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Saturday, September 28, 2024, 12:10:05 AM -
this has been the title track to the soundtrack of my life.

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Friday, September 27, 2024, 11:50:26 PM - 9.27.24 partt 2
I see that I made a mistake in titling my previous blog... Has been edited for September. I have toy played twicesmilesmile, while standing up near my desk and watching an adult movie with out the audio. The new lube, cherry flavor is not causing any skin issues after 8 hours. So, believe it is safe to use. When I was toy playing, I let the 4 lubes that I was using inside my 5 inch hollow toy run or flow down to my ankles... I have never done that beforesmile Started watching a 3RD adult movie. I am using a portable USB charged fan to keep cool. I am not using as many camera`s as I was hoping for. Since the weather was considered to be cooler a couple of weeks ago. I will resume toy play on the floor in an hour or so. Have different adult magazine in the bathroom. In color and I don`t think it exists any more. But, the issue that I was reading and looking had mentioned that it was the longest running amateur publication. At one time, I had researched on to dispose of adult publications. I have 2 publications that I need to recycle or dispose, plus several adult VHS. Until later...
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Friday, September 27, 2024, 4:29:51 PM - Aluminum
I have aluminum rims on my vehicle.

When the weather starts cooling off in the fall,

I have to check my air pressure in my tires,

because they lose pressure.

No problem in the summer,

but when winter rolls around they lose pressure quickly.

Oh, if only I had a garage to park my car in!

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Friday, September 27, 2024, 10:11:13 AM - A girl I "Dated" with Moms approval.
My girlfriend and I were both teens. I was in my girlfriends bedroom in her moms, sisters and her small apartment. It was after midnight and I stayed all night. She was down to underwear and I my boxers. She kept saying "Don't worry". Her mom popped opened her door, stood staring and said "You guys have a good night" girlfriend said Night Mom I said Good night. She stared a while longer, closed the door and left us. Girlfriend rode me like a cowboy and her antique metal exposed box springs were squeaky as hell. I could never had been on top. One squeak and my dick would have wilted but with her no problems. She wiped me off, sucked me up again and fucked me even harder the second time. I know mom and sister could hear us but my cum pulsing dick didn't care. My thought was they all heard each other fucking and ignored it. 
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Thursday, September 26, 2024, 7:41:20 PM - Pumpkin Bundt Cake
This is a fairly easy recipe. It calls for mini chocolate chips but feel free to experiment, I like to reduce the amount of chips and add in raisins. Chopped walnuts or pecans are also good. This recipe also works very well if you reduce the sugar. I always cut the sugar by one cup, using 1 1/2 cups.


2 1/2 cups SUGAR
1 cup OIL (vegetable oil, nut oil, whatever you like to use)
3 cups AP FLOUR (in the U.S. AP=All Purpose, outside the U.S. whatever kind of flour you would normally use in muffins or pie crusts)
1 tsp NUTMEG
1/2 tsp SALT
1/4 tsp CLOVE
optional 1 tsp VANILLA
1 15 ounce can solid pack PUMPKIN (425 grams) (any hard winter squash can be used, like butternut)
1 cup MINI CHOCOLATE CHIPS (and/or raisins/nuts)


Pre heat oven to 350 degrees with rack set at second lowest position. Grease and flour a Bundt pan.

In a bowl, add sugar, eggs and oil, mix well. (also add vanilla if using it)
Combine dry ingredients in a separate bowl and whisk to combine.
Add dry ingredients and pumpkin to the wet ingredients, about a third at a time mixing well, repeat until all the dry ingredients and pumpkin is added.
Add in chocolate chips, raisins or any other additions.

Let's Bake!

Put batter in prepared Bundt pan, place in oven and bake until a tester comes out clean, about 60 - 65 minutes.

After the cake is cool, you can either glaze it or dust it with powdered sugar (powdered sugar = confectioners or icing sugar)

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Thursday, September 26, 2024, 8:17:04 AM -
Last night, I got asked, have I stopped blogging, obviously, as I am writing this the answer is nope. why no blog then, there is no reason. maybe there just comes a time, when it is of no interest to anyone anymore. I journal, once I said I kept a diary, but the last notebook, I got was called a journal, but I bought 6 of them. I have my daily carry one, it is a green one, a purple one that sits by the desktop and another 4, that will be used over time.

Got told on Monday, got to have at least another 7 injections into my eyes, Felicity asked me yesterday, what is the worst thing about it all, I told her and got a seriously in return lol, it is no big secret, but not being able to stand in the shower and wash my hair and then when I get out, to shave, the injection process for me is never a worry.

I wrote a list of all the little bits of photography gear, I will be buying over the next how long, from one more lens to, the lights I will be getting for the macro work.

From the last time, I got to get a picture of the Aurora, got a few landscape type ones and rest have been pretty much fungi, all taken around my little woods. Till this year, I thought it was a desert for them, but when you really start to look, an amazing world has been there, that has taken me close to 60yrs to see, then finding my first slime mould, so many smiles.

I could on for hours about them, but a bit like other things I do, seldom talk about.

Now here is a thing, this week end, I was to go to a wedding, but I was to sign a non disclosure form, was not allowed to have a phone or any picture taking devices, did sign not for one second. A supposedly famous person was
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Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 12:46:52 AM - This thing called Lo errr friendship.💕
Have you ever wondered if some friendships are meant to be fleeting or last a lifetime? .I find myself perplexed over this from time to time. I have kept my circle small all my life. I have never had a huge circle of friends. I have often times been blindsided by their lack of care or even gumption to work on said friendships. I know it is always two sided. It takes two to make any friendship grow and stay strong. I too have been guilty of sliding and not doing what I should to make a friendship strong. No excuses other than I am a crappy friend and for that I am sorry. I tend to push people away before I get hurt. Have done that all my life. Although I have tried to be a better friend. I work hard to keep them going. Although at times it seems no matter how hard I work just never enough. Maybe Karma's way of paying me back for being a Douch bag of a friend all those years.
I know the pain I inflicted and now I feel it myself. Maybe I am destin to keep a small circle or have no friends at all. Not like my life is a social whirlwind of excitement. My biggest thrill is finding a movie I love on TV and watching it. I can not put blame on anyone's doorstep but my own.
Then you have some people you love and no matter what it is a struggle. You push and fight for it, but always are left a little deflated. I have asked myself over the years are these worth the effort. it feels one-sided at times. The right answer is probably NO. but you still push forward hoping beyond hope they will wake up and see you are worth the effort too. Has that ever worked for anyone else? So far for me I am gonna say no. After years of going the extra mile
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Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 12:46:31 AM - I really should learn how to whisper......
Or at least not let words pop out of my mouth.

In my profession there are times in which I have looked at one of my partners and thought "I wonder what they look like under that uniform"

Well, a new commander was appointed to my unit and OMG! was he effing fine as hell! Let's emphasize FINE AS HELL. I knew eventually the shock of his looks would go away; they usually do when you start to think of the men around you as brothers.

But until then, I enjoyed the view.

Then it happened. I couldn't keep my words from popping out. I was walking down the hallway of the department, and he was walking in front of me by about 12 to 15 feet.

That day the weather was unusually warm due to the air conditioner being down.

He had no idea I was behind him. He said "Damn, I'm hot"

I said, (which I thought was in a low voice) "Yeah, you are"

Well, it wasn't low enough, because he turned around and said "Did you say something?

My reply was "Yes, Sir......I said we all are"

He gave me a quizzical look and I couldn't help but giggle.

Suffice it to say, we have had a rather odd working relationship since. Nothing physical. Just winking here and there.

Moral of the story. Don't work with good looking men or women.

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Monday, September 23, 2024, 9:28:45 PM - The best monday of my life turned out to be another bad monday :(
Last night, I thought I had experienced the beat Monday of my life. It's been 10 months since I've got to experience affectionate womanly company, I've been longing it for it ever since last year which was the best time I has last year.

I have been talking with a lovely lady on reddit over the past few weeks. I thought we got on well, we eventually decided to meet in real life. She came over last night. We hugged, kissed and she showed me her bra. She had an amazing curved body, was tall, and had very firm healthy solid breasts. I examined her bra a little, and then after a while she said she had to go saying this was a 'quick visit'. I was hoping she would come back later this week. Before she went I asked if I could she her with her bra off, and raveneously sucked, licked and caresses her big breasts...and fondled her nipples for a while. She then got dressed, I walked her out and we said parting words.

I was buzzing at the time feeling this was exactly what I needed after months of other letdowns with other women. I thoight things were finally looking up and I finally had a good moment in 2024. Turns out, I couldn't be more wrong. When I went to message her on reddit thanking her...I found she had blocked me. And just like that....what I thought was The best Monday of this year, turned out to come with a price sad Seems a good thing is hard to come by this year.
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Sunday, September 22, 2024, 2:41:02 AM - His Hold On Me
Let us know if you want to see more of the story below...

This is my true story. Everything in this story did actually happen. I have changed names and locations of the people in this book. My participation in the events in this story were completely and totally with my permission and cooperation. I was a willing participant. As a matter of fact, in some situations, I was the instigator.
A lot of this story has strong sexual situations and graphic language.
I have no regrets about what occurred during the timeframe of this story. I am just sorry about the way it ended. I wish the whole thing ended differently.
The emails and texts that are in this story are copied from my records and are how they actually were communicated. Sometimes there was crossover between the emails, text, and phone calls as to the conversations we had. All text conversations are in bold and emails are italicized.
I did not use an editor or publisher. This is a 100% true story and I don’t want to alter it or add filler to make it sound better. I want all the events to be explained as they actually happened.
This account is just the two-month erotic exploration I had with my ex-boyfriend and my husband.
I know that some of the things that occurred were wrong. I wasn’t sure about writing this story or even putting it out there for others to read. But I don’t want to regret not doing this. It is just too crazy not be true was my thought when I decided to write this. I know I am not the only person that this has happened to, but this one is strange for sure.

November 9, 2023 - Thursday
11:54 AM
What color
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Sunday, September 22, 2024, 2:28:10 AM - Distracted thought of the day
Tits usually outnumber dicks 2:1

Ooo, a squirrel…
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Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 1:50:14 PM - Interesting past weekend
Well, it has been about a month since any activity and I was quite frustrated. On Saturday, we met our daughter to go shopping and just hang out a bit. When we were meeting her, The Wife mentioned she had reposted something on social media but did not tag me but I should read it. I read it and said it was a nice thought and I think i check most of the boxes in it and her response was sort of 'meh' which I took to be a negative or neutral reaction. This sort of threw me off as I really do try hard even if I do not get back what I think I deserve. When we got home, we watched TV for a while and since I knew her feet were sore from all the walking, I went and sat in front of her to massage her feet which went on for over an hour. She appeared to be enjoying this and I was hopeful (sort of) that it might lead to some sex so I went and swallowed one of my enhancer pills. Fast forward to the end of the 10PM news and we head to bed where she actually comes to bed without a top, lays down next to me and grabs my dick which is moving in the direction I hoped for. I move to stroke her tits and rub her back as best I can from the position I am in but get little response. Ultimately, We both turn away from each other and go to sleep, restless for me and I found out later for her as well.
I get up in the morning and I am PISSED! Just tired of being unsatisfied. When she finally gets up, I pretty much unload on her that I am done - ready for a Divorce and she is surprised. I point out to her how unfair things are to me and that I am continually frustrated by not only the 20 years of no sex but her lack of seeming to want to make things better including a statement by her to the effect
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Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 10:00:52 AM - What goes around, comes around on the Playa Naturista
Another fabulous, gorgeous day on my favorite Playa Naturista! This time, just a regular totally nude walk as usual - what else is new? Gentle waves, dick swinging left and right. My wife topless, gorgeous tits swaying. She is 57 but has the ripe body of 40-something - long narrow hips, tits - just the right size and pinky, with tits alone she can put any 30-something gal to shame. Despite having plain fantastic body, she has never tossed her bikini on the nude beach and that is fine by me. So, we find a place close to the dunes and this time, unlike other times, plenty of good looking women - you know, smooth pussies, nice bushes, landing strips, you name it. All this bounty carried by long, slender legs. Titties - some big, some just about right, pink, brown - an endless parade for the eyes. So, I am having the waves gently lift my smooth dick and balls by the beach, I am enjoying the panorama and getting hard. A few meters from us there was a middle aged guy, probably late forties, maybe early fifties - well, built, though not the excessive muscular type. He is minding his own business and my eyes simply cannot leave his magnificent dick! Hanging loosely, it was easily two time bigger than my erect, and girth - same. I am talking massive dick, just hanging peacefully - I could wrap my hands around it and there would be still some left! My wife surely noticed him and I could see her occasionally glancing at his direction, but never said a word.
So, getting harder I made it to the dunes, left hand casually, slowly stroking, right hand squeezing balls, then changing - as usual. My wife was reading something, and again, the sun is caressing my totally bare body, my hands massaging
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Pleasure Hunt
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 6:26:21 AM - Bucket list?
Ok so I am an old man - the number tells the story but I am fit and energetic and as horny and capable as I have ever been in all my 80 straight heterosexual years. I am still a big strong horny man.
And here I am - thinking back over my moderately active sex life - just 15 pussies in all that time, all but one or two coming back for more = and being told a number of times I am an excellent lover - so what is there still to do? The bucket list.
Several times over the years I have been privileged to join a fucking couple, either in a foursome or as the extra bloke in a threesome; and I have been right there up close to see and hear another cock in action - but apart from an occasional incidental contact when we were all in together, I have never actually felt or played with another cock.
But I now find myself getting excited at the thought. Looking at cocks on NN and horning up as I imagine taking them in hand and giving them pleasure, the pleasure I have been given from time to time by a sexy woman. Cupping those balls in my hand and feeling their weight and texture - seeing a cock respond to my touch - stroking it- and yes, sucking it.
But I need help to find the right opportunity - totally discreet and safe, preferably with a bloke who has similar interests to me in our latter years.
Heterosexual but curious.
The ideal scenario for me would be to join an MF couple where the M is similarly bicurious and willing to explore - but a solo run with a trustworthy considerate bloke would work for me.
So if you are interested, or know someone who might be, maybe message me and we can explore some discreet possibilities.
I am generally available for private play
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Monday, September 16, 2024, 5:42:14 PM - I took a DNA test!
Some of this did surprise me smile

Turns out I’m a lot Scottish and Swedish. Probably Polish too💜 but I knew that last bit!

Even got some Brit in me hehehe
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Saturday, September 14, 2024, 5:41:58 AM - Cam with
I love when I get naked for you to watch me and I don't have any limits so let's do something for you to watch
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Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 9:34:43 PM - profile
I don't like this new Profile thing... how do you even vote on pics now? I don't see an option to vote on pics... I see you can like pics but I don't see the old vote where you can vote like or hot. I am confused right now. Anyone knows how to vote on pics PM me... Thanks
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Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 2:29:29 PM -
I just wanted to say we have had a bit of time out as Dave is working very hard and can't get to the images to prep them for all to see, and only do the typing stuff.
We had a second meeting with Steve where he certainly obliged me with an enjoyable afternoon some naughty fun and a very nice stiff cock, so thank you Steven.
Hope to see you again soon. Just so you all know Dave is dictating this too me .... but I'm very happy to type. smile

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 4:00:13 PM - World Suicide Prevention Day
September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. The idea is to raise awareness to the fact that suicide is preventable. It can be if we do our part. Pay attention to your friends and love ones. Check in on them on a regular basis, asking questions and accepting the answers without judgement. Be someone that is trusted. You can save a life.
If like me, your life has been touched by suicide, you know all too well the trail of devastation left behind. Let’s try to stop anyone else from having to live through that. Let’s take care of each other.
Be well. I am always available to lend an ear.
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Friday, September 6, 2024, 12:48:14 PM - I miss AGR
Because I'm pedantic.

I'd love her to strike my cock..
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Thursday, September 5, 2024, 9:15:13 AM - Moi
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Thursday, September 5, 2024, 8:54:58 AM - Hey
Well totally new to this. Hopefully it will be fun and exciting. Hope to get to know some people and have some fun
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Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 8:00:11 PM - Girls Love Photo Shoots
Selfies just don't work most of the time. Those are going the way of yesterday. In my little studio, I have the chair, the couch, the outfits, the picture-perfect angles. Some like shots of the backyard patio and at the beach. They love the makeup chair. My MILF friend told me that prep is more important than the photos. Well, I do what they ask me to do. Most of it is soft, not the X-rated pics we see here. I shoot college girls at no cost. Education is their path to economic freedom. The wealthy, older girls and women, I charge a lot.

Vanessa and Marcy help when asked. They have a deep respect for privacy and a deep respect for expensive beauty products.

It's goofy, but it works for us.
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Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 4:24:01 PM - Daniel
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Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 3:48:51 PM - My boss gives the best head
"you probably shouldn’t look at me like that in client meetings"
"Like what?"
"Like you want to fuck me."
My boss Rachel and I were in the middle of a full blown tryst. On business trips we were fucking each others brains out. We were still in the clients building when she said this, which got the response she wanted. I felt a surge of desire.
"I'll see what I can do, but just to clarify, I wasn't looking at you like I want to fuck you, I was thinking about what you look like while I'm fucking you."
And I got the response I wanted. She smiled "You are so dirty...... just how I like It." That was her way to say, go ahead and push further.
"I'm going to walk a little behind you so that I can watch your ass."
Rachel is a full bodied woman with dark sultry eyes that match her sense of humor. Her breasts are magnificent, probably the largest I've ever had the pleasure of intimately knowing. And her ass, that I was watching as she walked down the hallway, is full and round.

We had a fun relationship. We were attracted to each other, We both had needs not being met, but otherwise very happily married. So we were about fucking and fulfilling each others fantasies.

We walked into the client's parking structure and to the rental car.
"How's the view?"
"Amazing." Rachel never wore anything too suggestive, she works with a lot of men, so she doesn't want them distracted. On client days, however, she would usually wear a suit, sometimes with a skirt, sometimes pants. There is something so sexy about a strong woman in a well fitted suit, and it was not lost to either
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Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 6:51:20 AM - Bored and lonely, always horny
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Thursday, August 29, 2024, 2:40:04 PM -
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Monday, August 26, 2024, 3:48:39 PM - Miracles
Mellie’s status this morning made me smile and not just because I’m so happy for them. For anyone living under a rock, Mellie and HF met here, completely unexpected and out of the blue. Now they’re all cutesy and loved up.

There is something unique about connecting with someone on NN. You’ve almost certainly seen them naked before saying hello and showing your face is much more daunting than flashing your bits. Then there’s all the online flirting stuff, by pm then email or text then video chat. So if you decide to take the plunge into the real world, you’ve already covered the miles. And that’s where the magic starts.

The anticipation. The nerves. The tension. That first moment. Looking. Touching. No words, just actions. I’ll never forget it.

I ?? you Stretch, you grumpyass mofo!
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Monday, August 26, 2024, 12:46:19 PM - Looking for some fun with myself and the wife , willing to possibly entertain more then one
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Sunday, August 25, 2024, 7:38:08 AM - It’s recording everything I’m wanting and longing for you to give it to me
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Saturday, August 24, 2024, 10:11:49 PM - Daisy had all the luck..
Today we were in a village where a jazz group had just set up and was playing outside in a park. We stopped to listen, and these guys were cookin' ! Four young men in their twenties or early thirties, and it was apparent they had been together for a while. Lots of fun, we stayed for the whole show, and left a tip in the jar after the encore.

We were on the side, on a picnic table only twenty feet from the band, and most of the crowd was positioned in front of them. A pretty young hippie woman was sitting in the grass, enjoying the show. She was wearing just a lovely white summer dress, and sandals. Both Daisy and I had a good view of her, but only Daisy got to see her flashing. I mean, I looked, but Daisy has sharper senses than me and good timing I guess! So she got to see full bush (all four musicians got a treat too as far as we could tell), hairy armpits when she lifted her arms, and even nipples when we left and the lady bent over.

Sexy summertime sensuality. smile
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Friday, August 23, 2024, 2:13:42 AM - So what had happened was...
I know, I know. I've been away for like 3 forever. But I really need a friend to listen. I pretty much left NN some time ago.
When I left, I went with a handsome man, but he wouldn't like NN. He was funny, and fun, and he thought me beautiful.

Time just slips away and days become weeks. Weeks to months. Months to years.

We fought. Sometimes more than socially acceptable. He hit me. With a closed fist as a man against a man will do. But I am not a man. He hurt me.

I always swore to myself that I wouldn't tolerate that. I said again and again I'd never let myself accept that. But I did. More than once. He would hit me. I would hit him back. And all the lies I told.... That black eye? I fell.

I'm home now. Safe. But I can't quite shake him. He won't stop texting or calling.
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Friday, August 23, 2024, 12:09:19 AM - Anybody know...
How to get rid of stretch marks? Got them like around my belly button and on my hips.
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Sunday, August 18, 2024, 7:31:32 PM - Wandered back to NN
Well, here I am again. Horny and still dreaming about warm blooded cocks.
Turns out I don't have the nerve to meet up with strangers. I was so turned on about the idea of going to an adult bookstore.
I had the chance for many nights but couldn't do it. I wonder if I would chicken out meeting someone from NN?

Horny Fat Girl
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Saturday, August 17, 2024, 10:39:13 PM - Trans
Yes Yes Yes
Trans is working for me, after seeing all you sexy MF wearing that uber horny lingerie, and especially lorest fat cock hanging out of the opening of his French panties i am convinced, X-dressing is here to stay.

Need to get my sweet ass into one of those panties for lust and joy.

Stay tuned
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Saturday, August 17, 2024, 5:21:53 AM - Ass
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Friday, August 16, 2024, 12:16:40 AM - My Horn wife
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Cheater Boy
Thursday, August 15, 2024, 5:06:36 PM - Sad news
I must apologize for not updating my blog until today. The sad news is that my Friend and the husband (Gord) of my mature neighbours past away 3 months ago. Gord was the one that introduced me too the love and sexual activities with a man, Gord was caring gentle and was willing too share his wife Pat with me and as a threesome relationship it was beautiful and meaningful. (you can read about our relationship in my past blogs) I gave Pat his wife her space too grieve and told her too call me when the time is right and she is comfortable too want too resume any kind of relationship between the two of us.

Monday she called me and asked if I would like too meet her for a coffee at the local coffee shop so I did. It was good too see Pat again she was in an upbeat mood and smiling, wearing a sun dress and as usual she was not wearing a bra and I assumed no panties which was normal for her in the past. We talked and laughed about things especially she enjoyed talking about Gord and our past relationship as a threesome, we chatted for about an hour. I wont lie as she was talking about out past threesome relationship my cock was twitching and hardening up as we talked I felt her foot rubbing my foot and slowly working up my leg. I was wearing cargo shorts with baggy legs and she slowly moved up under my shorts and I dont wear underwear. Pats soft foot found my wetttttt cock head and started too gently rub the entire length of my cock FUCK IT FELT SO GOOD I MISSED PAT.

Pat said lets go back too my apartment which is within a short walking distance to the coffee shop. I was eagerly waiting for what was happening next. I did not push or pressure Pat into or doing anything
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Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 9:59:40 PM - First Joy Toy
Well, this site has been orgasmic for me. Thought I would try something new. Never needed any help getting off by myself, and my husband is a willing participant but … I was looking for fast on the go pleasure making. Found the cutest itty bitty pocket vibrator. WOW, been curling my toes about every half an hour. Various settings and seriously fits in my pocket. Watching tv and my husband doesn’t even have a clue what’s going on just feet from him. My new best friend. Maybe even a quickie before I go into work.
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Monday, August 12, 2024, 8:02:09 PM - Enjoying the next day off n today
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Saturday, August 10, 2024, 3:05:41 PM - Winked at someone, then I wanked at them.
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Friday, August 9, 2024, 3:28:57 PM - Personality Types
What personality type is it you most avoid?
I have several, like obnoxious, overbearing, or braggart types. But the one I will run from is the Jekyll-Hyde transformation.
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