Gift Premiumcaring community minded person
- 85 years old
- Male
- Joined 20 years ago
quarterinch's Blog
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Sunday, August 22, 2010, 5:05:35 AM- Locking Doors | ||||||
I was in dire need to use the toilet in the shopping centre last week and since I use a walking stick for balance, I used the Disablled Toilet, so I was sitting down enjoying my little crap when the sliding door started to open and in walks a young woman with two toddlers leading the way, so I raised my voice in an authoritive tone and asked if shhe minded me having privacy while I crap. She was all apologies, and it was really my fault for not ensuring the door was lockked before I sat down | ||||||
Saturday, August 21, 2010, 10:23:03 AM- Voting Day | ||||||
Unlike America and UK where voting is organised in the middle of the week, in Australia we vote on a Saturday and virtually every school hall or community hall is a polling booth, this is necessary as we have compulsory voting, in Federal, State and Local Government and if you decide not to vote it is a $120 fine and it is strictly enforced, if you are flying somewhere, you need show your boarding pass to avoid a fine. Voting method is the same throughout the country, ie manual, you need to pencil in the numbers for the House of Representatives and put a 1 in the Party of your choice for the Senate and the results are usually known before midnight on the day of voting. | ||||||
Friday, August 20, 2010, 7:01:12 AM- Voting on Pics and Vids | ||||||
I often read about people complaining about low votes and I use a bit of a system. I check if the Profile is filled in and if not, I mark it anything up to 6, if they have a profile filled out and i think they are appealing, I will vote them up to 10, if they are unappealing to me I will usually ignore the pic annd move on to the next pic What I don't enjoy is someone really pretty with a Profile being marked down, just to be mean and nasty. I don't have anyy pics up at all, I appreciate the effort people put into showing their body and often their face and I feel they should be rewarded so long as they fill the rest of my criteria | ||||||
Friday, July 17, 2009, 1:56:26 PM- Voting on pics | ||||||
I often read complaints about people voting down pics of absolutely gorgeous chics that are just straight out malice by lowlifes, rather than a considered vote on how it appeals to the viewer. When I vote, I look to see if the person has a Profile filled out and if not, I mark it down 4 points, if they are nude or hava other pics of bare flesh, I give good points for that, but fat people turn me off, folks with a cigarette ditto, but if the poster has a pic of thenmselves they at least get 3 points, because although I have filled out my Profile, I do not have any pics up on this site, due to my age and medical condition. | ||||||
Monday, February 9, 2009, 2:05:43 AM- Rollergirl | ||
Rollergirl and her husband Tony live in one of the areas wiped out in just a couple of minutes. i fear for their safety, their whole town has been wiped out, Valerie and Tony are two lovely, generous people, I have visited them in their home. So if you are into praying , please pray for Valerie and Tony and just hope they are safe. Denis | ||
Thursday, August 7, 2008, 7:43:16 AM- Is he dead or alive? | ||
Yes I am alive, just been mainly blogging on xanga.com. I still come here and perv on the pics and read some blogs. The anonymity seems to come at a price, for a friend I visited at her home or rather their home, seems to not want to talk to me anymore, which is a pity, because i liked them heaps. I was lying or laying down just a short while ago and rolled onto my glasses, so now they are all fucked up and I will need to visit OPSM tomorrow morning. As the time goes bye, it becomes more embarassing that I do not have any pics posted and I constantly look at folk who do. I am 69 in a few weeks and I have gone through compression and recession down below, so there is nothing to see. | ||
Thursday, February 22, 2007, 10:35:47 AM- Three Months since my last blog. | ||
Monday, November 13, 2006, 11:02:01 AM- mini skirts | ||||||
I feel the guilt thing for not updating for so long. I subscribe to another blog site and spend a lot of time over there. Being a good Catholic, I always the beauty around me that God has created, like Niagara Falls, the birds in the trees and even the horses and cows in the fields. I admire the shape and design of the purpose built animals,even when I go out shopping, I admire God's creations walking along the street, like pretty little girls with nice legs, a nice butt or fabulous tits, all created by the good Lord, but fondled and kept shapely by man's hands. I saw one girl today whose legs were very exposed, I don't think her mini skirt was any more than nine inches long and it gave me the perfect opportunity to examine in the finest detail what a power far greater than I had formed. I feel really overcome by a need to praise the Lord | ||||||
Friday, August 18, 2006, 1:48:25 AM- Saying of the day | ||||||
Parents have children so that death will not be a disappointment | ||||||
Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 10:56:03 AM- The Cycle of Life | ||||||
At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants At age 12 success is having friends At age 16 success is having a drivers license At age 20 success is having sex At age 35 success is having money At age 50 success is having money At age 60 success is having sex At age 70 success is having a drivers license At age 75 success is having friends At age 80 success is not peeing in your pants | ||||||
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