Why you choose some of the things that you do in life? I'm second guessing myself a lot lately. and today, i think i've figured out why. You see, i took this chance to get into real estate, because the market was big, and i saw Dollar signs, and easy money. Well, the market isn't so big right now so I've really been thinking about where I am going with my life. I need to find something that I am passionate about. and something that I am good at! RIGHT? istn't that what everyone's job should be? something that they love? I love looking at houses, but I dont' think its my calling in life. I think that I will never let my license lapse, and i will always stay on top of things and keep them active, But I think that it is going to be something that gets to sit on the back burner.
I started looking into Photography schools tonight! and I can't wait to get info on them. Its something that i wanted to do while i was still in Texas, but there never was enough people to take the class, for them to actually have one, where i am from. Sooo....Maybe this is my calling in life? Its something that I absolutely LOVe! hhmmm, we'll see right?