NewbieNudes Rules

NewbieNudes Rules

Expected General Behaviour (extracted from our Terms/Disclaimer to which you indicate you agree to in your use of this site)

You agree to behave to the standard that the community here expects. This means no abusive behaviour toward other members, no racism, no sexist behaviour, no trolling behaviour (behaviour to deliberately bait other members), no negative behaviour to the site itself. Should you behave in a way that the community itself or management deem unfit your account can and will be deleted without notice. If you are a premium member, and your account is banned by management or the community (through our reporting tool), you have no entitlement to a refund. We are more than reasonable, and we have very broad tolerance both from management perspective and the community, but should you cross the line then you will be removed. This might sound harsh but we have only ever had to ban a few accounts. At the end of the day, behave like you would in ordinary public and you will be warmly accepted here. Community reporting tool - we operate a system whereby members are able to report troublesome profiles, providing a reason for this reporting. Through sophisticated algorithms looking both at the reporting and reported parties, our system makes a decision as to whether to ignore the report, warn the reportee or ban the account. The decision of this system is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Content rules that apply to one area of apply to all. For example, taboo talk is not allowed it chat, therefore it is not allowed anywhere, including usernames, status, photos, etc. operates smoothly by utilising the volunteer services of moderators. These moderators are members just like you and donate their time to keep this place a happy and thriving community. Any derogatory comments toward or harassment of moderators is a breach of our rules and may result in your account being gagged (silenced) or deleted.

Rules relating to judging of members and or content posted

Members are not permitted to call out (in blogs, status, forum, noticeboard, PM or anywhere else on the site) other members if they suspect:

  • That the member is not genuine or "fake"
  • That a photo or video is a "web pic" or in other words a photo lifted from another web site and posted here

In both these cases, if you suspect an image as being lifted from elsewhere on the web or a profile as being not a legitimate user, please notify a moderator (user with the black star badge) or report the image or profile with the report button. Moderators and admin staff will review the image and or account and make a determination of it's legitimacy.

Please note it is NOT against the rules for users to post content here that they have also posted also on other web sites.

Use of Multiple Accounts

You are only permitted to establish and use one account at a time on this website. If we discover that you are logging in using more than one account, we reserve the right to delete any and all accounts relating to you.This is at our full discretion.

Rules Relating to Unauthorised Advertising

A number of members have been using the site to advertise their products or web sites, and we do not condone this.

To clear up any ambiguity on this issue we are publishing the following rules regarding the use of this site to "advertise" a product or web site.

Members may not post advertisements or URL's on/in:

  • Their pictures or picture titles
  • Their videos
  • The notice board
  • The forums
  • Any of the chat rooms
  • Any comments
  • Their own blogs (unless advertising the URL is not for commercial gain)
  • Private message "Spamming" (unsolicited mail)

We do not mind if you want to mention a URL in your profile, but your profile should not be written in any way that could be construed as advertising or an effort to persuade users to a particular URL.

Member names that constitute domain names are also not acceptable.

Exceptions to these rules may be allowed under certain circumstances at the discretion of management.

Notice Board rules

Posts must be "Notices" i.e. they are short notes that can be deemed by most as announcements of interest to the greater community, and NOT directed at a few individuals (PMs or the Forum are for that purpose.)

Posts must NOT:

  • Mention anyone’s real name or phone number or address
  • Mention a URL or other web site
  • Mention an illegal activity or substance such as but not limited to child pornography, drugs, crimes, terrorism, use of firearms.
  • Contain any derogatory comments regarding or directed to another member of the site
  • Contain any "hate speak" about any group or race

Status Update Rules

Status Updates must be just that i.e. short snippets of text that tell others what you are doing or thinking at that point in time. We DO NOT allow you to post URLS or advertisements of any kind in status updates.

Status Updates (and their comments) must NOT:

  • Mention anyone’s real name or phone number or address
  • Mention a URL or other web site
  • Mention any email address or external messenger app username
  • Mention an illegal activity or substance such as but not limited to child pornography, beastiality, incest, underage sexual activity, drugs, crimes, terrorism, use of firearms.
  • Contain any derogatory comments regarding or directed to another member of the site
  • Contain any "hate speak" about any group or race
  • Contain any text designed to solicit people to view your profile.
  • Contain any accusations of other members posting web pics or being "fakes".
  • Contain any text requesting or demanding that a member attempts to become verified.
  • Any Update or Comment which mentions another member or even alludes to another member (such as by imitation or inference) is eligible for deletion at the discretion of the moderators
  • Contain any derogatory comments regarding or directed to the site administrators or moderators

Failure to adhere to the Status rules will result in your posting privelages being suspended or your account being deleted.

Chat Room / VideoChat Rules

There are a few rules that we have for setting behavioural standards in the chat room(s).

While not being overly restrictive, these rules clearly define for both users and moderators what is unacceptable behaviour.

Anyone seen breaching these rules is opening themselves to be removed from the room by a moderator. A moderator must identify themselves as such and provide one public warning before removing or "booting" the offending person from the room. Breaking the rules may get your account banned or cancelled.

Unacceptable behaviour is defined as:

  • Any derogatory comments regarding or directed to another user in the room or member of the site
  • Any behaviour which harasses, intimidates or bullies other users
  • Any reference to child pornography, such as an external link or discussion of the subject of child pornography
  • Any reference to illegal activity such as drugs, terrorism etc, whether it be a link or discussion on illegal activities
  • Requesting chat on "taboo" subjects such as incest, underage or beastiality
  • Continuing to send private PRV messages to someone that has asked you to stop.
  • Any behaviour that can be seen to be disruptive to the normal operation of the room such as spamming links, text or spoofing usernames with alternative characters.
  • Refusing to answer your age if asked
  • Talking "hate speak" about any group or race
  • Spamming URLs for other sites
  • In VideoChat, "directing" other users what to do on cam.
  • Logging in with an obscene username such as "fuckyouall"
  • Posting email addresses or IM names/IDs.

For your own personal security do not type in your email addresses or IM names/IDs.

Moderators are not exempt from rules. They should set the standard for all behaviour. They also have additional rules of their own. They must:

  • Not use their abilities for fun. (e.g. Boot wars)
  • Clearly identify themselves as a moderator as they enter into a situation where they are acting as such. (e.g. Before asking age, or requesting people to stop PRVing.)
  • Provide a public warning before using moderating powers on a user, giving them a chance to correct their behaviour. (This also demonstrates to the room that moderating powers are not being applied unfairly.)

We are open to suggestions for rules that may need to be implemented.

Forum Rules

The following rules defining what type of behavior is not acceptable on our forum.

Should you post anything that contravenes these rules your post will be removed without notice, and your ability to post on the forum may be removed.

On the NewbieNudes Forum - unacceptable behavior is defined as:

  • Any derogatory comments regarding or directed to another user in the forum.
  • Harassment or intimidation of other users.
  • Any reference to drugs, terrorism, incest, or child pornography, whether it be a link (internal or external) or discussion on such activities.
  • Any reference to other illegal or illicit activities not mentioned above, whether it be a link (internal or external) or discussion on such activities.
  • Any behavior that can be seen to be disruptive to the normal operation of the forum such as spamming links, text or spoofing usernames with alternative characters.
  • Any commercial discussion or promotion of any other website
  • Posting "hate speak" about any group or race
  • Spamming URLs for other sites
  • Posting images from the Photos section of NN. (these need to stay only in the photos section)
  • Posting any NUDE images or illegal images.
  • "Bumping" of old threads to try and stir conflict or without adding any additional comment
  • "Hijacking" of threads with the intent to disrupt the thread discussion.
  • Claiming to be a member of any abrasive or illegal group/club such as "an asshole" or "a nazi" or "in the kkk"

Having any text in your avatar picture is forbidden. (with the exception of your member name)

All decisions are at the discretion of moderators of this forum and no discussion will be entered into.

Blog Rules

The following rules defining what type of behavior is not acceptable on your blog.

Should you post anything that contravenes these rules your blog post will be removed without notice.

On your NewbieNudes Blog - unacceptable behavior is defined as:

  • Any derogatory comments regarding or directed to another user in the forum.
  • Harassment or intimidation of other users.
  • Any reference to drugs, terrorism, incest, or child pornography, whether it be a link (internal or external) or discussion on such activities.
  • Any reference to other illegal or illicit activities not mentioned above, whether it be a link (internal or external) or discussion on such activities.
  • Any commercial discussion or promotion of any other ADULT website (including links to same)
  • Posting "hate speak" about any group or race

All decisions are at the discretion of moderators of this site and no discussion will be entered into.

Picture / Video Posting Content Restrictions

Your pictures / videos are not welcome, and will be removed if they:

  • Contain minors (under 18 years)
  • Contain Animals in sexual activity
  • Contain Faeces (poo) or Blood
  • Contain stained underwear
  • Have any suggestion of incest or family relations this includes names in the title such as father, mother, son, daughter (incl. step), brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt.
  • Contain ANY sexualisation of children (even if just their toys).
  • Are only of inanimate objects or scenery. (No person in them). These belong in your blog not gallery
  • Are not owned by you or you are not entitled to post them
  • Are taken with a hidden camera, or where the subject is unaware they are being recorded.
  • Contain an email address, URL or URL's in the pic, title or comments
  • Are out of focus
  • Are otherwise of poor photographic quality (eg: very low resolution or over / under exposed)
  • Are digitally modified such as placing one persons head on another's body (facial blurring & color effects are ok)
  • Are photos of self harm or harm inflicted to others that involves obvious real injury to the subject
  • Depict any illegal activities or violates Card Association Standards.
  • Attempt to directly solicit the viewer to the user's profile.
  • Attempt to solicit commercial gain
  • Do not contain nudity or partial nudity. Lingerie is considered partial nudity, so long as the subject is being sexually suggestive / provocative.
  • Are Duplicates or reposts - members want to see new content not re-used pics. The occaisonal re-post is ok but if we see that you are continually/habitually re-posting photos or videos then those reposts may be removed.

Please be sure not to upload pics that contain any of the above - they will be removed, and in the case of minors or other illegal activity - your IP address WILL be reported to the police.

There is no notification when photos are removed, if you feel your photos were wrongly removed contact support.

Photo Verification Rules

  1. Post an NN stamped pic that is obviously you and is representative of your other pics. The NN must not be added to the photo afterwards.
  2. The pics must also contain your NN username and, again, it must not be added afterwards. This is to help stop your pics from being reused by others for verifcation.
  3. We require at least 2 shots of the same NN and username (as it appears on your account - no abbreviations) from different angles.
  4. Note: There has been some confusion in the past about this requirement. To put it in other words, we need to see two photos, from different angles, of the SAME username sign. The actual same sign. EG. if you write "SexyUser NN" on your belly, we need to see that photographed from say the left and then the right. It does not mean make two signs with the same text content.
  5. Make sure you upload it into the category called "verification submissions". This category is used to find the pics requiring verification.
  6. If you post pics in your gallery of your partner(s) you must also include them in your verification submission pics. IN OTHER WORDS - if you have ANYONE ELSE in your gallery of pics - such as a sexual partner or your partner - THEY ALSO need to be in the verification pics!!
  7. It is preferable to see the NN handwritten and not printed on a piece of paper. Otherwise it becomes difficult for us to tell whether the NN is real.
  8. Members must have at least 5 pics in their gallery (in addition to the verification request pics) in order to qualify for verification.
  9. After the main poster(s) is/are verified they may include the OCCASSIONAL photo that includes the verified poster(s) plus another person - so long as the other person is not identifiable. If verified poster is not in the photo, you will be subject to having verification removed.

If there is any doubt as to the authenticity of the NN stamp and whether it is the same person as the other pics we will not verify.

We feel that a high standard should be maintained in this area so if you see a verified poster who is posting pics that aren't their own we would like to hear about it via the site support system and we will remove gold shields as we have done in the past!
