- 62 years old
- Female
- Joined 18 years ago
wifeslies's Blog
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Saturday, November 12, 2011, 11:43:05 AM- My first few months of diary | ||
Date: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:45 am Subject: my spying on her Date: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:39 am Subject: june 24 th update shaved pussy she shaved her puss, and asked me to finish it, she got drunk got rid of #3 and i tried to shave it but she ? did a ggoooddd job, It smelled and as I licked and sucked it white stuff came out! she wanted in the ass, and i got in! could not cum! she came a little, monday she went work early, black panties and dress, white shirt, NO PADS she must be hidding them, Date: Sat Jun 9, 2007 7:04 am Subject: update dress friday, very amrous, rubbing her leg and puss, sitting with dress pulled up! Thursday, got ride from J, went home cooked, pad strong smell. Keeps asking about a game sat, must be up to something, Date: Mon May 28, 2007 7:53 pm Subject: mondays shinny crust in her white undeware she had beeds of crusty shinny stuff in her white panties, she was with jr a good part of morning, she did offer but i said no. she is sore, she wore a dress short around the house. Date: Mon May 28, 2007 7:51 pm Subject: Re: m today and she is horny > > she shaved more of her puss, she is off for 3, I will watch stuff like > a hawk! >She got rid of #3 at 2 15, I called her said pick me up she and jr were here alone, She picked me up, got rid of #3 to e house and asked me If we could have sex, she threw off her clothes and sucked my dirty cock, she was soaked and did me every which way, then I came and did her with dildo. Date: Sat May 26, 2007 6:44 am Subject: some stories all true Posted: 4 May 2007 10:05:22 - Ruined Wives / Wifes loose pussy Even looser!! 2. Posted: 13 Apr 2007 14:00:22 - Amateur post / Post your wife spread for another guy. Allright, Just tohumor my needle dick ya go, 3. Posted: 24 Mar 2007 10:19:37 - Ruined Wives / The begining of a soon to be ruin pussy I dont know how I got this way! 4. Posted: 7 Feb 2007 11:49:24 - Cuckold World / What are some signs she might be cheating? get checkmate the semen detection kit, you can use it on her pads that she throws in the rubish, also get a good magnifying glass and take the pads out of the rubish and look for pubic hairs, I tricke... 5. Posted: 5 Feb 2007 10:31:42 - Ruined Wives / Wifes loose pussy talk about loose, she says she dont even feel me when she lets me use her vagina, she calls it a "pity fuck". 6. Posted: 28 Jan 2007 11:17:50 - Cuckolding Wives / PANTIES SOAKED IN CUM Oralsub007 needs to get checkmate, the semen detection kit, it works,!! it's at 7. Posted: 26 Jan 2007 09:40:39 - Cuckolding Wives / PANTIES SOAKED IN CUM I am sorry about the last post , remove the " /index.html" from the url and you will get the cum pics!, enjoy! 8. Posted: 26 Jan 2007 09:38:30 - Cuckolding Wives / PANTIES SOAKED IN CUM I think there are a few of us here that like this subject, I for one know of a site Free that has cum stained clothing, I hope this is not considerd spam... 9. Posted: 18 Jan 2007 11:03:15 - Cuckold World / What are some signs she might be cheating? Take a look here at my group, it's all about the years of signs of her cuckolding me, and she thought i did not know!! I hope this is not considerd spam as it is a free yahoo group and it is RIGH... 10. Posted: 3 Jan 2007 13:29:22 - Intergenerational Cuckold / Sumum of perversity... just go to the site and keep changing the number I went from 009 thru 001...good stuff 11. Posted: 14 Dec 2006 10:46:33 - Cuckold World / cum filled panties Check out this site dedicated to cum stain. 12. Posted: 10 Dec 2006 11:17:50 - Cuckold World / cum filled panties mit123 I have the same fetish ever since I found a black pair on top of the laundry all stiff and crusty one morning. I never told her i found them and since then I have had many wripped pantyhose, cu... 13. Posted: 2 Dec 2006 11:11:24 - Amateur post / She wants a young cock These are her work buddys, I have to wash their clothes. 14. Posted: 2 Dec 2006 11:05:13 - Amateur post / She wants a young cock I had to eat this from my wifes young stud, she has several 18-22 year olds that she " services" at work. sometimes she will let me see it others she tells me to go jerk myself off. 15. Posted: 4 Sep 2006 10:01:21 - Basic Cuckold / is she fucking some one else? WOW!!! I looked at your post and I thought I wrote it! Excatly the same with my wife!! Send me your email and we can exchange notes. Date: Sat May 26, 2007 6:01 am S Date: Fri May 25, 2007 6:57 am Subject: bloddy in rubish NEW period over she said but bloddy stuff in bedroom rubish, not their yesyerday. also on pant leg. very nervous see pictures Date: Sun May 13, 2007 6:12 am Subject: black robe not inside out anymore.. either friday night when me drunk or many opportunitys Sat ( Ball Game, me work) slight stain on black nighty, me worked 8:30-2:30 her late pick me up, she went shop changed pads, me smell it as soon as she leave....SMELLET JUST LIKE WHEN #2 WACKS INTO HIS SOCK VERY STRONG CUM SMELL, MOTHERS DAY, she woke up early said " I WOKE UP HORNEY", .... Asked me how I was doing without sex on Sat morn when got out of shower, Date: Mon May 7, 2007 6:03 am This ONE IS IMPORTANT!! Date: Sun May 6, 2007 7:39 am Subject: phone wrote: Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 01:57:59 -0700 (PDT) Subject: called this 30 min before me, naked To: Jul 12, 2006 06:02 PM Date: Sun May 6, 2007 7:38 am Subject: her admitance Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 04:20:14 -0700 (PDT) F Subject: fresh in my mind To: we had sex last night, she very wet she said it was period but no blood after sex why she so wet? and slight smell??? she sated that she 1. had sex in laundry room on h st 2.guy down stairs did her 3.west st guy next door liked it from behind and always grabed her hips to drive it deep, he also had a frien over and they both did her, cum everywhere but in her 4.the best time was while i was at work 5.she did college guys 6.the weekend i went to camp and she stayed home on high st was a whole weekend of fucking for her! this was the truth! Date: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:43 am Date: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:48 am Subject: another pitty ff she told me to take shower then she would open up, loose but cleran, she said her guy waits at ce, untill i go to sleep, then she dose the deed, or was she refering to #2?, she monday night next meeting. Date: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:41 am Subject: creamy sex last night asked if sex was out of the question, she said I guess not, had black panties on, EXTREMLY creamy, sounds of swishing, wiped my finger on side of bed for morning view, many small curly black pub hairs, her panties were extremly crusty! but she cleaned up right after with 3 wipes of hunks of tissue, why panties so crusty, stinky, and wet??? she was horney to start with. More to come... | ||
Saturday, November 12, 2011, 11:33:06 AM- Cheating daily notes: | ||
Over the last 4 years I have made notes about things that may or may not be true.I think my wife has made me a cuclold scince we got married but never wants to tell the truth. Read it for what its worth, forget the spelling these were quick observations. | ||
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