Gift PremiumMadly, passionately, head-over-heels in love with her_poohbare. We don't cam, chat or IM. Don't ask. If I don't know you from the forum, chat or status, I won't accept your friend request. I prefer my friend list to contain actual friends. Beware: I'm moody.
- 60 years old
- Female
- Joined 16 years ago
his_princess's Blog
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Saturday, April 26, 2014, 1:06:53 AM- | ||||||
Turning 50 seems to have had quite an effect on me. I finally realized I have more years behind me than I do ahead. It's been a pretty good motivator. There's a 24 hour gym nearby which suits my rotten sleep patterns. I'm able to get over there and work out, get home and shower, set up Mom's meds, and take a short nap before she wakes and my "real" day begins. I'm taking it slow and increasing my workout steadily. I hope to start seeing real results soon, but getting healthy is the primary goal. Mom continues to go downhill and has reached the stage where she's very combative about pretty much everything. She knows who I am some of the time. Otherwise, I'm just some lady who's always around making her do horrible things like eat and bathe. It is what it is. We're starting to plan our projects around the house for this summer. There are a ton of little things that need done and one or two big things, so we're prioritizing and figuring out what is more urgent and what can wait. I really want to paint the exterior - especially since Poohbare said we'd rent a sprayer. I'm not sure if he'd let me use it, cuz I'm likely to spray paint on more than just the house and really can't be trusted to act like an adult. Speaking of paint, my canvases are temporarily on hold while I deal with more pressing matters. I'm eager to get back to my easel, but that will have to wait a bit longer. And life goes on. Hugs, HP | ||||||
Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 3:49:06 PM- | ||||||
So I'm doing pretty well this week with the Chantix. I'm down from 2 packs a day to less than one pack yesterday. I think it's gonna work! *fingers crossed* Thank you for your messages of support. They mean a lot and are greatly appreciated. Hugs, HP | ||||||
Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 10:53:38 AM- | ||||||
Yeah...so...I started taking Chantix last week with the hope that I'll finally be able to quit smoking. I'm down to half of what I was smoking last week, so that's a huge improvement. I find it utterly fascinating how much the urge to light up is suppressed. It's pretty damn cool! I was worried about all the potential side effects of the med, but so far so good. I tend to have pretty vivid dreams and that was a HUGE concern, but I've not noticed any problems there; I'm actually sleeping better and dreaming less - or at least not remembering the dreams when I wake. I was also concerned about possible major depression, but that hasn't manifested either. Perhaps the sense of wonder at not wanting a smoke all the time is offsetting the other stuff. *shrug* Who knows. What I DO know is that I'm filled with hope that I can kick the habit. 35 years is long enough. Hugs, HP | ||||||
Monday, April 21, 2014, 12:45:31 AM- | ||||||
As usual, spring fever has hit, and so have seasonal colds. Poohbare and I have been non-stop snot factories for the last few weeks. Ew. Anyway, I've already got a bunch of the flower beds fixed up and seeded, hoses strung and staked down, shrubs pruned, and general cleanup is finished. Inside, I've almost done with a thorough deep cleaning and all I have left for tomorrow is to wash all the curtains and scrub the windows. Whew! The Celebrex has made a huge difference with my mobility and has cleared up 80% of the arthritic stiffness. Of course, the nerve damage in my limbs is here to stay, but you learn to work around that the best you can. We spent a few hours at the shop today and got some stuff organized, set up a new storage cabinet and filled it, and did some cleaning there. I can't believe the shop has been open almost a whole year already! Time flies. Hope all is well with you. xoxo HP | ||||||
Sunday, April 6, 2014, 12:52:19 AM- | ||||||
Well, I got the car put back together in a mere 1 1/2 hours and it's running fine. Whew! Today I woke up and said to myself: Self, that backyard needs some work. How bout we rip all the sod out along the fenceline and plant flowers? And Self agreed. So then I said to myself: Self, how bout we make that area about 12-18 inches wide so we can put in LOTS of flowers. I mean LOTS of flowers. And like a dumbass, Self agreed again. I pondered how much time it would take and how much work it would be to clear the sod and till the dirt and was about to toss the plan in the trash when Self piped up with "you should rent some sort of motorized garden tool." Good idea! I made some calls and got some prices and said to myself: Self, at these prices, I may as well BUY one. Think of all the use I can get out of it. Self, of course, agreed. I now have a lil garden tiller. It's nothing fancy but dayum it chewed up the grass and dirt like a champ! Tomorrow the planting begins.... if I can move my arms. oops Hugs, HP | ||||||
Thursday, April 3, 2014, 1:02:02 AM- | ||||||
In today's edition of Handy Dandy Automotive Tips we'll discuss the 1997 Chevy Lumina and how the designers had their heads COMPLETELY up their asses. I'll preface this by saying I'm not a car repair kind of gal. I'm ok with tire pressure, wiper blades, washer fluid and adding gas, but that's about it. I had a car for several years in which I never did find the damn oil dipstick. S'ok. The light would come on and I'd add more. Problem solved. Anyway, Spawn's car died the other day. Naturally, Poohbare is out of town. I check this and that and, based on my encyclopedic repair knowledge, I determined it's probably a dead battery. No problem! Now where are those jumper cables? Oh yeah... in Poohbare's trunk 350 miles away. No problem! I buy new cables. I've never personally connected the things before. (With some things I prefer to be a "helpless" female. Never changed a tire either. Go me!) So I read the instructions carefully and.... nothing happens. Hmmmm Double- and triple-check everything and... nothing. Hmmmm Well, I'll just take out the battery and run it to the parts store and have it checked. *pats self on back for being smartical* This was when I REALLY started looking at the utterly and completely fucked up engine design that's in front of me. [insert colorful language here] The car has now thrown down the gauntlet. Challenge accepted! [IMG]http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r620/stupidstuff0102/lumina_zps5330e091.jpg[/IMG] See that thing the arrow is pointing at? That's the windshield washer fluid reservoir. See that bar running diagonally? That's a locking bracket that goes over the reservoir. Guess where the battery is. UNDER THE FREAKING RESERVOIR. Yeah. So... I soak all the bolts with WD-40, get the locking bar off, get the reservoir loosened and... oh hey it won't come out cuz the friggin fuse box is in the way. Get the fuse box moved, the reservoir off and what do I find? Another fuckin locking bracket for the battery. Grrrrr No problem! Soak those bolts down, get two of em off and... oh hey, looky there... a third bolt waaaaaaay down there in that narrow space. Back to the garage to dig out all the friggin sockets and clicky handle thingies we own and try to figure out what goes with what. Run back to the hardware store with socket and clicky handle and explain the problem. Apparently what I needed was an "extension" or some technical term like that. Two and one-half hours later, I finally get the battery out of the damn car. ffs If anyone reading this was on the design team, keep it to yourself. I'm likely to punch you in the throat. No, I don't know if the car works now. I'll deal with it in the morning. I need a nap. On a brighter note, I didn't break a nail or even chip the polish. #winning xoxo HP | ||||||
Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 8:00:30 PM- | ||||||
Yeah....so....the other day I was hanging out on a site that I love, watching the bloodbath and laughing. I swear, the folks there make the meanest day on the forum here look like a warm cuddle. They are ruthless! (It's totally not a naked-people-site, btw. This is important to know for the next paragraph of this blog.) ANYway, the convo turned and twisted and next thing I know they're making references to "Goatse". I'm thinkin.... Oh no they dint! But they totally did! They actually went there! Now for those of you who don't know who/what I mean by Goatse, go google it for yourself cuz I'm not namedropping one of NN's most beloved members. Those of you who know... KNOW. There were laments that the original posting site was closed down (I didn't fact check this) and I'm laughing and sitting on my hands because what I want most to do is type in a sing-song voice (yes, that can be done) "I know where he i-i-i-i-i-is!" Still giggling, HP | ||||||
Sunday, March 9, 2014, 2:24:38 AM- | ||||||
Ah.... the "Terrible Twos" have arrived in full-force! Hmmmm.... the "Terrible Eighty-Twos" is technically more accurate, but doesn't have the same ring to it. Four score and two years ago.... bah. Whatever. Mom slips more and more into her dementia. I had some stuff typed out on that topic, but no, I'll keep that to myself. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I've been keeping busy with my painting and quilting and slow descent into madness. Hugs, HP | ||||||
Friday, March 7, 2014, 1:29:29 AM- | ||||||
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Thursday, March 6, 2014, 1:20:38 AM- Stolen from facebook | ||||||
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