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US age 44
Joined 7 years ago
Last login 7 years ago
My NN Status:
I am:Female
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:No one at the moment
Marital Status:I'd rather not say
Member Since:22-Dec-16
Last Logged In:10-Feb-17
Location:United States
About goodgirlviii
Star Sign:Aquarius
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Professional Life
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Self Description
owbiglineman : MMm awesome pics, stroking to them
(7 years ago)
Donald.Pump : Love the photos. Enjoy the artistic side of them
(7 years ago)
yatyas67 : gorgeous pussy. love your style.stunningly hot body.hope to hear. from. you
(7 years ago)
largeone4u2 : Fucking Hot pics! I'd fuck your sweet pussy for hours
(7 years ago)
ausmountainman86 : I absolutely adore your profile pic
(7 years ago)
construct001 : Love touching women👄👄👄👄
(7 years ago)
69you : Hello. I think you are very sexy. Thank you for sharing.
(7 years ago)
papasmurf1955 : You are a very sexy hot lady would love to be between those lovely thighs licking that sweet honey hole. Can't wait to what you post next.
(7 years ago)
goodgirlviii : Thank you!!!
(7 years ago)
mediapro : Welcome to NN . . . post some pics, make some new friends, and have fun!
(7 years ago)
Profile last updated: 22-Dec-16