It's not super easy to write this but I am appealing for more of you to become premium members.
Why? Well let me explain.
As we are not based in the USA we need to convert all revenues to other currencies such as the AUD, EURO etc.
In the last two years, the value of the USD against the AUD has fallen by a whopping 40%.
Now, I don't know many businesses that can swallow a revenue drop of 40%, and we are no exception, things are tight. We are struggling to meet our costs, and the prediction is this slide in the USD versus other currencies is going to continue. We are not a mega corporation, simply a small business with less than 5 people working in the company.
What are our options? Well one option is to require that more of you become premium, by reducing the amount of things you can do as a non-premium member. This sounds good in theory but it fails to recognise that non premium members are very valuable members to the site because they interact just as much as premiums and of course interaction is one of the most important aspects of NN. We differ from most other sites in that we are a solid community of REAL people that want to have sexually related fun with others online.
So, recognising that 'requiring' more people to become premium is not a good thing, I am writing this post, hoping that if you read it and you are considering premium, you'll take the plunge.
How Can You Help?
There are 4 ways in which you can help.
If you are already premium.
Talk to non premium members about the value of switching over to premium.
Upgrade to Premium
If you can afford from only $4.44 a month, please upgrade to premium
Make a Donation
We will accept donations of any amount, please PM me and I will see if I can make this easy & facilitate it through some of the more common ways of paying online
Start Earning Nudles
Earning nudles helps by brining more users to the site. More users equals more interaction and of course more premium members.
I would like to thank all premium members for supporting the site, and close by once again appealing to those that are not premium to take the plunge or at least look at one of the other ways to support us.
Here is the graph of the loss in the last 2 years. regards,