
CA age 41
Joined 17 years ago
Last login 1 year ago
We are a mid 30s couple, love threesomes and kinky adventures. F is the one mostly online to chat and share stories and flirt and see where it goes. Msg us :) EDIT sorry we don’t have an upgraded account just yet so if you message us drop a way to contact you on g or etc for now :)
My NN Status:
I am:Couple
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:
Marital Status:Married (but up for it anyway)
Member Since:3-Jul-06
Last Logged In:29-Dec-22
Location:Ontario, Canada
About onebignerd
Star Sign:
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Hard Core Action, Group Sex, An Affair
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Professional Life
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Self Description
cstmflash1 : Love all your pics! Beautiful woman! If you are every interested in meet someone a bit older but very sexual, and trying a smaller cock, let me know :-)
(4 years ago)
EasyAlligator364 : Nice body i would like to see that ass ;) ?
(4 years ago)
smokeymaple : What is your kick username would be fun to chat with you
(4 years ago)
Texascouple01 : Sexy
(4 years ago)
Profile last updated: 22-May-20