Have u ever felt the need to grab ur woman tight and rip her clothes of and thrust ur hard cock deep inside her? I have an amazing gf who loves to fuck and has a great body and smooth long legs with the softest skin EVER! I love fucking her and she loves fucking me. Lately it seems as though I may not be enough for her..she is looking for validation with ex bf's and I don;t know exactly what I can do to stop it from ever happening again! I want for her to know how sexy she is and how amazing she is..hence the reason we post on here. With all the friends and pervs we have on here that look and fuck their hands to our pictures, we would luv it if a second could be taken to write a comment in a show of appreciation.
In a perfect world we would all know how beautiful we are and would never need validation. This my friends, is far from a perfect world! I promise to keep the pics cumming if u promise to keep sharing ur dirty, sexy thoughts with us!
Thanx, tRoN |