Gift PremiumWhile life is good enjoy it when its bad ignore it and when love comes knocking at the door, open and let it in... LIFE is for living after all.... have a great day you sexy lot hugs and kisses all round ;0} x x x (When Times get ruff you find out who your true friends are and I am glad to say I am blessed. Thank you to those on here (and you know who you are) Big hugs to you all) (>")><("<) ;0} x x x
- 53 years old
- Male
- Joined 15 years ago
srebbew's Blog
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Monday, December 25, 2017, 1:03:09 AM- Merry Christmas.... | |||||| and all And may this one be a joyous and loving one with those near and dear. Also many heart felt Yule tide greeting to all men and women serving in the armed forces that cannot be with their loved ones this Christmas Day and all the emergency services personnel looking after us and keeping us safe through the festive period. Your efforts and dedication are greatly appreciated... Thank You ?? And last but not least to all those loved from afar that circumstances and fate deny them to be with the ones they love ..... to them big hugs and soft sensual kisses until the day their dreams cum true ?? Merry Christmas ;0} x x x | ||||||
Wednesday, December 23, 2015, 1:06:42 AM- short and sweet.... | ||||||
Merry Christmas to all mmy fabulous sensual sexy friends... I hope you have an adventerous and fun holiday season... See you all in the new year hugs and kisses ;0} x x x | ||||||
Friday, November 27, 2015, 12:56:38 AM- its been a year :( | ||||||
today 27/11/2015 is the year anniversary of my father passing away of a broken heart..... ![]() My dad was my last surviving direct family except my brother and losing him definitely effected me more than i thought it would. However.... it did teach me one thing.... life is for living because no matter how hard you want to try you cant take it with you ... So all my fellow NNers and my sexy friends I have one thing to say to you..... enjooy and never regret, because life has a plan even if you dont agree with it you will definitely get some high points to enjoy the ride. till next time, stay safe, stay happy, but most of all be sexy as hell Big hugs and soft kisses to you all. ;0} x x x x | ||||||
Thursday, September 3, 2015, 7:55:16 PM- :( | ||||||
I have not been around much with everything going on in my life there just hasn't been the time.... but... having just logged in an heard the devastating news regarding the premature loss of a wonderful woman Mrs DC ![]() Mr DC my thoughts are with you and your family. | ||||||
Friday, April 10, 2015, 3:49:25 PM- A fond Farewell!! | ||||||
Since my mother died just under 4 years ago, I have been struggling with myself. Who I am? What I want? Where is my life going? Then my dad passed away unexpectedly in November and I felt alone…. Something had to be done…. My marriage had fallen apart and apart from work, I am alone in the world… I have ‘virtual’ friends and I am truly gratefully to them or else I would have caved a very long time ago…. So to all of you past and present, and I am not naming because you know in your hearts who you are, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now having said that… of late I have found someone… not from NN but in the real world… A chance encounter… and a lost heart!!!... so although I am not closing my account I am no longer,and for the foreseeable future, going to be saying hello… I will be effectively moth balling my account… The last 6 years have been really fun and I have made some truly special friends from here… some no longer on the site and others, who will always have a special place in my heart, I am going to miss… It has been a fabulous time but now the wind is blowing in a different direction and I must go like a leaf on the breeze and find out where it takes me… thank you all for one hell of a ride and you never know I may be back or I may be gone for good… Big hugs and soft kisses to anyone who wants them and always remember … love thy neighbour, but for god sake don’t get caught!! ![]() Srebbew (((( xxxx )))) | ||||||
Saturday, February 21, 2015, 1:09:39 PM- its been a while!!! | ||||||
Well hello you sexy lot... I hope this year (which is already flying past) is going well for you all ..... big hugs for my beautiful sexy friends that I have been remise in my sating hello to and keeping up with... I have been missing you all... I have a lot going on in my life at the moment and am not quiet ready to share but be assured in the end it will all be good. I have however been struggling to sleep and as a result it has been given me an opportunity to experiment with something I have been dying to get to grips with.... night time photography!!!! I love the stars and there is nothing more beautiful than a clear sky full of beautiful shining stars in the words of Cold Play.... its a heavenly view!!! well I thought I would share some results as I finally found a technique ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well got lots of chores to do so I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a sexy week... I will be back on form I assure you all. Big hugs and soft kisses and always have fun... ;0} x x x | ||||||
Thursday, December 11, 2014, 9:52:06 AM- today | ||||||
.... is the hardest day of my life... I will not be around a lot for a while dad you will never be forgotten and always in my heart forever... thank you for guiding me to be the man I am and making realise the value of love and friendship.. We will send you off today but we will hold you close forever. I love you dad and always will xxxxxx | ||||||
Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 10:31:42 AM- how do I start..... | ||||||
This is not a good blog so if you are not wanting to read about feelings then I would move on and fast ![]() For those of you that are still here thank you for taking the time to read this and apologies if it goes a little astray as I haven't real thought about what I am going to put here.... As you all know well those that know me do anyway... My mother passed away 3 years ago... Quite surprisingly I coped really well and on the anniversary of her death tried to turn it into a positive and did a solo run for 14.5 miles to raise money for Cancer Research... (nearly killed me ![]() Well about 14 weeks ago my dad, who never bothers anyone with his private life, told me he had been woken up in the middle of the night with terrible pains in his chest and shortness of breath... I tried in vain to get him to hospital to be checked out... my god he is a stubborn sod (his nick name is the Grumpy old 'un ![]() ![]() On the day of him going in (a week today actually :/ ) an ambulance was called and I made sure he was ready and in the ambulance before shooting off so I was already at the hospital before he got there as I know he hates them and seeing a friendly face on arrival (well my ugly mug at any rate) might make it a bit easier... The ambulance crew were faultless.. (big respect for all Ambulance or paramedic crew you do one of the hardest jobs in some of the most difficult times but you always do it with dignity and honour) we got taken straight in to A&E and looked at the second we walked in the door.... this was about 11 am. By the time all the tests all the questions and Xrays where done it was about 2:30 pm and they decided he needed to be admitted for at least one night but I was expecting until the following week... All the time we where joking even about my name when the doctors where asking for the forms... I said Rob and my dad corrected me and said Robert....(my mum always used to say bert in a coarse voice if anyone called me Rob so it became a running joke in the family).. Well as with anything in the NHS (if you live in the UK will know straight away what I mean) resources where stretched!!! so he didn't go down to the ward until 4:30pm... On the Ward a consultant doctor came down to see us and explained clearly what exactly was wrong with him... It turns out the heart valve he had replaced only 5 years ago was failing... it had shrunk in diameter and was there for not generating enough pressure flow around his heart this in turn meant water had been building up on his lungs causing the breathing issues, on top of this one of his tablets they had given him was to remove the fluid from his lungs but he hadn't been drinking enough for the doss he had been given and the result had dried out his Kidneys... (all in all it was lucky he had survived this long) the normal course of action for the kidneys is to flood the body with lots of fluid an kick start them into life again but they couldn't do that... if they did that he would drown in his own lungs within hours!!! The only coarse of action they could take was to drip feed the medicine in one arm and drip feed fluids in the other... When I left at about 7:45pm they had both drips going and he was just about as stable as he could be... All the doctors and nurses were confident in the morning he would be happier and in a few days he would be able to go home again. When the phone rang at 5:45am I answered it ... in pure auto pilot and my heart racing... it was the hospital... my dad had taken a sever turn for the worse and they advised I got down there quickly... I grabbed what ever was lying around and my car key and got in the car and drove as fast as I could... which considering there was a fog so thick you could only see 10 meters in front of you was not fast at all.... When I got there the look on the nurses face before I even got to the nurses station said what I knew in my heart was true... I didn't make it and he passed away at 6:04am ( you don't realise how hard this is to write.... but I did it with my mum and it helped a lot so I am hoping it works here too) Deep breaths... My brother was in Dublin on a works conference so couldn't get back so I had to brake the new to him over the phone.... (don't ever have to tell a sibling over the phone if you can at all help it... it was the worst thing I have ever had to do).... Over the last three years me and my dad have never been closer and the realisation that me and my brother are the last in the line has hit us both very hard (neither of us can have children so we are latterly the last in the line) so he is now gone... he will always be in my heart but I will miss yawning on his sofa (involuntary it was soooooo comfortable) Our Monday evening chats putting the world to rights and anything else that got on our nerves...just knowing he would stand by me no matter what I had done or what had happened to me he was always the head of reason... So Dad if you are reading this (what are you doing on this site???) or if you can hear this... I love you... and am going to miss you so much... The funeral is next Thursday and I apologise to my friends on here for not keeping in contact over the next few weeks but it will be a New Year soon and a fresh start... lots of changes and no clue where they will all lead. Thank you if you made it all this way... and you didn't fall asleep, well done... Oh and SEB1 .... that's why the rose is black for now. I hope I haven't depressed your Christmas run up to much and to HH my thoughts are with you as well Sir... Well big hugs to you all and kisses for the ladies too Till we talk again have a great Christmas and a Happy New year all Rob signing Off!!! ;0} x x x | ||||||
Monday, March 24, 2014, 10:29:03 AM- THis week is going to be tuff!!! | ||||||
SS if I don't lose weight this week this will be the reason but I assure you I will be back at you next week young lady... lol Wednesday is what would have been my mums Birthday and my mum and dads Wedding anniversary... and I miss her.... So does my dad obviously but he wont show it. He is of the era where men were men and did not show they're emotions. Well I normally go and see him on a Monday and a Thursday and at a weekend if I can, but this week I cant go on Thursday and although tonight he will probably say he doesn't want to see me on Wednesday I am going to just turn up talk about the football, the sports relief dogs and anything else we can think of just to take our minds of the day a little. Been thinking about my mum a lot of late... Life in general makes me do things like that sometimes, how I miss her smile and her swift left foot... ![]() Damn I am rambling, you know what it feels good to write it down though. Anyone that knows me well know I don't do emotion, (throw over from my dad I suppose), so writing this just clears the mind a little. If you have read this all the way down and not fallen asleep then you are a brave person but thank you... Oh well lets get this day over skittles and a couple of hours with my dad tonight ![]() Big hugs to you all have a great week and live life to the full. ()()()()()()()()()XXXXXXXX()()()()()()()()() Till next time. ;0} x x x | ||||||
Friday, December 13, 2013, 4:39:46 PM- Well another year has passed and that time approaches..... | ||||||
.... No not THE 'C' word..... its my Birthday this weekend!!! ![]() Another year older (I certainly feel it) Another year wiser (I doubt it) Thank you to all my beautiful and sexy friends for making this a year I so very much enjoyed. Thank you also to those loved and lost to this site who, at least to me, are sorely missed but never forgotten. There have been ups... and there have been downs... but you know what it hasn't been the worst it could have been... and it is certainly getting better as the days go by. Well just wanted to say a great big squishy thank you to everyone because whether you know it or not you sexy lot, YES ALL of you, have made this year a good one. So heres to next year, may your lust be genuine and your perving honest.... may all your fantasies become realities (until that is you can think of some more ![]() Oh and remember: ...... Have fun you sexy lot but ALWAY be naughty and nice..... Big Huggles and soft kisses to you all ;0} x x x | ||||||
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