Gift PremiumJust me, nothing more, nothing less...
- 52 years old
- Female
- Joined 20 years ago
willow01's Blog
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Friday, September 16, 2016, 9:09:41 PM- Tonight made me sad... | ||||||
I had a look at the fav people I have in my profile and it has made me really sad that they ain't on here anymore. I miss those guys, well the ones I'm not still in contact with elsewhere. There are loads of others that I was in contact with previously who aren't on there too as I stopped updating long before I stopped visiting. I just hope you are all well and if you're still around please say hi as it would be great to catch up. W xxx | ||||||
Thursday, September 15, 2016, 7:10:41 PM- | ||||||
What's new guys? Not got too long to perv 😀 | ||||||
Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 7:59:56 PM- | ||||||
Hello my sexies!! Once again it's been a while and once again this place has changed so very much. I just ventured into the new video chat room. WOW!! NN has been talking about doing something like that for what must be over 5 years now, so it's pretty cool to finally see it up and running. I miss this place, I really do but just don't have the time anymore to visit so much. My life is very different these days though.......I am very happy in a relationship with a good guy, we have amazing sex and get this......he's a genuinely nice guy too!! Who knew that a combination like that was even possible lol. Nah, only joking but he is not my "normal" or previous type which is probably why it all works so well. Anyway, miss you guys and promise to visit home more often ![]() W x | ||||||
Tuesday, May 26, 2015, 4:30:15 PM- | ||||||
Hey, I popped in for a nosy around today and thought it would be rude to leave without saying HI! So Hiya ![]() This place has changed so much over the last year or so and so many new faces! Not a bad thing at all but just different. I had quite a few messages when I logged on - when did it turn to online dating though? Seriously!! I know things have changed and everybody is here for different reasons but it just made me wonder.... is there anybody here just to enjoy pics and a natter anymore? | ||||||
Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 10:06:45 PM- | ||||||
I was being hunted by a mad man with a sniper rifle for days on end, I tried to out run and out him but it didn't matter what I did or where I went he alway seemed to catch up with me and was waiting around the next corner to take a shot at me. I tried every trick in the book but nowhere was safe to hide from this guy! Then I found a double barrel shotgun which for some reason I then turned into a sawn off shotgun...swung around behind him and wiped his sorry ass out :/ Analyse that one then doc!! I have no idea where that came from but I woke up this morning in full survivor mode.... I am a tough cookie! In other news, date night was brought forward to tonight and went really well - 2nd date is now on Saturday night happy humpday!! | ||||||
Saturday, August 2, 2014, 6:29:23 PM- Tonights title is...Hair dye, eyebrows and tidying the garden and other ad hoc duties | ||||||
Exactly as the title states!! After 2 weeks off from work and the whole outside world in general and having used most of it using most of it to slob out... tonight is pretty much in the above order ![]() I know the sexy thing is to put this image out there (yeah I look like i do in my pics every day in life!! ![]() ![]() How fast have the last 2 weeks went though? In an absolute blur..its almost time to go back to work although it is only for 2 more weeks in the job I am in before starting the new one. I am still dreading those 2 weeks though and I just know that they are going to be awful and I will probably want to cry for every minute of those 2 weeks but at least my eyes will be flushed out (every cloud and its silver lining - or red rimmed lining!) I am trying to think what else has been going on with me lately, apart from a few stressful days away over the last couple of weeks which does not always stem from children of mine these days as much as it used to. Nothing else but ohh....I have a date next week. Just a guy I have spoken to a few times from town but we have arranged to go out for some food and a few drinks. Eeeep, I hate dates lol Anyway, like I said - I have things to be busy with tonight ![]() ![]() W xx | ||||||
Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 9:52:34 PM- I have a question to put out there..... | ||||||
When you get older and have memories from years ago, do you picture the you from "now" in those situations or the younger "you" from those days. I am just curious as I have been doing some thinking back about things from the past and I somehow can't seem to connect my thinking then to my thinking now. I just wondered if it was just me or is this a normal human trait. There is actually several situations that I have in mind so not one thing in particular. I realise that we all change as life goes on and everyday changes us a little or a lot but at the end of the day we are still the same person (or are we?) but there are some things that i feel so differently about that I sometimes wonder if I really am the same person I was 10 years ago.... | ||||||
Tuesday, July 22, 2014, 9:20:27 PM- So..... | ||||||
Somehow I went and managed to get that job!!! I got a call from the guy offering me the job yesterday, and I pretty much bit his hand off, I told him that I wanted to hug him to which he said that the team was very touchy feeley so I would fit in...lol Words cannot describe how happy I am just now. This also has a down-side for me....it means that I am due something to somebody here. A bit of a wager type agreement that I now have to pay up ![]() Now I can relax and enjoy the rest of my time off and enjoy the lovely sunshine that we are experiencing. I finally got my ass to the gym after trying to convince myself all day, it only took me till 8pm to get there but I ran a new personal best for 5k which I am very happy with and it now I have gotten to the point where I can run that distance (almost) comfortably, it means I can now start to push myself harder to do it faster. Anyway, enough babbling for one night....I'm off to chat W x | ||||||
Sunday, July 13, 2014, 9:10:40 PM- | ||||||
So Sunday night comes around again....this sucks!! On a happier note after this week I have a full 2 weeks off from the hell hole that I have to visit every week day. I did overtime this weekend and after 5 minutes I was regretting it big time, having been screamed at by several people who had done stupid things with their bank acc details. Not my fault you can't protect your details ffs! But people do like somebody else to blame and I guess on Saturday I was that person to more than one idiot. I can handle stupid, angry , upset and a multitude of other emotions that people will have when they believe they have been the victim of fraud - but the things I cannot take are being rude and obnoxious for no other reason than to try and intimidate somebody so the blame can be removed from yourself. Anyway work rant over..... I find out about the new job in a week or so, the interview was a strange one. I have been asked by several people how it went and my answer is good, bad, then good again. I answered the first few questions and really relaxed into it before the killer questions set in.....It was one question in particular that threw me! Funny thing is that when you get a question like this in an interview the normal thing is that when you leave the interview you then realise the perfect answer for it. In all honesty, I only half an hour ago figured out what my answer should have been. Answer this question for me - Tell me a time in your life that you have had to change your behaviour? What did you have to change, what drove the change and what was the result of your change? I think the blood left my face when asked as they said, take your time! LOL, okay "Can I phone you now with my considered answer?" Apart from that, I got this lolxx | ||||||
Thursday, July 10, 2014, 5:39:18 PM- All change week.... | ||||||
Well I hope it is anyway! I have an interview for a new job tomorrow (still with the same employer just another dept...and of course more pennies) Ahhhhhh, I am a nervous wreck. The interview is a god awful competency based one. That word is much easier to write than it is to say, I have never been able to say the damn word - hope they don't ask me to tomorrow :0 I have spent the last 2 days frantically trying to put stories together - not made up ones just maybe elaborating and stretching the truth a "little". Everybody does that, dont they? In other news, I am buying my house so have been going through that whole process too and my mortgage application was accepted this week which is another scary, scary huge thing to me. I think I might book next week off so I can have a nervous breakdown. Once I own the house I will need to "christen" the place, I am once again between relationships... ![]() Anyway, stay sexy fuckers!! ![]() | ||||||
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