I got really intrigued with bondage a number of years ago. Sex can get routine and the only way it's always hot is if you are living an open book of new intrigues and experiences. I kept trying to figure out what the s&m scene is about. Some people would really creep me out and I would get turned off. It's really all theater. You're participating and really doing the things you're acting out. But it's still theater. The people who I don't care for are the ones who don't get that and do power plays on other people. The power of this arena is just awesome. It can be anything you want it to be. That's why I'm a total switch, in every way. I can dominate or sub. It can be with either sex. Being tied up and in suspense is just as cool as making the event for someone else. Leather just looks hot. Add some dramatics and it's a charged atmosphere. One parting thought is that if you got what you wanted, when you wanted it, it would be boring. Playing sub or dom makes it hot and tense. |