There's nothing different about me. I'm just another bored male, approaching 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone. Are you gonna sit in some poxy office with a cunt for a boss telling you what to do as you count your pennies trying to make ends meet in a country that's sinking into strikes and wars and at the end of the day you go home to your cosy little flat in 'nowheresville' and pull your IKEA curtains shut to hide from the big bad world and pretend it's not happening? Or are you gonna stand up and be counted, make a difference and feel the rush? Just for once say "fuck it". I'm coiled up like a spring and I'm ready to burst and wanking ain't doing it anymore. I need violence to make me feel I'm still alive. What else are you gonna do on a Saturday? Sit in your fuckin' armchair wankin' off to Pop Idols? Then try and avoid your wife's gaze as you struggle to come to terms with your sexless marriage? Then go and spend your wages on kebabs, fruit machines and prostitutes? Fuck that for a laugh! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am an incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent resource and there is no doubt that my investigation and experimentation is more thorough, logical and precise than that of anyone else.Ever since i were a child i questioned those in authority, not explicitly trusting teachers or other leaders to really be qualified enough to deliver the instruction they were delivering.I was open to their thoughts, but quick to identify biases or knowledge gaps in those in authority positions.In fact, skepticism is one of my defining traits.I don’t trust titular authority, appearances, beliefs, traditions, customs, reputation, degrees, or, credentials awarded by any agency or school.This is not conspiracy thinking or suspicion of bad intent, but an honest impersonal belief that no one holds anyone or anything to the high, accurate, objective standard that I do.I will be the judge of someone’s competence and no prior ratings by anyone else will sway my impartial evaluation. I am likely to ask superiors to explain how each assignment relates to the overall mission, and my enthusiasm is likely to dwindle if they cannot or do not explain the connection to my satisfaction.My constant focus on the larger scheme makes me particularly effective and inspiring as a leader.I quickly brush aside prejudice, custom, convention and tradition for what works and produces results.Although i prefer individual study, i am comfortable giving orders because to me nothing is personal, each task clearly connects to the end goal and must therefore be completed by the most able, available person.I am objective and when my friends come to me they know they can count on me to deliver the blunt truth. Like a bullet to the forehead i deliver the facts without any emotion. I recover quickly, if flinching at all, when someone puts me down or criticizes me personally.I realize that either the critique was deserved and i intend to correct it, or the person delivering it was incorrectly biased or misinformed and therefore the criticism was inaccurate and inapplicable. When i criticize myself it is usually merciless and totally out of proportion to the issue needing correction. While my patience is limitless with my project and those honestly trying to understand a concept, i am known for my impatience with ignorance, incompetence, small talk, fake people, or too much time given to a small matter.I bring total involvement and attention to each moment in life.My type becomes most obvious in traumatic, stressful situations.While the rest of the world goes insane, i am the one who remains calm and collected, mainly because i realize that this is the best mindset for understanding and resolving whatever issues are at hand.I am the most independent of all personality types and really don’t feel the natural “need” for companionship and company that others feel.This can make it difficult for other people to get to know me. I am quiet when i first enter groups of people where i'm uncomfortable. I collect data on what's going on first and then speak up when i have something surprisingly intelligent to contribute.I am an unusual mix of an analytical, engineering mindset with the expressiveness of a socialite.I am realistic, outspoken, direct, objective, practical, optimistic, adaptable and easy to get along with. I don't mince words. People always know exactly where i stand and the way i present what i think often makes people laugh. I have a relaxed, stable personality which makes other people feel comfortable.I am a very fun person to know. I see situations for exactly what they are, and i state reality so frankly that people can't help but go along with what you see. I don't get bogged down in procedures or theories, i just do what needs to be done and get things overwith. I shine the most in situations where a group of people have stopped being productive because they've hit some kind of wall. I am the perfect person to step in, evaluate the situation and outline the steps to get around the problem. In fact, this comes so easily for me that it's hard to understand why others couldn't see the issue.Possibly my best feature is that i'm so bluntly honest with those you love. A relationship can only be close through honesty and i am the expert at figuring out what other people are thinking even when they can't put it into words and saying it so clearly that their worries are relieved.I am just as aware as anyone else that problems can arise, but i know that if they do then i'll take corrective action and move on. I don't see anything productive gained from worrying about potential problems which may never happen. My charismatic nature, liveliness, and independence makes me FREE-WHEELING.I don't mind being in the spotlight, preferring social gatherings to quiet nights at home.I take a practical approach to people, not getting too involved in their feelings—or their business.At the same time, my acceptance of others leads me to be understanding of their life circumstances, even if i don't quite understand their emotional reactions to some things.Although i have a wide circle of friends, i'm very discerning as to whom i can trust.I am not rigid in my beliefs about the world, and i don't want to impose my perspective on others, but at the same time, i know that plenty of people don't always act responsibly.

  • This member has been with us 5 years or more! (Joined 9.9 years ago)
  • 34 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 9 years ago
  • Active 9 years ago

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