Gift PremiumOdd yet delightfully intriguing. Morbid yet very very sweet. Sarcasm is part of who I am.....deal with it.
- 104 years old
- Female
- Joined 20 years ago
tight_wet_lips's Blog
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Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 1:35:02 AM- Why? At her age? | ||||||
In our teens and in our 20's most of us did stupid things with strangers that put our lives in danger. We never thought of the consequences. I am guilty of just that when at the age of 18 years of age I hopped into a car with a guy and went to his apartment for a one night stand. Since then I have been more responsible around men or strangers and the consequences of my actions and life. Oh, I am not talking about the adventures I go on alone or when I hike up sides of hills, follow a mountain lions footprints, drive cross country alone etc etc. When I travel, I take care not to put myself into situations with strangers that I cannot get out of. I am so saddened by the murder of a 34 year old female former Marine who was studying in Russia. In Russia she was murdered by a man she didn't know. She didn't wait for her Uber and instead she got into a strangers car. While in the car she texted her Mom that she was in a car with a stranger and hoped he wasn't going to xxxxxxxxxx her. The exact passage was: “In a car with a stranger, I hope I’m not being xxxxxxxxxxxx.” That was the last text to her Mom. Later on her body would be discovered. She was murdered by a man who was a known violent criminal. Why? Why would a woman of great intelligence get into a car with a stranger? In one thought I am so sad over her brutal death, yet in another thought I want to scream "HOW STUPID OF YOU!" I get so conflicted when such things happen. It is hard not to blame her stupidity, but at the same time, I was not in her shoes and didn't know why she decided to do what she did. She didn't deserve her end and that is the bottom line. It's maddening to know that with all of the dangers out there in the world, woman still put themselves in danger on purpose. It's like children drowning in pools or kids being left in hot cars. We hear about them every year, but people still don't pay attention. May her family find peace when her body is flown back to the US and may she rest in peace when she is honored for her service and life. Ladies, please stop and really think about your lives. If you have to wait for a car longer than expected, wait for it! Stranger Danger is not just for children. | ||||||
Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 3:10:56 AM- Why? | ||||||
I was asked why I am not on NN as much. That question has multiple answers. Life Work Family Volunteering Traveling Moving I do so miss this place, but until I concentrate on me and not others, I can't find the time. I have a plan and if it all goes well, I will be back in full swing before the end of the year. WISH ME LUCK!! | ||||||
Monday, October 26, 2020, 2:53:42 AM- The Heart | ||||||
For such a small organ, it sure can hold a lot of names in it. The names of those who broke it. The name of those who stole it. The names of those you love and used to love. For such a small organ it packs a ton of memories. Good and bad. They say when a heart gets broken, it heals after time. It may heal, but the bruises last. Yes, you move on, but that little sucker has a memory bank that lasts forever! Pain, sorrow, memories. Your entire life. I guess in all actuality you can say that the heart is the internet of your body. Once something goes into it, it is there forever in the hard drive. You can hit control/alt/delete all that you want, but it stays. Sometimes I hate the little fucker. (yes, I cussed. Rare, but it does happen from time to time) | ||||||
Sunday, August 9, 2020, 4:56:07 AM- Go and find your High School Yearbook | ||||||
My god will you laugh! Did we really write such moronic and airheaded comments? The snorts of laughter I made for a few hours set a record! Do some of these seem familiar? Stay Cool Hang Ten You're a cool chick Long live summer See you after the summer Love your hair Don't ya just hate Mr. Crawford? Hope you get laid over the summer You're a freak Long live surfers Long live Chica's Long live the squad See ya in the boys room Don't die I never liked you but never wanted to tell you, so I am writing it here. I live across the street from you so why am I writing in this book? High School sucks High School is for losers I got all D's Can I have your sisters number? See you in summer school I never saw you in detention Teachers Pet Teacher Pet! I hope you get bigger chi chi's over the summer Hey, Elmer. I love you, don't be mad at me. (This is from the chick who called me Elmer's Glue because I was I was so white...lol) Stop staring at Mr. Albright Stop throwing French fries at the football players Don't you ever want to punch a cheerleader? I hope I lose my virginity over the summer I have bigger boobs than you Sorry I made fun of your training bra Your sister V is pretty (that's what I get for being in the same high school as my sister) I liked cheating off your paper Next year is going to be better You're funny I'm glad we are friends Gym sucked Stay cool over the summer See ya at the beach! See ya at the mall I have a boyfriend and you don't Blondes have more fun Chicano's Rule! Let's play more hooky next year Is Algebra really going to help us later? You will never get a boyfriend unless you put out Sorry I made fun of you all year. Not really. We had fun in drivers Ed. Don't forget about me I know you had a crush on me Let's hang out during the summer Thank you for all of the help in art class You're not so bad I hate this school Bummer in the summer This was from my Junior year in high school. Go and find your year book. It is so worth it! Then come back here and write a few lines. | ||||||
Saturday, April 18, 2020, 1:20:15 AM- Thinking of everyone and hoping they are safe. | ||||||
I wish everyone safety and good health during this pandemic. It is one hell of a time that we are living in and it will only get worse before it gets better. Sad, but true. When I wake up each morning, I say a prayer for those I love, those I work with, those suffering from the virus, the people I encounter on the job, others who are working, those without jobs and those who are huddled in their homes during quarantines and self isolation. They days on the front lines are long and at times we do get impatient and short with one another because we all wonder what's next? Besides the long hours, we fear going home and possibly bringing the virus to our loved ones. I, and many others at the station haven't seen our kids since February. Yes, all of us who have chosen to stay away from our families, do miss them, but we would rather have them alive. We are blessed and thankful to have commanders who have provided us with masks, disinfectant and gloves. All of which gives us all a small percentage of safety. I do thank the good lord that we don't have it as hard as hero doctors, nurses, lab technicians, scientists and respiratory specialists! They are in such dire straits and work longer and harder hours than anyone else on this earth. Police and Fire are on the front lines, but let's think of others who are out there with us and for us. Grocery Store Clerks Truck Drivers Postal Workers Gas Station Attendants Delivery Drivers Your Gardeners Field Workers who pick our food Food Processors at the plants Our home services: Telephone, Gas, Electric, Media Services and all of the others inside offices making sure they provide us with much needed daily services we have taken for granted. I commend all of them for being out there for me. Without them our lives would come to a stand still and we would all be worse off. The few times I have been to the grocery store, I have thanked them for being there for me. God Bless all of the workers for making sure that I can get gas so I can get to and from work or have the ability to get food or send and receive those precious letters from my sons. During this time we need to help one another. It's what countrymen are supposed to do for one another. Please, everyone, stay safe as best as you can. Love, TWL. | ||||||
Saturday, February 22, 2020, 3:00:39 AM- Brand new bouncing Nephew | ||||||
He is 32 years old, but he's new to me! I would like to say that I was shocked to find out that I never knew of this nephew, but I suspected all along that since my brother was a raging man-whore for 20 years, there was bound to be some kids out there that we didn't know about. My nephew found my sister on FB and reached out to her. Then she called me and asked if I wanted to speak to him. WHY OF COURSE! I said. My other sisters don't want anything to do with him. Which is sad. They said that they didn't trust him and was concerned that he was after something. I started to laugh because my sisters don't have jobs and live check to check on assistance. If anything, they would need something from him...………..lol. I have been in touch regularly with my new bouncing nephew of 165 pounds and he is an amazing young man. When we talk he calls me Auntie and I call him Nephew. Although he has aunts from his Moms side, he longed for the aunts he never knew. He just wanted to know who he was because he is nothing like his maternal side of the family. I give him what he missed and I answer all of his questions. He is the spitting image on my Pops and his grandpops, but I didn't know this until a year after speaking to him over the phone. The first day I met him was at his wedding. As I arrived, I wondered to myself if I would recognize him. But re-read the last sentence of the paragraph above this one. I walked into the garden and saw him across the way and started to cry. It was my dad in his younger years. As I stood there, I caught his eyes and he knew me right away. Did, I forget to mention we didn't share photos before this day? Well, we didn't. We decided to see if we would recognize each other when we did meet for the first time in person. The test worked! The reason why I know that this young man is a good man is because he married a woman who had 2 children that he helped raise for the last 8 years. They are now 13 and 11. I met his mom and man oh man is gorgeous, kind and gracious. My brothers loss! The entire family that could have been my family those many years ago welcomed me into the hearts and never once brought up the fact that my brother was a pig. Yes, my brother knew of this lil guy, but turned his back on baby and mommy. This was not the first child my brother abandoned. Although he raised daughters, he left the moms and the sons they gave birth to. The sons are my brothers loss as well. They all turned out to be fine men with families of their own. I wonder just how many other children are out there? | ||||||
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 5:24:23 AM- Tighty sighting December 2019 | ||||||
Hmmm? Let me see. What has happened? Youngest son got married to his wonderful girl of 12 years. It was such a sweet wedding. I didn't have to lift a finger but show up. How dare they plan, arrange, cook and set up their own venue and wedding! Oh, trust me, we all tried! But it was "No Ma and Pa, we can do it ourselves" Oh dear, did we go and an independent son? My bad. How did he propose you ask? Well, he didn't do anything dangerous, thank god. They had planned a trip to a very special light house along the California Coast and did the tourist thing by taking a tour of the cliffside and lighthouse.. My son had made sure to always remain in the front of the tour group......…for a very sneaky reason. When they had reached the side of the lighthouse over looking the ocean, the tour guide was discussing the history of the house. At the end, she asked if there were any questions. My son said "Yes, I have a question" He then got down on one knee on the side of the cliff and in front of the group, he asked his girl to marry him. She turned him down and everyone said WTF!...…..lol. No, they didn't...….lol. No grandkids on the horizon. But we do have a grandkitty that I spoil. It is the first ever cat I have ever loved, let alone like, tolerate or want to kick down the street. The Meister is now 2 years old and was found when she was a week old under a trash dumpster. They raised her on a bottle and held her constantly until she was able to move around alone at 8 weeks. They both took turns carrying her in a baby snuggie on their chests so she could hear a heart beat as if it was her mommy. That is probably why she is so loving and soft. Not temperamental, aloof, snappy, cruel or vindictive like most cats. Did I say I spoiled her? Let me give you an example. On Thanksgiving day the kids were coming over at noon. I called at 9 am and asked if they were bringing my fluffball. They said that with all of the food and containers, they couldn't fit her carrier or her litterbox in the car. I immediately jumped up and said that I was on my way to get her. What makes this different than any other day? lol...….well...……….on Thanksgiving day in Cali, there was a drastic thunderstorm with floods all over the place, high winds and freezing temps. I drove through flooded streets, rain so heavy I had the wipers on over time and winds that plastered my hair onto my face. But I had to get to my fluffball so I could spend thanksgiving day with her. If I did that for a kitty cat, can you imagine what I would do for a child?...………………..hahahahahaa. I am ok with no grandbabies yet. I want my sons and their girls to enjoy life and to be selfish for a while. Yes, they are in their late to mid thirties, but that is ok. I want them to be they way I raised them. Free, independent, selfish, fun loving and to do as they please, not as life dictates it. As long as their girls don't feel their clocks ticking, I am okie dokie. The law doesn't state women should have babies. Anyhoo, more updates coming soon. I think one update at a time is more than enough. I don't want to put anyone asleep. | ||||||
Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 5:58:56 AM- MY LORD! WTH? | ||||||
Who in the hell screwed up the place? hahahahahahah. It will take some getting used to, but DAMN! The front page is confusing and muddled, but hey, if this is what NN wants, then NN will do it. It is going to take some time to study the place again. I'm sure I will get used to it...………..IN TIME! In the almost 30 minutes I spent here, it just seems so hard to find things. It doesn't flow. It used to flow. I am sure that others have already complained and made their observations and I am just one of many. I will always come back because NN is in my heart. It is a part of me and like me, it will change and grow. But does it have to be so confusing? Flow is good, hurting my brain because I have to study isn't good. There are just too many links to push through. Ok, enough whining. This to shall pass. After I found my own pictures, I noticed that some did not make it through the changes. One in particular is the Pink Baby Doll Nightie. I guess I will have to upload it again. Which by the way, there are about 15 photos that didn't make it through the changes. Those too will get posted. How in the hell is everyone? | ||||||
Saturday, June 1, 2019, 8:53:15 PM- Promotion, Training, Changes | ||||||
In a nut shell I received a promotion. Which means another set of academies. A higher level investigator academy in Virginia and a Credentials Academy in Reno. WHAT FUN! Training. New training on Suicide Intervention and Prevention for 3rd Level Suicide Counselors. I have been so busy with life and such that I didn't want to take on the extra responsibility to reach another level, but what the heck! Being in law enforcement for so long, I had received the training many many many many and many years ago, but when my own nephew took his life at the age of 27, I went further and decided to be on the front line. My Suicide Intervention started in 2010 and I haven't looked back. The other day I was asked how many lives have I saved. It isn't something you count and it isn't something you want to keep track of. I just want to be there for those who are confused and seek the help they need to stay alive. The changes in my life have been much like a roller coaster. At times I am scared, excited, closing my eyes, hoping I don't fall off, holding my breath, feel like vomiting, laughing, brought to tears and exhaling for the sheer fact that I survived. As much as I whimper over attending the academies that are expected of my job, I thoroughly enjoy them. The academy in the Virginia area is one I am truly excited over. I have been to that area before and love it! I hope everyone is doing well, that you're all happy, healthy and remaining nude. xoxoxo TWL. | ||||||
Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 3:29:16 AM- Well, it didn't happen. It didn't slow down. | ||||||
Things are just as busy, complicated, hectic, confusing and down right annoying than ever. Hey, I love a little spice in my life, but this is getting ridiculous. Having Calgon take me away would not cut it this time. I need someone to kidnap me and never bring me back. Any takers? xoxoxoxox Hugs and kisses to everyone I have missed, everyone who misses me, all of those who annoy me or me you. Either way, NN is always in the back of my mind and so are all of you. I say to all of you, keep on getting naked! | ||||||
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