
FR age 61
Joined 10 years ago
Last login 28 days ago
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My NN Status:
I am:Female
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
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Member Since:17-Oct-13
Last Logged In:22-May-24
Location:picardie, France
About frenchpussy
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Self Description
DirtyCouple43 : Very sexy gallery!!! The hubby and I would love to have a weekend with you girl. I have been with many women but never a gorgeous lady like yourself. I would enjoy the taste of your sexy body and love too see you sucking my man as im looking up from licking your sexy clit. I know he would enjoy sliding his nice thick cock deep inside you as well but i get to play with you first as he watches us get each othwr wet. Again you have a stunning gallery and thank you for sharing them sexy pictures
(5 years ago)
phoebus45 : Très sexy xx
(5 years ago)
Maverick6980_1 : Je donne autant de fun à ta petite chatte qu'elle le souhaite si tu veux...
(5 years ago)