My 28th birthday is coming up in a while, and i've never lived alone. i moved out of my parents house @ 17. lived with housefulls of people, or with just one person ever since. the idea of being alone scared the bejesus out of me.
so now i find myself alone. in a house much bigger than what i need for just me, but alone. and i'm finding out it's wonderful. everything is exactly where i put it last, i can come home from work and i know all my things won't be put somewhere else. i can go to sleep to the country quiet of the crickets and night creatures, or to the heavy metal music channel.
and omg...the thermostat! i can set it on whatever i want, whenever i want. that kind of power goes to a girls head, ya know?
but it's not all roses. i haven't been able to watch any of my scary movies. the shining was on the other night, and i had to pass it up, even though it's one of my favorites.
and it's really bad when it storms. i hate to be alone when it storms. that's the time i need someone most, i think. either a strong pair of arms to hold me and put my mind at ease, or just someone 3 feet away to keep my thoughts from flying with the winds outside.
i'm finding out that i'm stronger than i thought. this part of my life is teaching me all kinds of things i never knew about myself.
it's kinda nice getting to know the real kricket. |