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US age 73
Joined 16 years ago
Last login 160 days ago
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I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
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Member Since:18-Dec-07
Last Logged In:28-Dec-23
Location:Kansas, United States
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Bob913 hasn't filled in this section yet.
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Self Description
carbos : hi bob. it seems like time is going by so fast. this last week was taken up with family matters, and i friend going though cemo treatment. so life goes on. i have barely had time to post any pics. i hope you are enjoying the ones lately. maybe soon things will get back to normal and cool down. really dry here. thanks for the note and keep voting and looking at mine, please. always nice to get some nice comments and pm's. have a great week. keep your head up. ha. hugs, kisses, holly
(11 years ago)
carbos : hi bob, got your pm, we will be in kc for christmas for a few days. maybe go to lunch, see what happens.
(12 years ago)