Eighteen random facts for the new year. Let’s get to know each other! I can't wait to read yours!
1. Do you make your bed everyday? Yes.
2. What's your favorite number? Don't have one
3. What is your dream job? The one I have
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Nope
5. Can you parallel park? Yes
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked to know you had. Nothing shocking about any job I ever had
7. Do you think aliens are real? There has to be something out there, the universe is too big for us to be alone
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes
9. What is your guilty pleasure? Perving on NN
10. What's your dream car? Tesla pickup.. when they get around to making one
11. Do you talk to yourself? Yes
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Meh
13. Favorite music? Listen to most everything
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee or death!
15. Do you hit the snooze button? No
16. Love or money? Money, you can rent love

17. Pets? Cat
18. First thing you remember you wanted to be growing up? Chemical engineer.. but that takes school so I said fuckit