her ear "show me". Although it was quite dark in the back of the taxi I could still tell from her eyes she was very nervous, but she looked into my eyes, gave a shy smile, then eased one of her legs towards me. With her legs slightly apart she started to raise her skirt up her leg until it was just above her knee, then turning slightly towards me, she lifted her leg enough for me to see she was wearing hold-up stockings, lifting it a bit higher still, I could clearly see her shaven pussy. I looked up to see her watching me, then let my hand rest on the top of her thigh, close enough for my little finger to lightly brush against her, all the while keeping an eye on the taxi driver as my finger pressed against her wetness. She had gasped softly and moved slightly back at my first touch, her hands moving to push her skirt over my hand, but she left my hand there and moved forwards again so it would press more firmly against her, then reached to lay her hand over the now obvious bulge in my trousers. I took her hand away then leaned over to whisper in her ear "only when I say you can". Her initial look of disappointment was immediately replaced by one of excited surprise and she whispered back "I've never...", the rest of what she was said being interrupted by the taxi-driver telling us we'd arrived. Luckily it was dark in the taxi and he'd most likely not seen anything, but our excitement was fuelled by the thought that he probably had guessed what was going on. Walking into the hotel, she asked "do you think he knew?", to which I replied "I think so yes", at which point her eyes lit up and she whispered into my ear "tell me what to do"... More?"