sweet _honeypot

Gift Premium

Happily married but love flirting online and swapping stories/pics with others. Want to meet new friends and to exchange stories with fellow NN'ers and write fantasies which include each other (see my blog for the type of thing I mean). Already made a few good friends on here and always looking to meet more! Not looking to meet anyone at the moment but happy to exchange more personal pics or requests once trust is built up. No pushiness though please regarding MSN, camming etc., I just want some good (or bad!) fun and flirting in the safe haven of NN! Don't be afraid to send me a message though, I love reading them and this place has honestly done wonders for my sex life!

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 16 years ago)
  • 50 years old
  • Female
  • Joined 16 years ago

sweet _honeypot's Blog