welsh9's Blog
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Thursday, September 29, 2005, 8:22:43 AM- Time to end this long day... | ||||||
Oh, I will have to keep this short but sweet. I need to get my sleep now. Thank goodness I slept in so late this morning. Thank you once more to all who sent nice compliments to me. And I agree,eroticfun, I do need to remember to smile more. It's just tough to concentrate on everything and still take the bloody shot! ~smile~ I looked today to see if my Nikon had a remote I could buy. I still think that is so strange that digital cameras can come with remotes to use to trip the shutter. I do love film but could never afford to take this many photos with it. One day soon, I hope to have photos available of me taken with film. I am looking forward to seeing how different they look from the digital. I am going to visit a friend of mine very soon and he is a photographer. So, I will have someone to take some pics of me during my time with him. We are both looking forward to it. He collects vintage French nude postcards and vintage risque photos. He loves the old pin-ups like Betty Page and even owns some. He has been a big supporter of my photos from the beginning. Thank you so very much, Raj. You know all I feel. I am thinking of a series of photos that recreate some of the old risque photos I own or have seen. That would be great fun to do. I also love bondage shots though I would not be able to do those shots on my own. ~grin~ So, who knows what photos you might see here in the future. I think I will be able to get Raj to let me post photos of us together without too much begging. I know some of you would love to see me with his beautiful, large cock in my mouth. But for now, I will continue to do my photos of myself alone. I still think it's amazing that I've done this at all. It truly was a spur of the moment thing. I had the photos and I just posted one. I was actually looking for panty auctions when I came across this site. Yes, I am thinking of doing such a thing and eBay can be a bit tough to deal with in that type of auction. I found this site for some reason and here I am. Too funny! Time to take myself to my bed. It will be hard to fall asleep if I don't touch myself a little. I have to get up earlier tomorrow. I'm taking my delightful 13 year old niece out to lunch. I have no children but do enjoy my brother's three kids. At least until it is time for me to return to my adult life. ~grin~ I like my cats just fine, thank you. Good night all! Kat | ||||||
Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 9:16:06 PM- What a lovely day..... | ||||||
I have managed to get a little bit of work done today. I am working on a new area for photographing my eBay auction items. Which means reorganizing and moving too much of my stuff. I have too many books, magazines, art supplies, jewelry bits, vintage postcards, the list is endless. However, I couldn't stop thinking about all the lovely comments my photos had received from ya'll. I woke up this morning and immediately had to masturbate. I was already hot just from whatever dream I was dreaming. Such a lovely way to start my day. I was determined to be a good girl and not spend my day chatting and taking pics. I stayed off my computer and put my work clothes on. Eventually, I did have to go see what messages I might have. ~grin~ Well, after reading them and looking around a bit, I knew I would have to do something? So, I decided to pull on a very tight vintage girdle I have which keeps my pussy so excited. Mmmmm...... I packed up all the little bits and pieces arranged on my bedside table. I went through piles of magazines and books, all the while enjoying the pressure of the material against my clit. I cleaned and dusted. Bent over many times to clean the floor and move things around. That was always a special tug against my clit. Once the whole table was completely cleared, I allowed myself to go back to my computer. Then, I uploaded my third photo for the day. So, ya'll could see the pussy which had been thinking of you all day long. Once done, I quickly moved back to my bed and dropped my capris onto the floor. My little egg vibrator was ready and so was I. I didn't remove the girdle wanting to feel the material against my pussy getting nice and wet. Plus, it helps prolong my fun. My fun lasted so long I had to put a new 9 volt battery in. ~grin~ I was thinking of all your eyes taking in my pussy and getting hot. For you men, I was thinking of your cocks getting hard. I didn't forget the ladies here though. I do know how it feels to have your pussy tingle because a woman looks so damn hot. lol Anyway, thank you so very much for all the wonderful pleasure you have given me. I look forward to more time spent here. I will try to answer all of your messages to me. I have work that must be finished today though. And I do want to try to get some more pics taken to upload tonight. Thank you again for all of your kind words. Enjoy your day! Kathryn | ||||||
Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 7:48:42 AM- My first 24 hours on newbienudes.com.... | ||||||
have certainly been interesting and fun. I truly didn't think that my "arty" shots of my 44 year old body would grant me so many nice compliments. Thank you to each person who sent me a kind message. I tried to respond to all but probably missed somebody in the blur of the day. I find the whole experience leading up to taking the photo to be so very incredibly exciting. Both sexually and artistically. I have been collecting vintage lingerie and clothing for 30 years now and am thrilled to have found another use for it. I love to see the play of the fabric's color and pattern on my body. It would be much easier to have someone else take the pics yet the solitary experience seems fine. I know that I will be sharing my experience in time with all of you now. I still have one more photo to post for today. It's hard to decide what it should be. That three photo limit is difficult though now I see that I can put photos in my blog. Very interesting possibilities could arise with that bit of knowledge. This is certainly taking away from my work on my eBay auctions though. I never got a single piece of vintage lingerie photographed for auction! ~grin~ I am trying so hard to downsize my collections. But I enjoyed some fabulous orgasms. Now I must get some sleep...I will wait until daylight to post my one last photo for September 28th. Thanks again to everyone for their wonderful encouragement. You gave this lady's ego one hell of a boost. Sweet dreams, Kat | ||||||
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