Gift PremiumI love having fun and being with my friends, just hanging out and laughing. I think I can have fun almost anywhere.
- 47 years old
- Female
- Joined 21 years ago
beachdreamz's Blog
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Sunday, January 3, 2010, 4:39:31 AM- | ||||||
Howdy Howdy Howdy ![]() So now the holidays are over - woohoo although I must say going back to work on Monday is going to suck big time. In the past 4 weeks it was like this Week 1 - 4 days to work Week 2 - 1 day to work Week 3 - 3 days to work week 4 - 2 days to work Now I have to work a FULL 5 days for 2 weeks, then 3 1/2 the following week then I am off for 5 days to go to Miami ![]() Oh and Beach is no longer single. I am now in a relationship, well thats what facebook tells me. Sadly he umm lives in England so that kinda sucks but hes worth it. We wont be seeing eath other again for a few months so the web cam will be getting a work out. I can honestly say so far 2010 is 3948923487% better than 2009 (well minus my nephew being born). Oh and damn it!! Now that its no longer a year with "00" I cant use my boobs to make a pic for the year any more ![]() ![]() | ||||||
Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 12:14:49 AM- | ||||||
Imagine - a Monday and Im in a good mood ![]() What a change being happy really makes in ones life. I love being happy!! I wish doctors could write a prescription for it because I think everyone needs some in their lives. I have been on the opposite side of the fence and when there is no happiness it makes everything so dreary and just changes everything. Its been just over three years since I moved to Toronto and wow time flies. Sucks that I haven't seen any of my family or friends since then but this was the best choice I have ever made. So whats everyone asking for from Santa? Me I want a sexy man in a bow please and thank you ![]() ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 1:12:17 AM- | ||||||
So the urge to post is coming on strong again. The only issue is I really dont have the time to take any pics. But I feel bad reposting older pics. Hmmmm need to think about this. Maybe I just need some volunteer photographers? So its December today? Where the hell has the year gone? Most of the year was total crap but its become a lot better and December looks amazing ![]() My brain is all over the place tonight so I will end this bunch of jibberish. However I miss everyone here so if you remember me say Hi! ![]() | ||||||
Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 11:54:25 PM- | ||||||
So not making any promises or anything, but I went shopping this weekend in Buffalo and well hahaha you know me...lingerie, lingerie, shoes and lingerie. Im not sure yet but I *may* take a few pics in the outfits I got and just post them here for an opinion as to which is hotter. Because we all know I love to tease (heh heh) I will try to describe is underwear that tie at the sides and then a bustier top, and they are in a candy cane print. They also include red stay up fishnets and the garters to keep them all connected. The only problem is the top is a little loose so I tend to fall out a bit ![]() The other is a red silky/satin halter style baby doll that just lays so nicely over my boobs, and depending on how I move you get a peek. The skirt is short and w/o underwear you would get a full show. Add in a belt and black lacy stay up fishnets. Oh and probably looks best with high heeled boots. We shall see if I feel like taking pics some night. haha hey I blogged twice in one week so one never knows what to expect ![]() | ||||||
Sunday, October 25, 2009, 3:04:20 AM- | ||||||
Hehh I really suck at keeping my blog up and running on here! Opps. Do you still love me? Pleaseeeeeeeeee..pretty pretty please? Life here is pretty damn good I must say. I went to Vegas again and had a blast. My trip for next year is already planned ![]() So update me on some news would ya? I love hearing whats going on with everyone. Today one of my good friends from this site got married. After how much I liked him I thought this day would be miserable but Im so happy for him ![]() Now if you will excuse me Im going to cut this short as my best friend and I have been talking about sex all night and well I have something that needs to be taken care of ![]() Oh and did I see VB is back? That will make me one veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy happy girlie!!! | ||||||
Monday, June 1, 2009, 3:16:49 AM- | ||||||
Well how the hell are you? *blows off the cobwebs* I guess no one cleaned up in here while I've been MIA!! So whats new with you? Tell me all about it ![]() I am also going back to Vegas this summer -woooohooo! I can't wait to lay in the sun all day and just do absolutely fucking nothing. Oh well drink and flirt but I do those fairly effortlessly. Lets see what else is new - I still have kick ass friends I love to death, I was dating someone but thats over (haha opps- really I work on this area). Hockeys pretty much over but I have been to some Jays games and they are even doing fairly well which makes me smile ![]() Oh and I am *thinking* about maybe posting again sometime. I'm not sure yet but its under consideration. I kinda think I've already posted my body in every way possible and I don't think I can do much that is new but we shall see. So ---whos pregnant? Married?? Shagging the neighbour? Come on tell me all the juicy details people. Most of all tell me you missed me, or at least pretend damn it!!! | ||||||
Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 7:07:24 AM- | ||||||
Just stopping by to say Hi. Seeing as its 2:04 am I am obviously not working yet. Finding a job has been harder than I thought. I always bitched and moaned when I was at work how I would love to be a lady of leisure but Im bored out of my mind most of the time. Im not even crushing anyone at the moment which sucks mega ass because I am ALWAYS crushing on someone. Maybe when spring hits I will feel like dating again. haha you know you are boring when your own blog bores you ![]() ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 3:56:46 AM- | ||||||
I said in the last blog that the clouds have lifted..turns out I was oh so very wrong ![]() Today I got laid off from my job, completely out of the blue. I am done on Friday. I am 100% terrified right now. As much as I want to hold my nephew right now, I think I am at the breaking point and need someone to hold me instead. | ||||||
Saturday, January 24, 2009, 8:23:03 PM- | ||||||
Sso the clouds have lifted a little bit. Finally the bad stuff has seemed to stop *knock on wood* I have spoken to the guy I was dating on the phone and who knows. I don't see it working out sadly but you never know in time. Today however I have a whole new reason to smile. I am now one veryyyyyyyyyyy proud aunt. My sister in law gave birth this morning to a healthy baby boy and I know my brother is probably one of the happiest men in Canada at the moment. I would give anything to be there and hold the baby and hug my brother but he knows I am there is spirit. Babies just make me smile and I have a smile from ear to ear right now ![]() | ||||||
Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 10:55:50 PM- | ||||||
I havent been on lately because my life has just been complete hell. Honestly 2009 can kiss my fucking ass. So far in the past few weeks 2 friends died, my step mother passed away and its caused yet even more trouble for me and my family, a friends father passed away suddenly, my 17 year old niece has ran away and is in some mega trouble, my boyfriend (yeah I had one finally) broke up with me and fuck knows what else has happend. I feel like a transfer truck hit me and sent me into lake that I cant make my way out of. I really liked this guy and I just dont understand the break up. I dont even think he wanted to but whats done is done. He wants to be friends or try again possibly in time but I had to say no. I know me and I will wait around and I will always hope and thats not fair. All I know is in the past few weeks I imagine I have kept the kleenex company in business. If I am in for 12 months of this I dont think I have the strength to do it. Brokenhearted Brokendown ![]() | ||||||
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