sweet _honeypot
Gift PremiumHappily married but love flirting online and swapping stories/pics with others. Want to meet new friends and to exchange stories with fellow NN'ers and write fantasies which include each other (see my blog for the type of thing I mean). Already made a few good friends on here and always looking to meet more! Not looking to meet anyone at the moment but happy to exchange more personal pics or requests once trust is built up. No pushiness though please regarding MSN, camming etc., I just want some good (or bad!) fun and flirting in the safe haven of NN! Don't be afraid to send me a message though, I love reading them and this place has honestly done wonders for my sex life!
- 50 years old
- Female
- Joined 16 years ago
sweet _honeypot's Blog
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012, 5:10:54 PM- Hiring a male escort to join us in a hotel | ||||||
This is something we've discussed for a while and we've now made initial contact with someone in a nearby town who we think we could possibly go ahead with. It will initially start with me receiving a massage with hubby in the room, then if I'm comfortable with what's happening then things will take us wherever they take us! For me it's very easy to talk about it and even fantasise about it but until it's actually happening I won't know how I feel so to begin with a massage seems the right way to go. I've always been wary of doing this with a complete stranger for obvious reasons but at the same time don't want to do anything too close to home in case we ever cross paths again! This then seems like the ideal compromise - arranging to meet someone who would see it as purely business and also have a sensible approach to what we want. He also won't be disappointed if I decide to not go any further - he'll still get paid the same amount whatever he does! We're still not 100% sure that we're going to go ahead with it but has anyone got any experience of doing something similar with a hired escort? | ||||||
Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 6:15:39 PM- A new career in sales?! | ||||||
After a couple of (half-joking) requests I'm now considering the thought of selling my worn knickers, thongs, stockings or whatever! Anyone out there got any experience or advice in selling or buying such items? Or is anyone out there interested in buying? I don't think I'll become a millionaire or anything but if there's people out there interested then why not! Get in touch! x | ||||||
Monday, August 9, 2010, 6:13:23 PM- My new favourite thing! | ||||||
Stick on body jewellery! Go out and get some girls! Makes you feel VERY sexy. It made me feel like someone out of an Arabian Nights story or something! Except it would be a pretty rude story considering what happened after! Bijoux Indiscrets they're called and no I haven't got shares in them or anything! | ||||||
Saturday, April 3, 2010, 7:13:34 PM- Pics showing my face | ||||||
Ok decided we're now looking at going a step further with our photos and want to hear from people who have been registered for at least 6 months. Would be willing to send private face pics to the right person(s). Not just a quick thrill though, want to build up good fantasy swapping/friendship building relationship first. Any genuine takers? | ||||||
Monday, February 15, 2010, 8:00:19 PM- Next step in my NN adventure... | ||||||
Looking to possibly start sharing pics showing my face and adding a bit more spice to the whole experience. Ideally with people who are willing to build up a friendship first - share fantasies stories etc. Would also prefer to hear from premium members only or possibly people who have been normal members for at least a year. | ||||||
Thursday, February 11, 2010, 2:24:28 PM- First steps towards swinging?! | ||||||
Ok well the time is nearing and I've discussed it on here before but I think we're actually going to go ahead with it. This may not seem a big thing for some people but me and hubby are going to be going on a short break out of the country soon and we're going to go ahead with the idea of sitting at opposite sides of the hotel (or nearby) bar with me dressed up sexily, but more businesslike rather than completely slutty. I'm going to start making eye contact and flirting with other men, pretty much like how I used to when I was single. What we've established for definite is that I'm going to allow some physical contact, maybe they'll stroke my arm or leg. What we haven't decided is just how far I'll allow things to go from there - kissing or whatever. Hubby has already said he'd be happy for me to do whatever i'd feel comfortable doing, right to the point where we fantasised last night about me taking one (or more!) men back up to our room and fucking them. Being honest I can't really see me doing that but then I never thought I'd have pictures of me naked all over the internet either! Whatever happens though even just talking about it with each other has been a massive turn on. The reality will probably be that I can't even get one man to make eye contact with me! | ||||||
Friday, December 11, 2009, 11:17:31 AM- Weekend Surprise | ||||||
Hubby has told me he's got a surprise in store for me this weekend. I'm pretty sure it's not Christmas shopping!! | ||||||
Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 8:08:29 AM- Using sex aids | ||||||
By this I don't mean vibrators, toys etc. I mean either a pill, ointment, lotion or cream to enhance a sexual experience. Hubby brought home a couple of viagra pills the other night and we tried half of one each just out of curiousity. It didn't do anything to me other than make me feel a bit flushed (even that may just have been coincidence) but was wondering whether anyone else (girls in particular) had a better experience with it. Was it because I only took half or is it hit and miss anyway? Hubby said he felt a bit different but again nothing special. What about other 'surefire' sexual wonder drugs?! Does the powder of a crushed white rhino horn actually do anything for anyone?!?! Do the 'natural orgasm enhancement' creams just make you come out in a rash?!?! Be interested to hear other people's experiences! | ||||||
Monday, July 27, 2009, 1:43:10 PM- The difference between fantasy and reality | ||||||
We can all differentiate between the two and (I'd assume) most poeple's fantasies are more likely to be more extreme (for want of a better word) in their nature than what they'd be prepared to do in reality. For me the fantasy of being surrounded by a group of men with their hands all over me and using me as their sex object is a turn on, but the reality is more like that I'd be in two minds whether to have a threesome (again!) let alone a gangbang! Same goes for being with another woman - I fantasise about it quite a lot but never had the nerve to follow the fantasy through. Obviously your state of mind might play a part - being drunk, out for revenge on an ex or whatever but how much of a difference is there between your most extreme fantasy and what you would genuinely like to happen in reality? Is the whole point of fantasies that you would never be able to do them in real life and that's why they are just that - a fantasy? Or do you see a fantasy as a reality that's just not had chance to happen yet?! | ||||||
Thursday, July 16, 2009, 6:44:05 PM- True story of how I lost my virginity | ||||||
When I was younger I was out on the town with a friend getting drunk and two guys in suits chatted us up. They were probably just run of the mill sales reps but I was only 18 so to me they seemed like highflying businessmen! Eventually after a bit of kissing and groping they invited us back to their hotel. We sat and drank for a while in the hotel bar and then I went upstairs with one of the men (Marcus). We started kissing and cuddling in one of the bedrooms and then he started slipping my very short dress off. There I was lying on the bed with just a skimpy pair of knickers very drunk whilst he was still fully dressed. I felt so helpless but excited at the same time... He started stroking me and parted my legs. It was almost like i wasn't in my own body, it felt surreal that i was letting a man twice my age just do whatever he wanted to me. He was probably only in his late 30's but that's pretty old when you're an 18 year old virgin who'd only been used to a few fumbled gropings! He started licking up my leg and asked me if anyone had ever licked my clit before. Maybe he could tell i didn't seem very experienced! anyway i said i hadn't and he pulled my knickers to one side and started to nibble on my pussy lips. He then lifted my legs up and told me to hold onto my ankles. It felt such a vulnerable position at the time, i couldn't believe i was letting him do it but he felt so powerful in his actions. It was like even if i tried i wouldn't have been able to stop him and he was still fully dressed! So with my thighs pushed against my chest he started lightly flicking his tongue over my clit and then my bumhole which was a VERY different experience for me. The most i'd ever done before that was let guys finger my pussy. He then slipped a finger up my ass while licking on my clit. It felt incredible but i felt so slutty at the time. He carried on doing this for a while alternating with his tongue between my bum and my clit. It honestly felt like i was in a dream and i was watching myself from up above or something! Then all of a sudden i heard a noise outside the bedroom. His friend had come back up from the bar and had been listening to us from the adjacent room for who knows how long!So anyway the friend knocks on the door (as if now was the time to be polite!!!) and i shot back up to the top of the bed and got under the covers. Marcus just laughed and told him to come in. At this point i felt scared more than turned on, like it was a step too far. So he came in and told me that my friend had thrown up in the toilets downstairs and asked for a taxi home. He asked me what i was doing and i said i wanted to go home myself. They started to try to talk me round saying why not just stay over to save trying to get a taxi home so late. I still just wanted to leave and the friend could probably tell so he said he'd go back into his bedroom so i didn't feel uncomfortable. With him gone marcus asked if he could get into bed with me and he started undressing. I felt even more nervous and told him i wasn't sure. Regardless he ripped the covers away and went down on me again and then slowly started to sidle up my body. I could feel his dick moving up my inner calf and then thigh when i pushed him back to stop. It did slow him down but he started kissing me on the neck and grinding closer and closer towards my pussy. I could then feel the tip of his dick pushing against my knickers. I felt (and probably was!)completely intoxicated but asked him if he had a condom. He just said "don't worry about that" and reached down to pull my knickers to one side and slipped his dick into me. It felt painful and i let out what now seemed like a stupid cat screeching noise but at the time certainly warranted it! He began slowly grinding round and then started getting faster and faster. I couldn't believe what was happening! I wasn't a virgin anymore! All sorts of things were going through my head, both good and bad! He then flipped me over on top of him and that felt very strange like he was going to come out of my mouth or something! I started to rock back and forth and probably didn't really know what i was doing but i'm sure he was enjoying it knowing that he had a young(ish) virgin riding on top of him! While i was doing this i opened my eyes and caught him looking over my shoulder. I turned round and his friend had the door slightly ajar and was wanking himself! Marcus asked me if he wanted his friend to stay in the room and although my mind was telling me to say no for some reason i said yes. He turned me onto all fours and started fucking me from behind while his friend was wanking himself off in front of me at the end of the bed. His friend asked me if i wanted to put his dick in my mouth and i just felt totally abandoned and told him he could. Not only was i no longer a virgin i was now being spit-roasted!!! I have to say that i felt a total slut but secretly was loving it. I didn't really feel like i was going to cum but loved that two men were so turned on by me. I was starting to get fucked faster and faster and was groaning and this obviously turned the friend on who shot his load into my mouth! I immediately spat it back out and with cum dribbling down my chin half-heartedly asked Marcus to not cum inside me. If anything i think that jut spurred him on and i felt him clench onto my bum cheeks and give one final big thrust shooting his cum into my virgin pussy. I felt like an absolute slut, I couldn't believe it! Marcus immediately just said thanks and walked off into the shower (the twat!). His friend asked me if he wanted to walk me to get a taxi and said not to be worried about his friend cumming inside me as i could always have a morning after pill! Anyway i went with him to get a cab and he said they hoped they'd see me again when they were next in town and maybe my friend would last the night a bit better next time. Yeah as if that was likely to happen, just something to make me feel a bit less like a used slut probably! Needless to say I never did see either of them again and I never did tell my friend the full story of what happened that night! | ||||||
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