Gift PremiumMadly in love with a wonderful man I met on here, and we are still exploring each other and having a huge amount of fun in the process. We have a D/s thing going on, and as we explore this side more and more the happier and the more fulfiled I feel. We are not 24/7 lifestyle BDSM, I'm just a very cherished and loved sub who would do anything her lover asks her to do. I have recently had my nipples pierced at the request of my lover, and this is to us a sign of committment between us. If you want to see some pictures of me and my man at play they are on his profile....just keeping the classier ones on mine! I do try to answer all PMs if they are polite and not in txtspeak xxxxx ...i ja takoder govore hrvatski jezik vrlo tesko, ako ste ikada zeljeli razgovarati na drugom jeziku! xxx
- 52 years old
- Female
- Joined 13 years ago