Gift PremiumJust hangin’ out and looking for some company (chat online, etc.).
- 61 years old
- Male
- Joined 18 years ago
Seeker20060001's Blog
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Thursday, June 15, 2023, 7:18:43 AM- In the Good Old Days… | ||||||
In the good ol’ days, before thigh-high cuts There was hair down there and it drove us nuts It was curly and short, soft to the touch Choked us sometimes, but didn’t care much I kinda miss it, ‘cause now they’re all bare Shaved it all off, gone who knows where We loved to pet it, but now that’s rare ‘Cause the bushes were cut, or else they used Nair I guess if they let it, the hair will grow back We’d love to see it, but for now we lack Baldness is in, for the camel-toe crack But we loved it, and miss that bushy beaver pack Smoothies are fine, and pleasant to lick But there’s something about fur, that wakes up a dick Brazilians or strips might do the trick But there’s nothing like bush, and that’s what I’d pick. | ||||||
Friday, January 20, 2017, 3:18:36 PM- No Subject... | ||
It's been a long time since I was writing here regularly. I doubt that I'll be doing much regular blogging in the near future, but like I mentioned once before, this is a good place to "discuss" things that I can't really talk about with anyone else. So, I'd like to add a couple of paragraphs every once in a while and see where it goes. Right now, I'm listening to "The Best of Seely Dan" and (kind of) watching the inauguration activities on TV. Neither is really holding my attention to any great extent, but I guess it would be accurate to say that they're providing some necessary background noise. Things have changed quite a bit in my life since the last time I wrote here, some things for the better and some for the worse. I don't want to get too far into detail about any of the changes right now, but for the moment at least, sex and relationships is not a pressing matter on my mind. Well, I have some other things to do, so I guess I'll just get back to this some other time... | ||
Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 7:29:41 AM- 2011/05/10 | ||
I just finished arguing with my wife about her plans to leave. I'm so frustrated I feel like I'd REALLY like to break something! I don't want to break any of my stuff, though, and I know she has a history of calling the police, so I guess I'd better just deal with it. The first 2 hours of the argument were conducted by text-message, as she has an aversion to arguing in person. That's just about as frustrating as anything can possibly be... take it from me, I KNOW! If I could block text messages from her, I'd do it in a second, but if it's possible, I don't know how to do it. I would just do the sensible thing and delete them without reading, but I can never bring myself to do that- lol. Besides all this, my sex-drive, which is usually pretty high, is now almost non-existent! I just have NO interest whatsoever! She's told me that she thinks separating will help to "fix" all our problems. I don't know how she thinks it will accomplish anything of the sort, but she's determined to go ahead with it anyway. In fact, I'm pretty sure it will kill any chance there ever might have been to work things out. I'm not even sure I want to try. Still... right now, I just feel like I want to die. I guess that's all for now... | ||
Monday, May 9, 2011, 6:19:47 AM- 2011/05/08 | ||||||
I had a really great dream last night. I was staying at a vacation home with some of my family members and one girl that I used to work with (no, not the same girl I mentioned recently... this girl and I went out for a while; didn't work out, but MAN, was she HOT!). In the dream, there wasn't anything between me and this girl, but there had been in the past. Anyway, it was late one night and everyone was asleep in the house except for me and this girl. She came walking in to the room I was in wearing a sexy black teddy with stockings and garters. Her butt was exposed, like it would have been if she had been wearing a thong. Although it seems implausible that she would just be wearing that outfit to sleep in, in the dream, she was really not out to excite me (or anyone else). When I saw her, though, I asked her to come into a smaller room with me, which she did. As soon as we were both in the room, I grabbed her, pulled her in close and started rubbing and squeezing her ass. She didn't resist and started to return the affection when one of my family members walked in (no Freudian comments, please!) We immediately stopped what we were doing, but didn't get caught. However, we moved into another room and proceeded to go at it again. Every time we moved to another room, though, someone else would walk in! Eventually, one of the family members caught us on the living room floor, both in our underwear, and just kinda frowned and laughed. After that, I guess I woke up... don't remember anything else. On another subject, I think I'm going to use this forum to kinda "vent" about some very personal things that have been going on in my life. This is probably not the best place to do that, but I can't think of any other place where I could get things out without someone I know finding out. Although I don't mind sharing personal issues with perfect strangers, I don't want my friends and family members to know everything that's going on- lol. Anyway, I have a couple of chronic illnesses that have been preventing me from working over the past couple of years. They're not life-threatening, but they definitely affect the quality of life. One of the illnesses is something that tends to cause weakness, extreme fatigue, debilitating headaches as well as a few other long-term complications. The other illness is clinical depression, which doesn't so much make me sad all the time; it just makes it difficult (sometimes impossible) for me to do things I need to do or want to do (like work, for example). Most of the people I know give me the impression that they don't believe me when I say that I CAN'T do this, or I CAN'T do that or when I say that I don't feel good (both of which would be the truth). They just translate those statements as "I don't WANT to do this, or I don't WANT to do that." Obviously, this can be very frustrating and therein lies the problem... My wife (the second of an apparent series- lol) has told me that she's planning to leave me because I won't go to work or do things with her that she wants to do. Now, again, it's not that I don't WANT to do those things; it's just that I'm not always able! I've tried to convince her of that, explaining my point of view, to the best of my ability. However, like most other people, she just doesn't GET it! So, anyway, here I am unable to work, unable to make a living, and she just wants to walk out and leave me to the vultures (or homelessness, hunger... whatever you wanna call it). Don't get me wrong- I'll be fine and I understand her point of view; I know it can't be easy for her to struggle through life while I'm just kind of hiding from it. But it's not something I have control over. It's just the way it is. Yet, she says she loves me and is doing it for "us." I hate to be a pessimist, but it sure seems more like she's doing it for her. Well, anyway, I guess that's all for now... | ||||||
Thursday, April 14, 2011, 4:29:35 AM- 2011/04/13 | ||
Yesterday, I posted a new message on the Forums page indicating that I'd like to take some nude photos and requesting volunteers. Well, they haven't exactly been beating my door down yet (LOL), but I guess I really didn't expect that. Having thought a bit more about the girl from my past that I dreamed about the other night, I can now remember exactly how she looked. I don't remember whether or not I described her in the other posting, but I'll just suffice it to say here that she was tall and blonde and she had a nice body. I still can't remember her name... or, at least, I'm not SURE of it. However, like I said before, I'm sure it doesn't matter much at this point. Well, it's kinda late, so I guess I'll wrap this up here and start getting ready for bed. Um... I might pop into the chatroom for a minute before I leave, but I usually find that a disappointment- lol. More on that later... Guess that's all for now... | ||
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 9:48:29 PM- 2011-04-12 | ||
Well, here I am again. I have a lot of stuff that I'd like to say on here, but the amount of time I have to enter it might be limited. Anyway... I had a dream the other night about a girl I used to work with. We weren't all that close or anything, but I would have considered her a friend and hope that she felt the same about me. There was nothing particularly erotic about the dream, except that she and I were "going out," steadily, I mean. She wasn't drop-dead gorgeous, but she was pretty and had a nice body. In real life, I never really thought about her romantically (or sexually), but somehow she just popped into my dream-life here, some twenty-or-so years later. Since the dream, I've been thinking about her constantly. That always happens with women I dream about; somehow it gets me to thinking about them, usually wishing that I had devoted more attention to them in the past. This girl is a bit different, though. We weren't all that close and I can't even remember her name! Like I said, I never really thought much about her in terms of "getting together." Still, I wish I could remember her name or, for that matter, even get a clear memory of what she looked like. I think her name was Rhonda, not that it really matters. I'm sure she's a lifetime away from me now and never gives me a second thought. I just wish I had thought more about her then! Guess that's about all for now... | ||
Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 3:40:19 AM- 2011-03-29 | ||||||
Well, it took me long enough to figure out how to use this stupid thing! Anyway, I'm gonna try to update this blog regularly, or at least semi-regularly. I don't have much time right now, but I'll try to get back as soon as I can. Keep yer sunny-sides up, folks! - Seeker! | ||||||
Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 10:03:37 PM- 2009/07/07- Skinny Dipping | ||
This coming Saturday, there's going to be a counting for "world record skinny dip" made for the Guinness Book of World Records. Nudist areas all around the world will be participating in the event and counting the folks in the pools and hot-tubs. A nudist resort nearby will be one of the places participating and I want to go to be counted in the record-set. I've already made arrangements to get someone to look after my dog, so that shouldn't be a problem, but I've been thinking of doing something a bit different. I've been thinking of contacting a friend to ask her if she'd like to go with me. We've never dated, or for that matter, even talked much in person, but we get along well and talk about sex a lot, so I think she might be interested (plus I think she might be a bit "sweet" on me- lol). Although I'm sure I'd enjoy the trip if she went, I'm not so sure that asking her is a good idea. It's kind of like pulling the first few pages out of "1001 Ways to Alienate Women" and going with the first suggestion. She seems pretty open-minded about things like that, but being asked for a first date by someone you really don't know all that well and being told that the object of the date is to see her naked might not score major points- lol. Anyway, it's just a thought. I probably won't ask her unless we happen to get on the subject in conversation (gee, wonder how THAT would happen?). Either way, I'll probably go myself and I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Another girl I know will be there, but the last time I talked to her, I think I pissed her off. She's EXTREMELY touchy and I was joking with her about another girl she hates and the next thing ya know, she "removed" me from her Yahoo IM "friends" list- LOL. I gotta say if she's that touchy, I don't wanna be associating with her much anyway, but it would still be nice to see her there (all nekkid and such!). Well, that's about it for now... | ||
Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 1:05:52 AM- 2009/07/06- My Fourth of July Weekend | ||
Over the past weekend, I was supposed to attend a picnic with some friends, but I decided against going because I had been sick and I just didn't feel up to it. My roommate invited some friends over on the fourth to swim and to enjoy some small fireworks. The fireworks were pretty cool, but they ran out all too quickly. There was just a small "tourist" package to fire off. Anyway, one of the people my roommate invited over was a woman he used to date. I think they have an on-again-off-again kind of relationship and she seems to be pretty sweet on him still. After she had been drinking for a while, though, she started kind of "coming on" to me. She had been swimming earlier, but the water had gotten a bit too cold to continue, so she took off her bathing suit (and hung it on the fence around the pool) and put on a "dress," which was little more than just a long shirt with a low-cut front. I don't know where I was when she affected the change, but I didn't get to witness it- lol. She was telling me a few personal stories and leaning over onto my lap throughout the night. She would occasionally rub my leg or just rest her arm there. I'm sure it wasn't incidental; she knew what she was doing. While she was leaning over my lap, her breasts kept "escaping" from her shirt too. She would just tuck them back in and say, "If my junk falls out, just let me know. That's so embarrassing." I told her not to worry because it wasn't bothering me- lol. Besides the occasional boob-shows, she was also climbing all over the deck-chairs and so forth, acting like she didn't know that her vagina was perfectly visible. It was a great time and I was sad to see her leave... the next day. Yeah, she stayed over for the night... not with me, unfortunately, but with my roommate. It would've been too weird if something had happened between us anyway because of her relationship with the roommate, but I was really wanting to get to know her better. Her breasts were very nice, firm, and round, and her legs and tush were quite pretty too. She gave me her telephone number and e-mail address, but I still don't know if it would be a good idea to get in touch with her. I sent her an e-mail yesterday, but I still haven't heard anything back yet. My roommate is heading to South Carolina tomorrow morning for the week. I was kind of hoping I could get in touch with her to get her to come over while he's gone. Not necessarily to start something with her, but to just kind of "explore" the situation a bit better. I don't know how different she might act when sober, but I was thinking she might at least still be interested- lol. I've also been e-mailing a girl I went to high school with for a while. We just recently started talking about getting together and I think that might be nice. We seem to have a lot in common and we are able to joke with each other pretty-well. We've also talked a lot about sex and sexual relationships, likes, dislikes, experience and so forth, so it might establish a bit of a comfort-element for us if there's a spark when we meet. She is involved with someone right now (not married), but she says she's not sure she wants to continue with it because they're not really sexually compatible (she's evidently the more motivated of the two). I don't know how that's going to turn out, but even if we're never more than just friends, I think it will be a nice thing. Well... I guess that's about all for now... | ||
Monday, June 29, 2009, 2:49:56 PM- 2009/06/29- Hookup Sites (again) | ||
I had decided to join one of those "hookup sites" I had been blogging about. I was pretty-much going to do it this morning, but I got an e-mail from a different one (another "FREE TO JOIN" offer) and decided to take a look. Previously, I had received a "flirt" from a member on the first site that I found particularly interesting. I flirted back and she sent me an e-mail telling me that she "likes me too!" I was thinking, "Wow... this hottie is awesome! I'm going to join so I can reply to her e-mail." Then it occurred to me that her message was extremely "simple," for someone who had the ability to send long, information-packed messages. She didn't LOOK like the short-bus type, but her writing skills didn't impress me much. Not that there were any blatant errors, but if I was able to send e-mails and truly wanted to communicate with someone, I'd tell them more about myself and how to get in touch (in case she was only a "basic" member, like I am now). Anyway, I decided to overlook that fact. I mean, I was pretty-much only looking for sex- lol. What did it matter if she wasn't the brightest bulb in the lamp? THEN came the e-mail offer from the other site! Seems there was a user on this new site with the SAME user name and the SAME "headline." However, the one on this site had different pictures and lived in Canada! What're the odds??? Hmmmmmmmm... I think I smell something fishy... and it ain't what I'm looking for- lol! So, anyway, I think her profile might be fake. I'm still thinking about joining, though, because there are a few other members on the same site that seem almost as interesting. It's only 30 bucks, so I guess it's not that big a deal, but like I said before... I'd be pretty mad if I didn't have any better luck on the paid site than I've had on the "free" ones. If I really wanted to do the smart thing, I'd just forget about it and concentrate on the "perfect-for-me" girl I met recently. On the other hand, I NEED SOME SOON!!! Guess that's about all for now... | ||
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