- juicy
Gift PremiumI am a conundrum even to myself
- 61 years old
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juicy's Blog
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Monday, March 17, 2025, 12:57:31 AM- I am so thankful | ||||||
That NN doesn't have an algorithm like a certain popular "clock" site. Today I came across a rather nice British gentleman reviewing tinned fish. Do I like tinned fish? No. Did I send the vid to a friend who does like tinned fish? Yes. I knew he would get a kick out of it. The algorithm has now decided I need more tinned fish in my feed. Can you imagine what NN would be like if we clicked on a, shall we say confusing pic, and it was determined that is what we were interested for todays wank session? I can see it working in a more positive way but man those WTF is that? clicks could really ruin things. Been a while since I have blogged but I thought you needed this bit of insight, ju ![]() | ||||||
Sunday, November 10, 2024, 2:08:30 AM- This is going to be interesting | ||||||
Project 2025 is anti porn. Elon is all about AI porn. I can't wait to see how this plays out. | ||||||
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 1:58:14 AM- Man vs Bear | ||||||
Sorry guys. You lose. This question was posed to the ladies and you could not help yourselves. You HAD to interject. You simply could not sit back and watch because of course if a woman has an opinion, it must be up for interpretation. Answers ranged from belittling to attempts at humour. The reality is that bears are predictable in their behaviour. Men are not. I expect mansplaining. That will just prove you can walk right into the point without even seeing it. Not at all surprised, ju | ||||||
Friday, March 8, 2024, 1:23:30 AM- This | ||||||
Is excellent marketing. Well done Molson's. Take my money! | ||||||
Sunday, December 31, 2023, 1:24:56 AM- The Barbie movie. | ||||||
The assumption that the message in this movie is aimed wholly at women is only partially correct. Women get the message. It is our lived and shared experience. It is affirmation that we are not alone. Because a friend, another woman, has recently seen the movie it is almost like we are talking in code when we say to some men that they NEED to see the movie. The reaction 100% of the time is NO WAY! We do not suggest this without reason and your "no way" only cements our already low opinion about the behaviour that caused us to make the suggestion. It would be really cool if just once the response would be "why do you say that?" Indicating that there is at least something going on between their ears and a dialogue could be entered into. I expect some push back on this. Save your typing. It will only prove yet again, you need to see the movie. It has been a while since I have blogged. Mini rant over. ju | ||||||
Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 12:37:52 AM- Something to think about | ||||||
I have a friend going through a very difficult time right now. It is very common for everyone to sympathize and put out the very heart felt offer of - "If you need anything let me know!" That was my first instinct. I said those words, we all did and do. Then I thought about the times the same offer was presented to me. What she is going through is overwhelming. Reaching out to express what she needs is not easy nor helpful. She doesn't have the capacity to focus on delegating chores. It took me a few hours to remember how grateful I was for those offers I was but how I did not take a single person up on their kindness and generosity. I reached out and asked her if I could do what is usually a very simple chore for the next few days. It made a difference. It made a huge difference to her. I took one small thing off of an over flowing plate. I am not tooting my own horn. That would be ridiculous. I am just hoping that if you really want to help, take the initiative. Take control of just one thing. Ask if you can do something very specific for the person you would like to help. Yes or no is all that is required of them. That they can handle. Pragmatic, ju | ||||||
Monday, July 24, 2023, 1:41:09 AM- 20 years! | ||||||
I never would have thunk it! This blog would be a million miles long if I was inclined to go through all of the memories. I am not going to do that. What I will do is thank NN. You have been, right from the beginning, kind, patient and more than fair with everything that has cropped up. You have given me a safe place to land when I have needed an escape. This site has grown beyond expectations. There have been more than a few bumps but you have handled them with grace tho there are a few that would love to argue that. I just want you to know I appreciate you. ju | ||||||
Friday, June 16, 2023, 12:58:10 AM- Random shit | ||||||
because every now and then I remember I have a blog. I spend far too much time on that clock site and while there spend far too much time looking at cooking vids. Because of that I keep coming across these adorable little Le Creuset pots. Some of them are heart shaped. Some are like the big Dutch ovens but mini. Their sole purpose seems to be to roast garlic. Dump a bunch of cloves in, add olive oil, roast and then spread it on bread. I wanted. Then I googled. $80 CAD for an 8 ounce lil pot to roast garlic. I think I will be sticking with my $2 ramekin and tin foil. Even if I won the lottery I do not think I could justify that purchase. Stingy, ju | ||||||
Thursday, April 20, 2023, 2:40:01 AM- Again about AI | ||||||
I recently watched an interview with a scientist/futurist and a technology based educator. The interviewer was admittedly afraid of AI. It was fascinating. From the education point of view. AI is going to enable teachers to see a thought process, making education more individualized than ever before. Show your work at it's finest. There is already a program in place (name forgotten) that enables teachers to see how a student arrived at their conclusion. Imagine, any topic. Tell me about *topic*. The initial results are rudimentary at best. Now it is up to the student to keep refining the search/conversation with the appropriate and at times misleading questions and directions. The teacher can see the entire process, each command, each misdirect and each correction leading to the conclusion, correct or incorrect. There has never before been such an in depth view of the process. The ability of the educator to see where things went right and where they went wrong. Arguably education is about the ability to think more so than the ability to come up with the correct answer. I see this as a huge positive as well as a huge time saver for teachers who are dealing with oversized classes. limited time and subjective biases. The scientist/futurist's conclusion was to me, a little more gloomy. Even without AI we are or should be aware of "rabbit holes" I am sure most of us know at least one person, if not ourselves who have found themselves in such a situation and once there, they are incredibly difficult to climb out of. The prediction is that AI is going to be our best friend. No one is going to know more about us. It will always be there. Comforting and agreeable. Validating our innermost thoughts and desires. I am sure for some that will be an ideal. For others it is absolutely horrifying. With anything new there will be positives and negatives. I am thinking AI has as many of each at this point in time. Do I fear it? No. I have no reason to. I am however somewhat cautious knowing there are always casualties. I think the casualties will scream bloody murder because they do not understand and therefore fear. I think those that approach with a level head and some caution are going to embrace it. I may be somewhat obsessed with AI. I may also wish to see where all of this goes beyond my lifetime. Remembering watching the Apollo missions on TV and thinking how far we have come since. Ju | ||||||
Monday, February 13, 2023, 12:53:53 AM- A practical application of AI. Trivia! | ||||||
I was having coffee this morning and couldn't resist opening ChatGPT to see what it would do with trivia so I asked for 10 general knowledge trivia questions. In about 10 seconds I had a numbered list. They were fairly simple questions and I had forgotten to ask for the answers. Next command was make them harder and give me the answers. Again in about 10 seconds I had 10 new and more difficult questions with the answers. I didn't like the first question so asked for a new one. Almost immediately it was replaced in the list. I then asked for question 7 to be replaced with something about penguins. Again almost instantly it was replaced. I did not save this batch of questions and answers. It is possible to tweak to infinity. I suspect preparation to host trivia can now be accomplished in 5-10 minutes since it is scouring the internet so we don't have too! What really amused me was how pleasant it was to deal with. It always had a positive comment with each request and reply. The biggest downfall is that this thing is so busy you are unlikely to be able to do much with it during regular business hours. I have had to wait until later in the evening or weekends to have instant access. You must be thinking I have shares in this company the way I have been going on about it. All I can say to that is I wish! ju | ||||||
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