
US age 51
Joined 5 years ago
Last login 105 days ago
I haven't yet updated this part of my profile - why not message me to find out more about me?
My NN Status:
I am:Female
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:
Marital Status:Married
Member Since:24-Jun-18
Last Logged In:3-Mar-24
Location:Florida, United States
Star Sign:
Is Following:
Is Looking For:
Race:Caucasian (White)
Professional Life
Jnette1118 hasn't filled in this section yet.
Why not ask her?
Jnette1118 hasn't filled in this section yet.
Why not ask her?
Jnette1118 hasn't filled in this section yet.
Why not ask her?
Self Description
My Final Thoughts:
The meaning of life is...

Please don't take offense I get tons of emails - I cant reply to them if I'm online i will answer a quick chat.
mediapro : Belated welcome to NN . . . post some more pics and vids, make some new friends, and have some fun!
(5 years ago)
Zack30417 : Absolutely beautiful !!! Love your pics!!!!
(5 years ago)
nortonthewhiz : thankyou for accepting my friend request. I would like to get to know you.
(5 years ago)
hardwood95 : saw a couple of hot new pics moments ago but they are all gone now...what' s up girl?
(5 years ago)
cocolove68 : sexy ass
(5 years ago)
zeebop : Please take off all of your clothes, and pose for a full frontal. Show us everything you have.
(5 years ago)
1mallory : beautiful legs
(5 years ago)
Profile last updated: 1-Jul-18