Beautiful day in the neigborhood. is beautiful outside. My friend and I are going to go for a bike ride later when we get off our lazy asses. But for now, I wanted to say Hello to all my virtual friends.
my puppy woke me up this morning, by jumpin on my head. and He's almost 17 lbs now, so that didn't feel so great. BUT.....I still love all the puppy kisses he gives when he first sees me. its just great.
i have heavy heart today sort of. My best friend emailed me last night, and sent me pics of the kids. and in her email she says to me...."I found you on Myspace last night, and you made me cry when you listed your best friends and i was first. you'll never know how much that means to me."
so it seems to me that maybe I haven't been so great at letting her know how much I love her and cherish our friend ship. As much as it drives me crazy for her not to call me back when i call and stuff, nothing could ever make me not love her. I should have taken it a different way...and I know what she means, and that she meant it ina good way. I just wish there was more i could do to let her know.
Its always the little things in life, that we let pass by, that mean so much!
Its just strange to me...and has me thinking again about how much I miss home. and its not home that i miss. its her, and her children. and my mom. I hate not being there to watch those kids grow up. Or to help out when she needs someone. I hate not being there to hug my mom when she thinks about my dad. (even tho they were divroced she was very much stillin love with him) I hate the thought that something could happen to one of my relatives or friends and I won't even be there. I know this is just life, but its hard.
I'm just a lil sappy today. Cuz i guess i woke up that way.
don't mean to bore you all... BIG HUGS N KISSES!!!
-Dreamy |