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US age 71
Joined 16 years ago
Last login 3 years ago
Wife and I have been in an open relationship for more years than I can say. While we have both slowed down a lot recently we still show some signs of life. She has her own id on here and her own friends. Our lady friend shares a lot with both us but lately its been more with me. She is becoming more submissive to me all the time and we share sex as well as friendship. I am for lack of a better term a chubby chaser. I don't find a woman really sexy until she has that sag to her belly that forms that crease on both sides and bulges out.
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:Anyone - Don't care
Marital Status:Married (but up for it anyway)
Member Since:1-Jan-08
Last Logged In:22-Apr-21
Location:United States
Star Sign:
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Anything!
Race:Caucasian (White)
Body Type:Overweight
Professional Life
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Self Description
My Final Thoughts:
The best day of my life was...

I am going to go back through my archives and start to post some pics of my lady friend who refers to herself as my c@@t and w@@@e. Please feel free to comment and pm about her.
traveler_xxx : Wish I still lived in KS......
(9 years ago)
Profile last updated: 1-Nov-19