Yeah... so... I've been busily trying not to hurt myself too much by doing all the stuff around the house that I really don't wanna do which needs to get done, but I keep putting off. Stuff like scrubbing walls, finishing up some painting, cleaning the ceiling fans... you know, all the REALLY FUN stuff. mmhmm
Anyway, in my continued effort to stall, I took on yet another project. I'm not sure how that works to my advantage, but ... whatever.
Poohbare, as some of you know, has been a coin dealer for a looooong time. Our goal is to open a shop locally at some point. We want it to be this year.
We've been looking at a real old building every time we drive past for a couple years now and I finally called the realtor. The asking price is reasonable, but it needs a lot of rehab. All the town's original structures were torn down at some point in the name of progress. This lil gem was built in 1880, about 50 years after the town was founded, and is now the oldest building in town. We want it. We want to restore it. We want to breathe new life into it.
It's gonna take a lot of work, but that doesn't bother us. I'm totally psyched. Fingers crossed we can work some financial magic.