Gift PremiumThis is a great site and I had a wonderful time here but all good things come to an end. I haven't been here since 2015 and I am just updating my profile now to say thanks to all the lovely people I met here. Since leaving here, my life has changed in many ways but things are very good and I am extremely happy right now. I wish you all the very best; goodbye and good luck!
- 107 years old
- Male
- Joined 14 years ago
natmass0's Blog
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Monday, July 27, 2015, 11:07:47 PM- Precious Memories | ||||||
"tears can be full of happiness" "when we both look at the same moon, we are never far apart" | ||||||
Friday, May 15, 2015, 6:46:33 PM- 5 Years on NN!!! | ||||||
It hardly seems possible that it is 5 years since i nervously uploaded my first ever photo to NN! I had always been fascinated by nudity but it was NN that provided a first outlet and also allowed me to combine my interest in photography. This place has really given me the confidence to go on and try many naked activities including spas, swimming sessions, gym sessions and the naturist club that I visit whenever I can. As you may be aware, my love of naturist massages inspired my current NN username! I have met so many wonderful people on this site; it has been said many times before that it is like a lovely community here and I want to thank you all for being here, and for all the wonderful words and comments that have been left on my profile, blog and pics! x Of course there have been many highs and lows; I have been hurt and have hurt others (for which I am eternally sorry) and I have taken breaks from this site. But somehow I could never stay away from here for too long and I am now very proud to add the 5 year shield to my others! I could write for hours about all my experiences here, and I have memories that I will treasure forever, but the past is the past and I am in a very good place right now. So instead of boring you with words, I will use pictures instead and I present the Natmass guide to creating a 5 year anniversary photo! First, you will need a suitable location and body; as you can see, this one is particularly hot (the radiator I mean, not the body!!) Next add a support and some candles from the local supermarket... Add a black backdrop, this is a simple blackout curtain... Switch the camera to black and white and lower the exposure a little... Next add a little hmm hmm "encouragement"! And we are almost ready... Just light the candles (make sure you have somewhere to dispose of the spent matches; I didn't! ) and the finished pic can be posted on NN..... [url][/url] Thanks for all the amazing comments and votes on this photo. NN shows it as my most popular pic ever! xxxxx | ||||||
Sunday, September 21, 2014, 6:45:07 PM- Equinox | ||||||
Just posting this because today is the Autumn Equinox and because this is from my all time instrumental/electronic album. Always lifts my spirits after a hard day. xxx | ||||||
Thursday, September 4, 2014, 11:43:17 PM- An amazing 12 months! | ||||||
1 year ago today I had an accident that put me in hospital for 3 weeks and it was by no means certain that I would get out in one piece. The details are all further down my blog for anyone that doesn't know them but I just wanted to say that things have gone from strength to strength since then. Recovery took quite a while and I am likely to still need an operation but right now I am feeling healthy and very happy. I have had the most amazing friendship, love and support from this place (you know who you are! x) and life is feeling really great again! I have even been attending naked classes at a gym! Thanks to you all for making this site the special place that it is - and here's to many more happy years on NN! Love and best wishes, xxx | ||||||
Monday, June 23, 2014, 12:39:22 AM- Birthday break | ||||||
AS explained in my previous blog, I have not been here as much as I would like recently as I have more medical tests and procedures to face soon. But I did take the opportunity to make the most of my good health recently to spend my birthday in Austria. It was a wonderful break and I am posting some pics here in the hope that you won't forget about me!! Nothing naughty here I'm afraid although I did have a wonderful naked sauna out there! I will post some more normal NN pics soon too!! Love and best wishes to all!! xxx | ||||||
Sunday, March 23, 2014, 5:32:29 PM- What happened next... | ||||||
It seems almost a lifetime ago (and as it turned out, it so very nearly was) that I was last here. In reality, it was actually just a few months ago but back then I simply couldn't have imagined what lay ahead. To cut a long story short, I had an accident abroad that involved me hitting a wall with my lower back. It certainly hurt but nothing that seemed exceptional (I had had much worse accidents and pain before) and there was not a single mark, scratch or bruise on my body anywhere. So I got up and tried to ignore it. But it soon became clear that the abdominal pain was not subsiding and I was strongly advised to get it checked. I agreed and an ambulance was called which took me to the local hospital. Still not too concerned, I was more annoyed with the fact this was taking up time that I could have been enjoying myself. But as more and more tests were done, ultrasound, x-ray and then CT scan; I began to realise that the staff had very serious expressions and that all was certainly not well. They told me that they couldn't believe what they were seeing and that this amount of damage (a grade 4 trauma) would normally need a high speed car crash or a gunshot wound! As I now know, my left kidney had been degenerating for decades, due to an obstruction preventing it draining. This meant that although it was still working, it was weaker that it should have been and was sometimes under higher pressure. So my fairly minor knock, combined with the state of the kidney meant that it virtually exploded, rupturing and creating a huge haematoma full of blood and urine that could potentially cause serious damage to my other organs. Worst of all, this meant that no operation to repair anything would be realistic in the short term as the risk of disturbing the haematoma would be far too high. You can live fine on one kidney, and my other was totally ok, but any surgery would be a huge risk at that point. As one doctor said to me, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. They decided to keep me still and under observation overnight. However, when a night shift doctor came on duty, she realised that even that was a risk and it was much better to get me to an expert asap. This involved a rushed 100km ambulance ride through the night to a bigger hospital where I found a full surgical team waiting for me; they had been sent the CT images ahead and realised that action was needed urgently. They decided that the haematoma had to be dealt with immediately and everything else would have to wait. So I was rushed into an operating theatre where they attempted to insert a catheter into my kidney to release the pressure. When I awoke from the general anesthetic, they did not look at all happy and rushed me to have another CT scan so they could view what they had done. This showed the catheter was not in the correct position and so after a quick local anasthetic, they cut me open again, whilst I was still in the scanner, to adjust the catheter. A few iterations of scan, cut, adjust, sew took place until they thought they had finally got it right. It was at this time that they also discovered that there appeared to me no connection between the kidney and bladder; another issue for another day.... So essentially my survival depended on the pressure in the kidney and resultant haematoma slowly being released through the catheter. Certainly a lot of blood did appear to be draining though that pipe and they put me to bed (it was 3am by now) and basically said I could not move at all for a few days; even a cough could potentially be dangerous. Lying on your back, thinking the worst when you are alone in a foreign hospital is a truly frightening experience. Any sleep I managed to get was just a few minutes at a time. But, four excrutiatingly long days later, I was still alive and so I was sent back for another CT scan and discovered that although the kidney was seriously fractured and was apparently not connected to the bladder, the swelling was much less so the late night procedure had worked and undoubtedly saved my life. I was then cleared to have an exploratory operation which took place 12 days after the accident. This was when they discovered the obstruction that I had always had without knowing. In total, I spent 19 days in hospital, of which 16 days were flat on my back. I had been very lucky in my life previously and not really had any major health issues or any time in hospital so this was quite a revelation. It certainly gave me a lot of time to think. At the beginning, when I wasn't sure I was going to make it, one of the hardest things to accept was the fact that I wouldn't get the chance to say goodbye and thanks to so many awesome people for being a part of my life. So I promised myself that if I got the chance, I would definitely come back here to let you all know what an important part of my life this place has been. The operation itself was an extremely stressful and emotional time; thank goodness for valium! But I have many other vivid memories of my time there; here are a few of the things that happened to me during my stay that will live with me for a long time to come, for a variety of reasons... Bed baths: Being washed from head to toe daily by the nurses was certainly interesting! I certainly can't say it was unpleasant but the feeling of helplessness does get to you; I sometimes managed to persuade them to let me wash myself although they generally stood by watching! Urinary catheter insertion: I'm sure many guys have had this done but my little friend had only been used for outbound traffic so far. The feeling of having lubricant pumped up then being "penetrated" by a plastic tube was quite a surreal experience. But as I had to stay in my hospital bed for 16 days, never feeling the need to urinate was certainly a blessing! The nurses accidentally pulling on the catheter when dressing me etc. was not quite so nice! Shaving: before the op, all body hair had to removed between waist and thighs; this is not an experience I am used to but the speed and efficiency of the young lady with her razor all over my "personal area", had to be seen to be believed. And to her credit, I ended up completely bald down there and without any shaving cuts or razor burns. It didn't itch too much as it grew back either! Intestine cleanout: again needed for the op; this consisted of having high power laxative inserted directly into the rectum and then not being allowed to "go" for at least 15 minutes. I managed half an hour, after which point the speed and power of the bowels emptying themselves was little short of explosive! Abdominal injections: To prevent my blood clotting whilst in bed so long, I had to have daily injections close to the belly button. I can't write much more about these except to say "ouch". After leaving hospital, I was given clearance to fly home a week later and since being back in the UK, I have made very many visits to a hospital here for tests and also to have the stent removed which was inserted during the operation. That required another general anaesthetic and they used that opportunity to get a camera into my kidney to see how things were. Although I am feeling much better now, the latest news I got is somewhat mixed. The kidney has repaired itself extremely well and there is no immediate danger. However, the underlying problem of the obstruction has not been cleared and so it looks like more surgery is on the cards. This was a real blow as I thought this whole chapter was finally coming to an end. I will have another test in a few months (I need a break from hospitals atm) and then will have to decide what to do..... In the mean time, the kidney is still slowly deteriorating even though I feel fine. But the main reason for coming back here now is to say a huge thank you for the amazing support I received from NN whilst in hospital. Every single message meant more to me than you can possibly imagine and they were all read countless times whilst I lay there. There were too many to list everybody, but I simply can't not mention Whispy, Celti and LadyV. It is just not possible to exaggerate the kindness that these 3 showed me. When times are tough you could simply not ask for better friends than these; they truly got me through the whole frightening experience. I also have to say that Tux and M&L went far beyond the call of duty with their kindness, and very special thanks to Roxy too for just being Roxy (truly an awesome human being). But as I said, every last message was appreciated so very much and every one of you has my deepest gratitude. I also need to send sincere apologies to an unbelievably special friend that I walked away from long before this all happened. You are one of the loveliest people I ever met and I hope I didn't hurt you (it just kills me to think I did); all I can say is that rejection hurts so much and that being just friends with somebody you adore beyond words is so incredibly difficult and painful. But I do want you to know that not having your friendship was the hardest thing ever and I paid an enormous price for what I did. I expect you have forgotten all about me now but if you read this then I do sincerely hope you are happy. xx So what next? NN will always hold a very special place in my heart. My life has changed in so many positive ways thanks to this site and some of the friends I have met on here are simply the most wonderful people I have ever known. But I do tend to be over sensitive and this place has also led to me getting badly hurt. Right now I need to concentrate on making a full recovery so please understand that I may not be back here that much for a while. I may post some more pics from time to time as I have always loved doing that. I don't look quite the same now but somebody told me recently that scars can look sexy so we will have to see what you think! The main thing is that life is getting back to normal and I am actually feeling happy and positive again recently. If anybody does ever want to get in touch, messages can be sent via finnude on here, a guy that I feel very lucky and privileged to call a good friend. Anyway, until we meet again, (and with just a couple of exceptions! ), I love and miss you all. xxxxx My CT Scan; normal kidney shown on the left and the mess I made of the other side All shaven for the op and with catheter inserted After the op, drain and life saving catheter My hand acting as a pseudo mouth! Bandages from op and the catheter now closed off The marks left from the attempts to insert the catheter into my side The scars after the bandages were removed The stent that was inside me for a few weeks | ||||||
Sunday, August 4, 2013, 5:37:04 PM- A fantasy! | ||||||
A fantasy story written for an exceptional and gorgeous young woman; but hoping that you all enjoy... ---------------------- As I wait nervously and excitedly in the hotel room, I look around for the thousandth time, checking that everything is just right. The music is still playing quietly and the candles are flickering around the room which is warming up nicely. I really want everything to be perfect and just as I decide to pour another drink, there is a gentle knock on the door. My heart skips a beat as I rush towards it, unable to wait a moment longer; I've been counting down the days to this evening for so long. As I open it, my eyes meet the most unbelievably ravishing sight. You are stood there looking absolutely divine and I am totally speechless; you smile back and it feels like a firework display in my heart. Words don't seem necessary and we simply smile as you come inside the room, your eyes looking around as you do. I am sure that I see a tiny grin on your beautiful face when you spot the king sized bed. My eyes can look nowhere but at you and as I take in how stunning you look, I notice that your clothes are just a little wet; I hadn't been paying attention to the weather outside but it seems that there is a little evening rain. Still lost for words, I reach over to kiss your slightly damp hair and as I do, I catch the gentle aroma of your perfume which is truly gorgeous; you smell almost as good as you look and are a true delight for all the senses. As my arms instinctively start to reach around you, you gently whisper, "aren't you going to help me out of these wet things". I don't need to be asked twice and my fingers reach up to unbutton your blouse, slowly and teasingly one by one, whilst my eyes continue to be transfixed by your beautiful smile. Meanwhile, you unfasten your skirt, let it slide down your legs to the floor and step out of it. The sight of you standing there in your underwear and shoes is simply breathtaking and I feel a lump in my throat as once again my arms reach around you and hold you as close to me as I can. My mouth can't resist getting involved too and I lean down and start to tenderly kiss your neck. You feel so wonderful against me and the excitement builds within me as I whisper into your ear "I need you SO badly!". "I think I can tell", you reply with a smile on your face as your eyes gaze downwards. I am only wearing a robe from the hotel spa and I realise that you have felt my "excitement" pushing against you. Not at all embarrassed, you continue to smile as you say, "so what do we have in here then?" as your hands grasp the cord of the robe and start to pull it slowly but firmly towards you. After a matter of seconds, the knot loosens and comes undone and the robe starts to open. "We don't need this" you say as your hands reach up and push it back off my shoulders. It falls to the floor and there I am, naked in front of you revealing how aroused I already am. You wink at me as you reach forward and our mouths find each other and we kiss passionately as if our lives depended on it. As the kiss continues, our hands start to explore each other's bodies; I feel your fingers gently caressing my chest and then down and around to my bottom as I stoke your silky belly, your sexy thighs and last but not least, the magnificent curves confined within your bra. I simply can't help wanting more so I reach around your back to unfasten the clasp. My hand then returns and slides inside one cup and I feel you shudder as my fingers first make contact with a nipple which feels firm to the touch. Inadvertently I let out a little moan as my hands enjoy the softness and warmth of your breasts; something that I have dreamed about for so long. As the kiss finally ends, we look deep into each other's eyes, now both full of desire. You slowly and tantalisingly remove your bra and I get to see the gorgeous feminine curves I have just been enjoying; they are absolutely sensational and even better in real life than all the wonderful pictures of them which I have adored for ages. As I gaze appreciatively at them, I start to feel your hands slide down my body until I sense your fingers expertly work their way along the length of my manhood sending delightful electric shocks throughout my body. The lust builds inside me and I can't stop myself from running my hands along the top of your knickers and then sliding my fingers inside, further and further down through the velvety softness until I start to sense a little moisture on my finger tip; that must be the sexiest feeling ever. I notice you close your eyes and your breath deepen slightly; "mmmmmmmmmmmm" is all I manage to say as my fingers start to explore your wet and warm pussy lips. At the same time, you have my cock in one of your hands and are stroking it gently back and forth as one finger from your other hand traces around the head, giving me unbelievably pleasurable feelings. My fingers are soaking now and I need to taste you so bad so I slip them out of your knickers and into my mouth. Wow, you taste better than I could possibly imagine and I know that I need more and more of your delightful nectar. However, before my hand can return back to enjoy that perfect pussy, I hear you whisper excitedly "my turn!" and I see you skillfully extract a huge drop of pre-cum from the tip of my cock with your fingers which you then slide seductively into your mouth. This sight is all too much for me and I start to kiss you once again; our tongues locked together but this time with the taste of our sexual fluids mingling in our mouths. As we stop for a quick breath, we both instinctively know what will happen next so together we hurriedly slide your knickers down and kick them aside as we almost run across the room, naked and hand in hand and we jump onto the bed. You lie down and once again I am just completely taken aback by how utterly adorable you look. I have such a strong urge to fuck you straight away but I am also desperate for another taste of you so I climb on top with my head reaching down between your thighs. Your pussy up close is truly one of the most gorgeous sights ever and as I kiss and lick your stomach and thighs, my mind is already thinking ahead as I imagine the delights that await me! Just before I give in to my urges and my tongue heads towards its ultimate destination, I feel you guiding my cock into your mouth and my whole body just shivers with delight. I can't resist any more and my tongue dives into your pussy, deeper and deeper; your sweet taste seems even more sensational than before and my tongue dives around lapping up every last drop it can find. All the time, the sensation of your mouth working on my cock is seriously hot and I know I have to be careful to keep control; I am now just so turned on! My tongue and lips play with your swollen clit and I feel you squirm with pleasure; I can sense my cock going deeper into your mouth and I start to make gentle thrusting actions which produce the most amazing physical sensations. We continue to lick and suck each other like crazy and then our hands join in too. You gently squeeze and caress my balls as I support myself on one arm and a finger on my other hand penetrates deep into you, whilst all the time my tongue continues teasing your clit and giving you as much pleasure as I can. I feel your body start to tremble and your legs spread wider and wider as the exquisite sensations build up within both of us; I become acutely aware that it is getting harder and harder to prevent my cock from delivering its huge load for you. Although I could so easily provide the release I desperately need, I also know that there is one place that I really want to cum and that is deep inside your extremely sexy body. Almost as if you read my mind, I feel my cock come out of your mouth and I hear the words I have so longed to hear, "Fuck me A___, fuck me now". There are no better offers than this anywhere so I oblige immediately, getting up, turning around and settling on my knees between your incredible thighs. As I look at you lying on the bed in front of me, with your legs spread, I feel a shiver run down my spine and I stop for just a short moment to take in the breathtakingly beautiful view that lies before me. But then my male needs start to kick in and I move forward on my knees and gently but firmly slide my extremely hard cock along your moist and inviting pussy lips. I hear a small gasp as I gently guide the head between them into the warmth and tightness that I have waited so long to experience. It feels as good as I could ever imagine and gets more and more exquisite as it slides deeper into paradise. Slowly at first and desperate not to over excite myself, I start gentle thrusting movements, teasing us both as we enjoy the wonderful sensations. But it doesn't last long before pure desire takes over and we start to make mad passionate love to each other; I thrust deeper into your gorgeous body and feel my balls bouncing delightfully off your soft adorable bottom. Despite the frantic and passionate thrusting, we still keep looking tenderly into each other's eyes and it is clear that this is far from a selfish act and we are both desperate to give maximum pleasure to each other. The only time we lose eye contact is when I can't resist moving closer and kissing you, our tongues embracing and exploring each other's mouths longingly once again. The action gets more frenzied and I feel more and more urges to reach the climax but I am so desperate to ensure that you get all the pleasure that you so richly deserve. As I thrust a little harder, my hands caress your nipples and your clit and you shudder once again. We are both heading towards the point of no return and I know that I can't last much longer. My eyes look at you almost begging for the release I need. You smile back and give a slight nod which I take as my permission to experience the most intense pleasure I will ever have. I see your eyes start to close, you let out a moan and at that point your body starts to spasm and I know you are just about to cum. The sight of such a gorgeous sexy woman experiencing these waves of pleasure is all I need to finally set me off and after a quick couple more thrusts, an intensive orgasm takes over me and I shoot load after load of thick creamy cum deep inside your delicious pussy, as your body writhes around enjoying every last second. The pleasure I feel is too incredible for words and it seems to continue for ages until I begin to feel lightheaded and I collapse on top of you, feeling drained but ecstatic. As I lie there in a daze of excitement and pleasure, I just want to thank you and express my feelings towards you. "I... I..." I start, my mind seemingly incapable of finding the words; but you just smile back at me and place your finger gently on my lips as you whisper "I know" softly into my ear. We cling to each other, as we both enjoy the afterglow of the passion and we finally start to relax, our arms wrapped around each other, snuggling and both feeling warm, protected and satisfied. I think to myself that it is hard to believe such a wonderful dream has come true - and was even better than I could have possibly imagined - when I catch a small glint in your eye that suggests to me that the evening's activities may be far from over..... | ||||||
Sunday, July 14, 2013, 11:08:37 PM- Animals! | ||||||
Away from nudity and naughty pics, I also like to photograph other things (even I put clothes on sometimes! ) and I am quite fond of animals so just thought I would share some of the animal pics I have taken, before I get round to posting some new naughty pics - hopefully very soon. Hope you enjoy! | ||||||
Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 10:53:19 PM- Holiday pics! | ||||||
Just some pics of my recent birthday trip to Germany. Was a special birthday this year; hope you like the pics! xxx | ||||||
Friday, May 17, 2013, 3:01:11 PM- Naturist Club | ||||||
As my friends (and anybody who has read my profile!) know, my naturist club means a lot to me. I just love being naked, free and escaping from the "real world". I spent the day there yesterday and rather unusually, despite being a rare warm and sunny day, it was quite empty. As I was often alone, I was able to sneak a couple of pics of myself (there is normally a no camera policy, understandably). I apologise for the quality of the pics which were just taken very quickly on an old phone but I wanted to post them here just to share a place that is an important part of my life. The last week has been a truly special one for me and to sunbathe naked by the pool in the countryside and thinking happy thoughts is simply awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone. | ||||||
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