
US age 71
Joined 17 years ago
Last login 2 years ago
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bodluver's last Status Update
thinking about my sluts and why my pics keep dissappearing from here
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:
Marital Status:
Member Since:1-Aug-06
Last Logged In:21-Dec-21
Location:ca, United States
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Professional Life
bodluver hasn't filled in this section yet.
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bodluver hasn't filled in this section yet.
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bodluver hasn't filled in this section yet.
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Self Description
cocolove68 : yumyumyumyumyum
(8 years ago)
(8 years ago)
(8 years ago)
cocolove68 : yumyumyumyumyumyum
(8 years ago)
b17b17b17b17 : So glad I happened onto your profile you're adorable and love your body shape. Can't find a thing not mucho hot about you and your profile - lovely lady!! Thanks for sharing your photos. Would love to stay "abreast" of your profile if you feel up to inviting me as a friend!! I also chat a lot on NN if you ever want to - no strings. Oh and you can cuckold me with a strap on up my ass if you like!!
(10 years ago)
dddd1551 : love to do her in both holes hmm nice
(10 years ago)
cocolove68 : hot hot hot
(10 years ago)
Moondance14127 : .
(10 years ago)