voodooboo's Blog
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Monday, January 4, 2016, 10:09:58 PM- Introducing Andy my Hedgie | ||||||
He's fat. He's awesome. He loves his belly tickled. When he's nervous he poops. I named him Andy from Shawshank Redemption bc he's always escaping. | ||||||
Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 2:57:27 AM- Sunsets and Peekers | ||||||
Beautiful huh ![]() I seem to have a peeker ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 2:16:29 AM- Stairway to Heaven | ||||||
Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 12:03:47 AM- Small is Big | ||||||
Being able to see and enjoy the small things in life really does become the big things in life. To me at least. I am constantly embracing the small things ...it fills up my heart so huge and big like it's gonna burst. Here's some photos I took to or from my job(s). Take your blinders off and look around. ![]() Me | ||||||
Thursday, October 29, 2015, 10:56:18 PM- A Poet's Voice XV - Part One | ||||||
The power of charity sows deep in my heart, and I reap and gather the wheat in p and give them to the hungry. My soul gives life to the grapevine and I press its bunches and give the juice to the thirsty. Heaven fills my lamp with oil and I place it at my window to direct the stranger through the dark. I do all these things because I live in them; and if destiny should tie my hands and prevent me from so doing, then death would be my only desire. For I am a poet, and if I cannot give, I shall refuse to receive. Humanity rages like a tempest, but I sigh in silence for I know the storm must pass away while a sigh goes to God. Human kinds cling to earthly things, but I seek ever to embrace the torch of love so it will purify me by its fire and sear inhumanity from my heart. Substantial things deaden a man without suffering; love awakens him with enlivening pains. Humans are divided into different clans and tribes, and belong to countries and towns. But I find myself a stranger to all communities and belong to no settlement. The universe is my country and the human family is my tribe. Men are weak, and it is sad that they divide amongst themselves. The world is narrow and it is unwise to cleave it into kingdoms, empires, and provinces. Human kinds unite themselves one to destroy the temples of the soul, and they join hands to build edifices for earthly bodies. I stand alone listening to the voice of hope in my deep self saying, "As love enlivens a man's heart with pain, so ignorance teaches him the way of knowledge." Pain and ignorance lead to great joy and knowledge because the Supreme Being has created nothing vain under the sun. by Khalil Gibran | ||||||
Thursday, September 24, 2015, 6:11:15 PM- Death by Sweets | ||||||
This is an ode to a dragonfly. You may ask why I'm making a rhyme for this dragonfly. Maybe it's because he died by my front door. Stuck in melted candy, he couldn't soar. Just stuck. Poor guy. What a crappy way to die. Awesome fact about these awesome insects: Hundreds of dragonflies of different species will gather in swarms, either for feeding or migration. ![]() | ||||||
Monday, August 10, 2015, 1:55:00 AM- I'm a sentimental foo' | ||||||
Yesterday morning while getting ready for work, I heard some birds whistling outside my window. 3 cute lil birds that saw me checking them out... ...and then there were two ...and then I got home from work and took this photo but hated it so it didn't geaux up. Going with the nature theme k After I stopped pervin a wee bit on NN yesterday..I walked into my living room and a shade of a mystical purple was glowing through my window shades. Absolutely breathtaking colors. It stormed like a motherfucker after the sun went down. Anyway, I figured since I'm like green in the face and ugh-ish, I would share other forms of nude photos. Nature is nude yo. | ||||||
Saturday, August 8, 2015, 4:39:19 AM- Night Night | ||||||
Sleep tight | ||||||
Thursday, July 30, 2015, 7:29:04 PM- Our World Thru My Eyes | ||||||
These first two photos were taken the day my baby girl left the hospital. ![]() Sad face bad hair day lol I made this meal last night without a recipe, just an idea from stuff I eat at a Chinese restaurant here. Peanut butter chicken with long grain wild rice pilaf. ![]() | ||||||
Friday, July 17, 2015, 9:01:39 PM- My Biggest Love | ||||||
My biggest love is my two kids. But when they get hurt, it is like they are lil bitty all over again. And you witness your love for your kids grow EVEN bigger after something like this. I didn't know a love like this could get any bigger. Thank y'all for your the emails & messages. My daughters surgery lasted 3 hours..it went well! After some complications with the pain meds and vomiting, she was able to keep liquids down late last night. She is being kept again tonight bc her calcium levels need to be in the "correct range". I am putting a photo up of her eating the first of soft foods...with a view overlooking the zoo, the Mississippi River, and the Huey P Long bridge. I am hopeful she will get to come tomorrow late afternoon. Oh yeah! And here's a beautiful sunset outside of her window yesterday. The tire pic is just an old beat up house in NO but I liked it lol. | ||||||
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