Needless to say my fears were unfounded. Other kids were very accepting and I quickly made many friends. I learned many years later that my dad had went in to the principal and made specials arrangements if if required them. Learning that my loyalty and love for him went up 20 notches.
Middle and High School went fine for me. I suffered from a complete lack of self confidence, which is not completely abnormal for teenagers. In the back of my mind I always felt as if people were just being nice to pity me. I had many opportunities to date and ask out ladies, but I always convinced myself not to because I was afraid of being rejected. As a result I suffered in silence.
College was a welcome change. It was if I could start over, reinventing myself. Lots of people choose to live differently, dressing differently, thinking differently. It was heaven.
The summer before I went to college I worked as a stone mason for a family friend. The heavy lifting and sunlight caused my body to explode. I grew muscles everywhere, and I had a beautiful tan. I didn't think anything of it though, until my first college party. Ladies were actually coming up to me, talking to me, standing near me, being touchy. What a great feeling!!!