
Gift Premium

"we have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation" First of all, I'm Italian, so I'm slow at texting as I also have to gesticulate while speaking! I love people, jokes, boobs, sexting, comments, boobs, status dwellers, fairies, boobs, trivia, being locked in prison (by SEB), music, boobs, scotch whisky, food, boobs, loofah, cameltoes, nerding and wordle, and last but not least, boobs: every measure, every shape! and no, "cock" doesn't appear in the list because it doesn't turn me on to see other people's penises :)

  • This member has been with us 1 year or more! (Joined 3.6 year(s) ago)This member is Premium - Click to find out moreThis member is a Verified PosterIdentity Verified
  • 38 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 3 years ago

Laphroaigh's Blog