Farmer, soap maker and cable kitten. Love meeting new folks and love to talk. Stop in chat or the forums and say hello.
- 58 years old
- Female
- Joined 19 years ago
kittenmmm's Blog
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Saturday, August 4, 2007, 1:05:35 PM- wow, it's been a while | ||||||
Wow, I hadn't realized it had been so long since I had written anything in here. I love MD Guy's comment from my last post though and I have to say, he's on the money. I am content..well, as content as most humans can hope to be. We're always such a needy and constantly striving group. Not that there's anything wrong with that but let's face it, how many folks do you know that are absolutely 100% content. I'd like to believe that I'm pretty close but I always have the momentary lapses where I wish for more money or time. I generally am good with where I am though. I figure it's all a part of the big guy's plan. So, I was going to start to clean the know, the usual maintenance stuff...while I clean the house and then I thought let's quickly drop a line to the folks who still care at NN. Since May...I've been pregnant, had a miscarraige (that blew), we've finished the darn new coop and pulled down the old one only to start planning a revamp of it for the pure blood chickens, we've hatched a whole group of new chicks and have more eggs in the incubator, we've lived through 8th grade graduation (oh man was that an experience), planted a garden, let the weeds kick our butt (but we still have a good portion of it alive and well), trimmed all the shrubs, dealt with the truck going down again (this time it WAS a part not covered and it cost us about $300-so far so good, knock on wood), and consistently worked over for our bosses. During that time we also managed to take a quick mini vacation. We never went anywhere but we rented a canoe for a weekend and we took a Friday off and we completely explored our local fishing hole. We found a great spot only a mile or so from our house. Ironically, while we had the canoe the only thing we caught was a little tiny pike. The day after we returned it, Wolf caught a 5lb bass from shore.... with my rod... he was just going to show me something... I guess he did. We've also decided we're revamping our own web site. We've done about as much work with that as I've been here so don't feel neglected As for today, I've decided that I can get away with just sweeping the house and I'm going to work outside. I'll start mowing so when Wolf gets home we can work on the other coop...this seems to be a pattern huh? It's beautiful today though and the humidity we've suffered all week seems to have finally let up so I'm going to enjoy it. You all should enjoy outside too! See you at some point... busy but content kitt xxx | ||||||
Saturday, May 19, 2007, 1:28:45 PM- Houses, schools and trucks....and some soap | ||||||
I apologize ... I know I haven't been on much. I finally got the chance to read some messages that I got earlier and I realized how busy we've been. I've always prided myself on keeping some time for myself but lately I've had to push that aside. Between how busy we've been at work, my son graduating from middle school, the search and preparation for next year's school (thankfully his dad did most of that), dealing with a group of greedy mothers from his current class, the work here at the farm, etc.., I think when I do have some down time, we tend to just sit and vegetate. I find that my time seems to be going by more quickly and it seems to be filling up far quicker as well. I already have plans for next weekend even though in the past I refused to make plans that far ahead. But, my wasband will need help moving and I intend to be there. He bought a house so he'll be moving from his current apartment. This purchase will ensure that our son gets to go to a very good school. It's exciting for all of us. On another note, the truck was fixed ... UNDER WARRANTY. We paid our 100 dollar deductible. It turned out to be a wiring problem and not the "flex-fuel module" as was initially told to us. So Wolf was happily driving in his own truck by Thursday. And I have to say I'm thrilled to death that Depotguy is happy with his soap. Yes, it took me this long to read his blog *hangs head*. Anyway, every time I make a batch I worry that it's not exact but maybe that's the charm of it. It's always a bit unique with each creation. Kind of like all of us. off to clean the house kitt xxx | ||||||
Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 11:52:28 PM- Flex fuel and bullshit | ||||||
Saturday night Wolf decided to take me out to eat. We got to the restaurant and found out it would be an hour and a half wait. No food is that good, sorry. So we left and went home by back roads. About 20 or so miles from home the truck died. Found On Road Dead...yep. My wasband came to pick us up and the truck was towed to the nearest Ford dealership. Mind you, this vehicle, although used, was just purchased in March and was also purchased with an extended care warranty. Monday, the dealership contacts Wolf and tells him oh that part's not covered and it'll cost over $1000 to fix. To which I grabbed the phone and said "do not touch it. I will call the other dealership and they will take care of this and it WILL be fixed". The vehicle is now at the purchasing dealer and they're "gonna see if it's covered". It better be or they can sit and spin on it. I hate cars, trucks and other modes of mechanical transportation for this very reason. They're made to break down and they're made to screw us. We're taxed on them, we pay to register them, they cost a fortune to run and repair and for what? To get us from A to B. Useless pieces of shit. And if someone can tell me how you figure a flex fuel module is a) not covered under a bumper to bumper warranty and b) not a safety issue, please let me know. still fuming kitt xxx | ||||||
Wednesday, May 2, 2007, 12:11:40 AM- Am I Blue? | ||||||
We bought some new sheets not too long ago and I decided to put them on the bed the other week. They were flannels that we grabbed on sale. They were nice and comfy although a little stiff like most new things are. (yeah, I see the innuendos from that statement) Anyway, as the week wore on, I noticed that every morning the water seemed quite dirty when I took a shower. I thought it odd but as I get up quite early and take a shower before I have coffee, the synapses aren't really firing real well at that time. As Friday neared I finally made the connection. I bought blue and green plaid sheets. Dark blue and dark green. I had not prewashed the sheets....ergo, Wolf and I were being dyed blue every night. When he saw me changing the sheets on Friday I mentioned the reason why. "Ohhhhh", he says. "That must be why I kept finding blue on my skin." Yeah, that would be it hon. Needless to say the sheets are now washed and I'm hoping that will keep us from becoming smurfs on future use. Doh rolling her eyes kitt xxx | ||||||
Tuesday, April 24, 2007, 12:07:02 AM- Strange men and sunny days | ||||||
Yep, the wake over was a success. I made it to 3am then crawled into bed. I kept getting kicked off the net because of all the toys that were plugged in and my Wolf was already sleeping so I spent most of my time talking to a strange, but sexy, man on the phone. Wolf and I had a good laugh when he told me, "don't deny it, you were talking to a strange man until all hours, while I was sleeping." I was guilty. I was about to deny he was strange but realized I couldn't. Maybe that's why we get along with him so much I was pretty tired the next day but it was too beautiful too waste the day. The weather over the weekend more than made up for the rain we had the previous week. Wolf and I spent more time outside and just enjoyed the warmth and the sun....and the concrete. We ended up pulling up the posts for the new gate and pouring concrete in there. We figured the wood would last a lot longer that way. The ground down there is pretty wet. Here's to a few more lovely days before the rain starts again. enjoying the sun kitt xxx | ||||||
Sunday, April 22, 2007, 3:14:37 AM- wake over in progress | ||||||
Well, the wake over is in progress and the boys have so many toys plugged into the router that I'm essentially locked out of the net. Oh well. I was on briefly while they were out and about but now they're busy killing each other so I'm SOL. Today was absolutely beautiful. The sun was finally shining and it was about 70°F. Wolf and I spent most of the day working outside. After he plowed up an electrical wire and I finally got him off the tractor we got a lot accomplished. We hung some new gates, took down fencing to relocate it, wormed the goats and dug post holes. Although it sometimes seems as if there's no end to the work we have to do here we both were able to see some results today and that sure makes one feel good. We're both sore, my feet and back are aching and Wolf's already crashed but we're pleased with the amount of work that was done today. Now, hopefully I'll make it through the night with the boys jamming to Marley kitt xxx | ||||||
Saturday, April 21, 2007, 2:44:50 AM- The Wake Over Delay | ||||||
I had every intention of getting into the kitchen tonight but as it stands I have to wait til Saturday night. Which, as it turns out, is a good thing because I'm exhausted. That tends to happen when Wolf wakes me repeatedly during the night to tell me I have to wait to get in the truck and we have to load it. I don't know...apparently neither does he because he doesn't remember a thing. The Wake Over is delayed. The gradual slide into the teen years has begun. The boys were going to get together tonight but alas, the girls had other plans and it became a group movie night. My son had already asked to move the wake over to Saturday night because most of the boys couldn't make it Friday due to "movie night". Next thing I know, I'm dishing out money and his friend's mom is picking him up to take him to movie night too . And so it begins. As for myself, I desperately need the sleep, especially if I'm staying up tomorrow night. Here's hoping Wolf won't wake me up to move things tonight! See you tomorrow! kitt xxx | ||||||
Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 11:17:36 PM- | ||||||
For those of you who have asked, thank you for your concern, we're doing fine. We actually live at least an hour from the coast so we haven't been affected by high tides and our home is way up on a hill so we don't have to worry too much about flooding. Our biggest concern where we are is wind. Wolf tells me that we lost a few shingles on a section of the barn but nothing major (seems my tanning area is still intact). We do get water in our basement but that's a normal occurance in a house that's over 100 years old with a stone foundation. Poor Wolf is experiencing cabin fever. He wants to get outside and do things on the farm but the weather is keeping him in. He wasn't bad in the winter but we've had tastes of spring and he's getting antsy. Plus that exciting chicken he's all het up. My son is having a sleep over Friday so we're gearing up for that. I think a trip to the warehouse club is in order. I also think my son needs to go with us considering he and his friends are the ones who will be eating all the food! That also means mom needs to buy some beer for her all nighter. While Wolf will get to sleep (he'll have to work Saturday morning) I'll be up all night with the boys. off to soothe my caged xxxxx... kitt xxx | ||||||
Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 12:44:58 AM- April showers | ||||||
Depotguy likes my Rosemary soap so I was grinding some rosemary for him with my mortar and pestle. I felt like a sorcerer. Plus it smells awsome. Did you know it was an aphrodisiac? Like I need that. It has been raining now for two days (wet springs). Yesterday we had driving wind to match it. There are new trees down in the woods, branches all over the yard and tons of water out there...not to mention what has weeped through the basement stones. Amazingly, we never lost power. At least not here. I think they did at Wolf's company. Wolf and I went to a chicken show on Sunday. What a wet and cold day for the show but it was still fun to see all the birds. It always amazes me to see the wide variety of breeds that one can raise. I'm still partial to my Reds, although I admit a soft spot for Silkies despite how dumb they are. They're just cute. hoping to see sun by the end of the week kitt xxx | ||||||
Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 11:00:19 PM- Stars are so bright here | ||||||
"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy." Over here, the stars shine so brightly. We have very little light pollution to dim the stars' brilliance. It's stunning. Every time I look up at them I think of those who have moved on. My father, my previous father in law, a dear aunt, a best friend, some sweet babies that never saw the light of day, and so many more... And now, at least two dear friends from here. At the same time, I'm grateful for those that are still here. And I'm happy because every additional day we have to share is a gift. And those around me, and those of you here...are all my personal gifts. How blessed I am. (and I promise to try to get on more often) reflecting kitt xxx | ||||||
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