During dinner my wife said she was going to take some time away from everything. We hadn't been happy for a long time but there was a long silence after she told me she was planning to take a vacation, 3 weeks, alone to figure out what she wanted to do with her life and our relationship.
She didn't have any details but she thought of going to New Mexico to just get away and think. For several minutes I didn't know quite what to say but some how I wasn't surprised. This was no doubt the beginning of the end of our marriage. This sort of thing always happens to someone else not us.
We sat around talking for an hour. Not much was said that changed the perception of what was happening. All my wife could say there was no joy in her life and she was tired of taking care of everyone. Although I believe she needs some professional guidance tonight was not the time for that message.
She was afraid of what our grown children would think. I only told her to do what she needs to do & no matter what happens she is a good person. |