View Profile

CA age 48
Joined 18 years ago
Last login 11 years ago
I appreciate all forms of beauty, inside and out...
My NN Status:
I am:Female
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:
Marital Status:Married
Member Since:6-Aug-05
Last Logged In:11-Mar-13
Star Sign:Sagittarius
Is Following:
Is Looking For:
Other:running around the house naked, being at the beach naked....hmmm, I see a trend here :)
Race:Caucasian (White)
Eye Colour:Blue
Best Feature:Butt
Tatoos:1 or 2 Discreet
Piercings:Ears, Eyebrow, Nose, Navel
Professional Life
butterfly hasn't filled in this section yet.
Why not ask her?
Religion:Spiritual but not religious
Sense Humour:Dry / Sarcastic
Social Style:Meet people easily
Personality:One of the guys or girls
Kinkiest Place I've Had Sex:in our car at a public park, on a public beach at night
Movie:Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Author:varies all the time
Song:varies all the time
Band:everything/too many to list
TV Show:Law&Order/CSI/Heroes
Self Description
What Makes Me Happy:
other happy people and my family and pets
What Makes Me Sad:
animals being hurt
What Makes Me Mad:
stupid ignorant people
My Bad Habits:
letting the small things matter so much all the time
My Final Thoughts:
If I could change one thing about humanity...

it would be some peoples nature to be uncaring, remorseless, & cruel to animals and people unable to defend themselves.
woody6942 : Hi how are you great pics please add me as a friend if you can i would love to have some fun with you sometime keep the pics cumming and play with you soon if you cant add me as a friend check out my bio there is another site i use to cam on its FREE
(12 years ago)
Wrigley : Miss seeing ya around!
(12 years ago)
Profile last updated: 27-Feb-07