- thighman
thighman's Blog
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Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:36:21 AM- Day 41 Tuesday | ||||||
Woke up to a pounding head. Hurt to move. But she was in bed with me. She got the blood pressure cuff and water. Normal… great must be sinus. she laid back down should have been a snow day for her. she let me lay against her. Her boss texted at 830 so she went in thinking they would have a talk.. nope her boss didn’t show. I finally was able to move at 12. Still hurt but could push thru. Sucks to hurt this much sober. Didn’t get much done cold and wet outside. Ordered a battery. Tried to come home and the Toyota wouldn’t start. Electronic chirps and flashing lights… FUCK!!! Jumped it with my truck and put it inside. Tested battery. It is slightly weak. But still good. Started just fine after the jump. Added a battery charger. She cooked noodles to go with left over roast. Not bad. I still haven’t done dishes. Big pile. Showered and in bed early work early tomorrow and the weather sucks Went downstairs after my shower wrapped in my towel and asked if she wanted to see the cleanest mediocre penis in the area. She said in ten minuets when I finish this show and come up. That was an hour ago. Tried to solo this morning but head hurt to much to make it happen. no changes | ||||||
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:31:24 AM- Day 40 Monday | ||
i woke up at 4am. My head was thumping. She was SOBBING. Crying hysterically. Took a while to realize she was asleep. Finally got her awake. She was still crying. She finally said I had left her. I said “so those are tears of joy?” got her calmed down. got her to go pee. She laid back down and spooned. Allowed me to hug tight both arms. After an hour Ended up with one hand on her tit. Started pinching and tugging her nipple. About 40 minutes. She is almost grinding her ass into me. I am firmly in her butt crack. Her alarm went off. She said “a few more minutes and I wouldn’t have went to work.” Then she sat up got dressed and left. I trid to rub one out but the thumping was a bit extreme so zero Got moving around 10 headed to fivestar. Roast day for lunch. Walked in looked at it and couldn’t do it. Ham sandwich instead . Texted G to ask how Martha was. No response…a couple hours later G called. I asked how she was. Silence. “I’ve been better…” I am SO sorry. She got 7 days. But I got her home for that. It really sucks. We talked for an hour G has a lot of pain. 58 years of friendship. Damn. Really hurt. .i haven’t shared that . Got home around 7 stopped at P’s to fix two water shutoffs that she just had to turn. I love old plumbing. New ¼ turn compression on CPVC cant wait for more problems. She was grumpy when I got home. Her boss is being passive aggressive and a CUNT. I told her to find a new job because I was not going to live like this. She said she wasn’t mad.. I told her I didn’t care what she described it as it was bullshit that I was not going to deal with in my life. In bed around 11. She asked me to scratch her butt. Hot wash rag, scrubber cheeks, clean crack. Coconut oil rubbed in. I kept my fingers out of her crack. She rolled over to be little spoon. Allowed me to hug didn’t want her tits touched. So I laid there with my penis in her very slippery, tight butt crack. She moaned a little and started to grind. I rubbed back and just like that … she was snoring. I rolled over and went to sleep 0 - 40 - total days of year 32 Solo functions 26 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 5 work nights in hotel/ me away 6 night her travel 2 night her travel/me travel both out not together | ||
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:29:13 AM- Day 39 Sunday | ||
Got up at 8 thought we were leaving at 10. Nope noonish or later. McD’s eggMcmuffin. And wait. When they showed up they asked why I worked on it all weekend. I said brakes were important. Headed to the house around 3 she cooked roast and taters in the crock pot. They were not close to being done. Grabbed a hamburger to hold me over. Talked to dad told him about the project I had found. He offered to buy. Not sure how I feel about that. Kinda got a kiss when I walked in. she puckered up as she walked by. So my lips touched her cheek. She was heading to watch the “game”. No questions about my day or how I felt. Normal return. I stuck my head in a few times. Asked a question. Remembered why I don’t watch sports with her. Went to bed around midnight. No touching allowed. Normal… great. No change | ||
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 7:28:31 AM- Day 38. Feb 7 | ||
Woke at 8. Got moving to figure out what happened. Found fluid. Got it delivered. Bought some tools. Found the fitting that was left loose. At least it didn’t fall out. Got the system filled and it seems to be working. Fuck. Big late lunch and then a nap. Woke up around 7pm. No answer to calls. She finally responded to text. She was on the phone with girl watching a show together. +1 for me hoping to go back to sleep. Up early to,orrow to finish the project. I hope. 0 - 38 - total days of year 32 Solo functions 24 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 5 work nights in hotel/ me away 6 night her travel 2 night her travel/me travel both out not together | ||
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 7:20:59 AM- Day37 Feb 6 | ||
Woke up at 8. Yep did my morning thing. +1 Got up at 9. Let dogs out. Went to work Went to Lee’s. Yum. Shipped off parts of two projects. Getting closer to getting shit done. Got two calls that I couldn’t answer then a text from side job. ‘Can we leave at 630?” Absolutely. Called to see if it was fixed and ready.”yes. Good to go”. Home to pack. Got a hug when I left. Got there a little late but still ahead of schedule. Quick look. Everything seems good. Boss shows up load up, all good. Found the rain. 2 1/2 hours later. Weather is ok. Brake failure. WTF? Yep. No brakes. Great. I love issues. Made it normal. Got parked and they left. No fluid at all. Crap. MyD’s for a sandwich. Find a hotel. Call it a night. WTF | ||
Thursday, February 6, 2025, 6:48:26 AM- Day 36 Feb 5 a catch up post | ||
Feb 5 day 36 Got up at 8 Me time. +1 let dogs out to play, Went to work had lunch with R scrambled eggs. Yum . I should do lunch more. He is going to need it. Got a message that Martha is not doing well. really sucks, but she at least got a few days at home with family. Had talk with boss, need to clean up my mess. Might move to another shop with a few projects. Put S’s mags together. One bad coil. And all my spare ones are bad… that sucks. But at least I know what his miss was. Raining at time to go home. Stopped at looked at tool boxes. Lasagna soup for dinner. Pretty good. She had beer and basketball game too. I didn’t do the dishes. Need to hit that in the morning. Sanded her arches and clipped her toes. Pulled a couple hairs on her butt. Hot washrag and wiped her ass. No coconut oil. she is in a t shirt, Went to take a shower and she is snoring No hugs No change except solo count 0 - 36 - total days of year 30 Solo functions 23 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 4 work nights in hotel/ me away 6 night her travel 2 night her travel/me travel both out not together i believe this is correct Feb 4 Got up dogs out. Went to work sainted sealant C got a new pacemaker No change except solo count +1 Feb 3 Returned borrowed toy, took it back at 4 pm. Tire went flat as I was filling it up with gas. No good deed goes unpunished. Jacked it up and replaced tube. Made a late night by the time I got it put away. Driving home called to ask about dogs. No answer. Text answer was yes and feed them. Relised it was training night so I stopped in for that. Hazmat yea. Let dogs out fed the fed cats. Got home around 10. She was in the shower so I ate leftovers did dishes and went up to say I was home when the shower stopped. She was putting on pj’s. I said (joking) “do you think you deserve pj’s?” and laughed. Oooops. She said she did and did I know it was 10 and was really angry. I related the fun of a flat tire and she was even more mad cause I didn’t call and say that had happened. I responded “I will try and do better.” Oooops again that set her off. I went downstairs and went to sleep on the sofa around 3am. Screw that. No change except solo count and that early afternoon. Feb 2 she is home one hug. I did all the dishes. Clean sheets on the bed did a load of wash for her so she had clothes for work +2 Feb1 +2 6 night her travel 2 night her travel/me travel both out not together Day 31 Woke up at 630. Crap I am a bit late. Pack a bag quick. Let the dogs out. Feed them, let them out agin. Head to work Mostly on time. Easy day to first stop, easy second stop. Waffle House for lunch yummy. Easy third stop. Not many texts today a “good morning” not much. Oh well. Dinner with my part time boss and his wife. It was quite good. A few calls about an accident. There will be lessons 6 night her travel 1 night her travel/me travel both out not together Day 30 Asleep by 2 awake at 4 roll over up at 430. Side job kinda. More like angel work. Running down to pick up a girl I met when I was in kindergarten. Cancer came back. Really sucks. Going to get her home. Three and a half hours, an fog… short detour to wait for fog and gas. Short hop, and small wait. Martha arrives with her daughter. She looks good and happy to see me. Her daughter and nephew are thrilled to see me and so excited that I am helping. Three hours twenty minutes later with much rain and hardly any bumps I get her to her sister and twinsy from grade school. It felt so good to make someone happy. I hope it makes a difference. Short visit with brother and another hour of rain and fog and I get home. Crappy day of bad weather hopefully it has a positive impact. Went for Mexican. It tasted yummy. I made it a mile down the road. Pulled over puked at the side of the road. Some muscle spasms and really tight. Call her since I am 12 minutes from home. Need a backup plan incase it gets worse. She is distracted and not really interacting with me. Until I say I puked. Then there is a bit of questions, and concern? She gets girl involved a bit. But mostly a normal reaction from her Let the dogs out, feel like shit. So sore. Lay down and think I will get up and shower. +1 6 night her travel Day 29 +1 5 night her travel Day 28 +1 4 night her travel Day 27 Surgery early all good 3 night her travel +2 Day 26 Sunday She is heading home. Got half way, girl is in pain and bad. She turns around . girl goes to ER at 3pm. she gets there around 9 Appendicitis. Long night 2 night her travel +1 Day 25 She departed with girls dogs. 1 night her travel 0-24 - total days of year 19. Solo functions 17 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 4 work nights in hotel/ me away Day 24 friday She is heading out tomorrow 0-24 - total days of year 17. Solo functions 17 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 4 work nights in hotel/ me away | ||
Friday, January 24, 2025, 8:38:13 AM- Day 23 | ||
Wanted up early. Not feeling it. Up at 8. Alone, might as well - lost interest. Dogs out. To the paint store to get supplies. Grab a fivestar burger and sweet tea. Nothing sounds good. But I should eat. Decide to pull the flat tire off the car and get it fixed. Get it to the shop, no leak. Can’t find it. Spray it again. One small nail hole. No nail. And just a tiny bubble. Wahoo. $10 and no more leak. Put it back on, jack is here let’s check the other leaker. Lots of soapy water. Of course my dumb ass checks the valve stem last. Huge bubbles. Back to the tire store. Stem has a pressure sensor and they don’t have that type. Drive to auto store. $45 for the one that is supposed to be there. The rubber pop in one that is there won’t seat. Needs metal screw in. Of course. Not the $4 one. Back to the car and now it doesn’t have leaky tires. I have been ignoring that stupid shit for a year. Get ready to leave for the day and see that ups has delivered a box. Sweet! Antenna is here a day early! Decide to stay. Installed and tested. Works. Life is good. Take back plumbing parts from poop day. Drop off paperwork for a side job. Talk and BS a bit with B. Find out one of yesterday’s guys is a jerk. Probably won’t work for him again. Home for leftovers, more soup. D stopped by. We swapped a few lies, it was good to see him. She got done telling me of her day. Went to shower. Text “clean my ears please”. Yes And just like that she is snoring. Go down stairs, +1. Shower and bed. 3am 0-23 - total days of year 16. Solo functions 17 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 4 work nights in hotel/ me away | ||
Friday, January 24, 2025, 8:05:12 AM- Day 22 | ||||||
Up early. 6 am wake up. Dogs out, check weather and what’s open. Text everyone and set time. 915 pickup. Weather is good. Everything south of Atlanta is closed. They got a little snow. Everyone is on time. In Florida by lunch, but there is no power anywhere, ice took lines down. Guess I am glad I have chicken salad snacks in my bag. Back by 4. Stop at the store so I have tools for tomorrow. Scrapers and trays. Go let dogs out. Feed cats, check wood burner. Kill 2 hours with that. Leftovers for dinner. Chicken tortilla soup gets better, not complaining 0-22 - total days of year 15. Solo functions 16 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 4 work nights in hotel/ me away | ||||||
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 6:24:41 AM- Day 21 tuesday | ||
Woke up to phone ringing “we are here to help you with Medicare…”. Fuck off. Let the dogs out. It is cold. Go back to bed and warm up. Hey I’m alone might as well. +1 Go for lunch. Nothing sounds good. 1/4 with cheese. There are maybe 6 behind the counter. They are doing the best they can. I’m just happy for food. I remember when I couldn’t even get an interview at McD’s. Damn. Go to work. Start troubleshooting an antenna problem. No the box, climb up on top 10’ up. It is slick and narrow. Not the wire. Yep bad antenna. Ordered and waiting. Put it all back together so nothing gets lost. M calls. He is leaving his parents house finally. 2 weeks sleeping in the hospital in a recliner waiting. They have taken his dad home to finish waiting. Hour and a half listening. It sure sucks getting old. I reminded him to get food before he got to his place. He said thanks. It is going to be a rough time. Pack my shit to leave, get in the car. Pull out. It feels funny. Really funny. Stop get out walk around car. Right front tire is flat. All the way flat. Crap. Back in in a spot. Go back inside and call to ask her to come get me. I’m not changing it in the dark at 9 degrees. Fuck that. 30 minutes later phone rings “did someone call for a ride?” Walk out in the cold. Open the door. She says I even turned on the seat for you. Short ride home. Leftovers. A bit of paperwork. She comes in the kitchen. Makes small talk. I listen. Only comment I make “you know you are going to need to change jobs right?” She said yes. Announced she was going to shower. I watch some 80’s music videos. She texts asking me to sand her arches. On my way. Shower and she is asleep. I roll behind her and give a small hug. ‘Happy national hug day”. She said I didn’t see that on the calendar and proceeds to snore. At least she didn’t swing at me. 0-21 - total days of year 14. Solo functions 15 possible nights of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 4 work nights in hotel/ me away | ||
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 6:04:27 AM- Day 20. Monday | ||
Got up early enough for breakfast. Raining but at least it’s 50. Not a bad day. Just going to end cold. Easy work day. A few delays. I did better training than I had in a while. The new guy doesn’t need to be punished for my life choices. He heard a few issues when we were driving and she called. Florida being hands free, and earbuds in the bag I used speaker knowing it would be a short call. Normal topics. When she hung up new guy said “I’m sorry. Guess that explains a few things”. I told him to not let me be an ass because of it. And I will try to not channel frustration his way. Extra work once we got home. Quick hop to St Louis for trucks. Quick meal and home again. Cold. Bitter cold. Hot soup on the stove and off to training. 2 hours on winter safety. And a check of the equipment. Yeah. No one put the batteries back. The big E showed up. It was good to see him. New baby isn’t as new now, but life keeps kicking issues in place. We laughed about a lack of affection or any physical touch. At midnight when tones dropped for chest pain, I went. Just young C and me. He called as I was walking out the door. “You Going?” Yep, see you there. 59 year old. No family history or problems. Had taken antacid and aspirin. Was on the floor in a ball of pain. Yep seen this before. Load her up and send her on the way. Ask C how he is. “I’m good..”. As I step towards him, he senses what’s coming. “No…. NO!” Yeah. You need a hug. He has had a rough year. He half melted and said “I’m ok, thanks”. I told him I was proud of him for considering a therapist. Maybe it will help the nightmares. Back home. Laid there till 4 0-20 - total days of year 13. Solo functions 14 possible days of compatibility 1 her sick/ together days 4 work nights in hotel/away | ||
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